
  • 网络effective consumption
  1. 我国GDP水平偏低,导致大众体育消费的有效消费不足;

    The lower level of GDP in China resulted in the insufficiency of effective consumption for mass sports .

  2. 市场分析师将这种不温不火的表现归咎于有效消费的缺乏和全球市场不确定性的上升。

    Market analysts attribute the tepid performance to a lack of effective consumption and rising uncertainty in global markets .

  3. 政府支出与居民消费:替代或互补&基于非线性有效消费函数的实证

    Government Expenditure and Resident Consumption : Substitution or Mutual-complement & An Empirical Research Based on Nonlinear Effective-Consumption Function

  4. 影响物价走低是低端商品供过于求,有效消费主体的瓶颈制约;

    Prices'drop is due to supply over demand for the low-end goods ," bottleneck " effect of effective consumption ;

  5. 消费者需求从生存、发展到自我实现的途径在很大程度上是通过有效消费休闲方式与产品实现的。

    The development of consumer needs from survival to development , and to self-realization is , to a large extent , realized by effective leisure activities and products .

  6. 创业型经济带动原有市场的有效消费与新兴市场的潜在消费,二者的合力成为启动内需的关键举措。

    Entrepreneurship economy will bring the original and effective consumer and emerging markets , the potential consumption , both together to become a key initiative to expand domestic demand .

  7. 请消费者持当日有效消费凭据,在花园城中心总服务台录入积分。

    Customers are kindly requested to take the valid receipt to have their respective bonus points booked into the registration records at the information desk of Garden City Center .

  8. 制约有效消费需求的因素主要有:居民收入量及其变动,收入分配状况,消费者预期,供给状况等。

    The factors in restricting effective consume needs are : the quantity of citizen 's income and its change , the situating of distribution of income , the expectation of consumers and the supplying .

  9. 但过分悬殊的收入差距则不仅会影响人们的社会心理,不利于提高有效消费,而且可能产生畸形的位置消费行为,甚至会因此影响社会的稳定。

    But excessive gap will not only have negative influence on people 's social psychology and the improvement of real consumption , but also lead to malformed positional consumption behavior , even lead to the problem of social stability .

  10. 在我国居民消费结构升级、经济社会发展的新阶段,消费者需求从生存、发展到自我实现的途径在很大程度上依赖有效消费休闲方式与产品实现。

    In this new stage when the economy , society and the closely related consumption structure are under development , consumer needs , following the path from survival , development to self-realization , largely rely on valid consumption leisure activities and their corresponding implementations .

  11. 借助美国学者路易斯·拉斯(LouiseRaths)等人提出的价值澄清理论,不仅在学校和家庭,也要通过政府、社区、民间机构、企业和大众媒体发挥作用,对中小学生开展切实有效的消费教育。

    Drawing support from the theory of value clarification advanced by American scholar Louise Raths , the article considers the governments , the communities , people 's organizations , enterprises and the press must play their roles and give practical and effective consumption education in addition to schools and families .

  12. 能有效发挥消费制度功能的制度是好的消费制度。

    A good consumption institution is the one that can work efficiently in functions .

  13. 合理有效的消费增长是保证国民经济健康持续发展的推动力。

    Increasing of reasonable and effective consumption is the motive force for the sustainable development of national economy .

  14. 消费能力是指消费者所具备的善于消费以及有效使用消费对象的知识和才能。

    The ability of consumption refers to the knowledge and ability owned by consumer to be good at consumption and use consuming object effectively .

  15. 明确个人消费信贷业务市场定位;从严治贷,强化管理,有效防范消费信贷风险。

    Under-standing the function in the market of individual consumption loan business accurately and ( 4 ) strengthening management to prevent consumption loan risk efficiently .

  16. 联邦储备局放松银根的措施有效刺激消费信心,其成效更可能超越大部分人的预期。

    Monetary easing by the Federal Reserve Board has been effective , probably to an extent beyond the expectations of many , in boosting consumer confidence .

  17. 从增加居民收入,稳定居民消费,扩大需求,降低居民间的消费差距,通过有效的消费信贷制度,完善资本市场等。

    From increased income , stabilize consumption , expanding domestic demand and reduce the consumption gap between the residents , through effective consumer credit system , improve the capital market .

  18. 资料探勘能从资料中找出显著且有效的消费行为或模式,能赋予企业更多的经营智慧。

    The data mining will be able to discover the obvious expense behavior or the pattern from the data , will be allowed enable the enterprise to have the more marketing strategy policy .

  19. 有效扩大居民消费,实现经济平稳较快发展

    Expand the Resident 's Consuming to Realize Economic Development Steadily and Rapidly

  20. 他表示,这样做可以有效地控制消费。

    It can effectively control consumption , he said .

  21. 有效供给对消费意愿有正的效应,但系数并不显著。

    Effective supply on consumption have positive effect to , but coefficient was not significant .

  22. 能源效率被认为是有效降低能源消费,减少环境污染的重要途径。

    Energy efficiency was found to be effective in reducing energy consumption , reducing environmental pollution .

  23. 作为扩大需求的有效途径的消费热点就具有了研究的价值。

    As the effective ways to expand demand of consumption hot spots , has some research values .

  24. 应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。

    Otherwise , government consumption level should be adjusted to keep the total consumption rate at a proper level .

  25. 社会资金转移能够有效地刺激消费,同时保护穷人避免危机的最坏影响。

    Social transfers have been effective in both stimulating spending and protecting the poor from the worst effects of the crisis .

  26. 从货币职能推论的结果是,没有一个覆盖全民的社保体系,消费有后顾之忧,则无法有效调动内需消费。

    The result derived from the monetary function is that inland consumption cannot be brought into play without a sound social security system .

  27. 因此,为有效拉动居民消费需求保持经济增长,必须缩小收入差距。

    It means that in order to effectively boost consumer demand to maintain economic growth , we need to narrow the income gap .

  28. 只有采用非传统的高新环境能源技术才能有效解决能源消费对环境造成的严重污染。

    Only the use of non-traditional energy technologies , high-tech environment in order to effectively address the energy consumption on the environment caused by pollution .

  29. 采取有效措施扩大消费,增强消费对经济增长的拉动作用,是缓解这一矛盾的根本出路。

    To take effective measures to expand consumption , increased consumption on the role of economic growth is the fundamental way to alleviate this contradiction .

  30. 政府通过实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,意图通过扩大政府投资、降低利率等手段来有效地拉动消费需求和投资需求,以促进国民经济的增长。

    By implementing positive finance policy and stable monetary policy , the government attempted to effectively stimulate the consumption and investment demand by means of expanding governmental investment .