
yǒu xiào xū qiú
  • effective demand
  1. 而影响有效需求的主要动力因素是GDP、城镇居民可支配收入与储蓄、城镇人口、税率、利率、价格预期。

    The most important factor is effective demand which is determined by GDP , disposable income and deposit of townspeople , urban population , tax rate , interest rate , price expectation .

  2. 不过,一些自诩为这位英国经济学家追随者的人目前发起了一项行动,淡化他对于有效需求的分析,而支持所谓的动物精神(AnimalSpirits)。

    Yet there is now a campaign by some who regard themselves as his followers to play down the British economist 's analysis of effective demand in favour of something they call animal spirits .

  3. 积极财政政策是凯恩斯有效需求不足理论在现实中的运用发展,通过IS-LM曲线可以看出政策效果与其之间的关系。

    In fact applying activity fiscal policy expand the theory of valid demand lacking .

  4. 中国大陆有效需求不足的成因分析

    An analysis on the causes of effective demand lacking in China

  5. 科技有效需求与农业科技体制改革

    Effective demand for science-technology and institutional reform of agricultural science-technology

  6. 基于灰色关联的房地产市场有效需求分析研究

    Effective Demand Analysis of Real-estate Market Based on Grey Relation

  7. 扩大有效需求是最基本的对策。

    The basic countermeasure for the situation is to enlarge effective demand .

  8. 有效需求不足严重制约了我国国民经济的发展。

    The insufficient demand is the obstacle of the current economic development .

  9. 有效需求不足下可持续性财政政策的选择空间

    Orientation of Sustainable Financial Policy under the Condition of Insufficient Effective Demand

  10. 合作广告对扩大产品的有效需求具有十分重要的意义。

    Cooperative advertising has important significance in expanding product demands .

  11. 目前,有效需求不足的问题仍然存在。

    At present , the problem of lacking efficient demand still exists .

  12. 这些分析为如何扩大有效需求做了理论铺垫。

    Those analyses make the basis for how to enlarge effective demand .

  13. 静态决定机制不考虑预期和有效需求的影响。

    The static part omits the influences of expectations and effective demand .

  14. 有效需求不足、体制性障碍与现代物流业发展&基于广东佛山市的调查分析

    Inadequate Effective Demand , Institutional Obstacles and Modern Logistics Development

  15. 基于知识发现的商品住宅有效需求趋势预测方法

    A Knowledge Discovery Way for the Demand Trend Forecast of Commercial Domicile

  16. 技术有效需求与供给的机理研究

    The Research on Mechanism in Effective Technology Demand and Supply

  17. 开发特色险种,引导有效需求;

    Develop characteristic insurance , guide the effective demand ;

  18. 提高内蒙古经济的增长质量需要从改善供给和扩大有效需求两个方面着手。

    Improving economic growth quality needs to change supply and expand effective demand .

  19. 扩大内需政策的两大局限及其对策对我国有效需求不足原因的探讨

    On the Two Limitations of the Domestic Demand Extension Policy & the Countermeasures

  20. 谈供需均衡机制下的有效需求

    Efficient Demand in the Supply - Demand Balance Mechanism

  21. 而有效需求单一和不足则是林业矛盾的主要方面。

    The contradictions embody the lack and non-diversification of effective demand for forestry .

  22. 对凯恩斯有效需求理论的制度修正&兼谈我国当前有效需求不足及治理

    The System Revising to Keynes ' Valid Requirement Theory

  23. 目前有效需求不足的实证分析

    An positive Analysis of the Current Inadequacy of the efficient Demand of Consumpition

  24. 积极拓展房地产市场有效需求

    Positively Extending Effective Demand of Real & Estate Market

  25. 产业结构调整:治理有效需求不足的根本举措

    Restructuring of the Industries : Key Resolve of the Inadequacy of Effective Demands

  26. 有效需求不足影响经济增长。

    The inadequacy of effective demands hinders economic growth .

  27. 对有效需求原理的认识和思考

    Understanding and Thinking of the Theory of Effective Demand

  28. 货币供应量过少,有效需求不足是其发生的直接原因;

    The shortages of currency supplying and the effective needs are its direct causes ;

  29. 需求方面则主要是有效需求主体缺失所导致。

    In demand of accounting information the reason is lack of effective demand parties .

  30. 创造和实现有效需求是应对全球经济危机的必然选择

    Creation and Realization of Effective Demand : Inevitable Choice in Handling Global Economic Crisis