
  • 网络medical consumption;Medical Treatment Consume
  1. 克服了医疗消费中以医方为主导的对患者的诱导消费及替代需求,实现了符合患者本意的本我需求;

    Overcome medical treatment consume inside then cure square is predominant consume to sufferers inducements and " act for need ", realizes to match the sufferer original meaning " ego need ";

  2. 认为:单病种最高限价克服了患者在医疗消费中信息劣势这一市场常态,真正实现了医疗消费的公开、透明;

    This be : The single disease grows the tallest price control overcame the sufferer in medical treatment consume information bad situation this " market normal ", real realizes the medical treatment consume public and transparent ;

  3. 城镇居民医疗消费行为模型的理论与实证研究

    An Theoretical and Empirical Study on Medical Consumption Behavior in Citizens

  4. 基于体验视角的医疗消费需求实证分析

    Based on Experience Angle of Empirical Analysis of Medical Consumption Demand

  5. 3合理医疗消费的机制基本建立。

    The mechanism of reasonable medical consumption was founded basically .

  6. 军队医院医疗消费改革中的微观模拟模型应用研究

    The Application of Microanalysis Simulation Model in Medical Consumption Reform of Military Hospitals

  7. 镇江市城镇参保职工医疗消费综合分析

    Analysis of Medical Expenses of Insured Government Employees and Workers in Zhenjiang City

  8. 上海职业女性医疗消费的现状及发展趋势

    The Present Condition and Development Trend of Medical Consumption in Shanghai Professional Women

  9. 实行最低医疗消费对医疗卫生服务利用的影响分析

    Impact of the lowest consumption on medical service welfare

  10. 医疗消费及相关问题探讨

    Discussion on Medical consumption and relevant issues

  11. 我国居民医疗消费与收入关系协整研究

    On the Cointegration of the Relationship between Health Care Consumption and Income of Chinese Citizens

  12. 目的探讨合理行动在医疗消费行为研究中的应用。

    Objective To explore the application of theory of reasoned action in medical consumption behavior research .

  13. 建立个人医疗消费信用评价制度保障医院合法权益

    Establish Personal Consumption Credit Assessment System in Medical Treatment Safeguard Hospital 's Lawful Rights and Interests

  14. 利用2002&2004年昆明市参保人员的医疗消费数据,对退休职工与在职职工的参保情况进行比较分析。

    The article compares and analyzes the present situation by 2002 & 2004 Kunming 's medical expenditure data .

  15. 公共基金更应该关注那些经济承担能力最低的医疗消费人群。

    Public subsidies should instead be targeted on these least able to afford health insurance or health care .

  16. 市镇人口的人均医疗消费大约是乡村人均医疗消费的3倍;

    Urban residents ' per capita medical expenses was about 3 times as much as that of rural residents ;

  17. 医疗消费作为个人生活消费的重要组成部分,越来越受到人们的关注。

    Medical consumption has been more and more concemed by people as an important part for individual life consumption .

  18. 医疗消费的不确定性和医疗信息的不对称性使他成为医疗消费的主导方。

    Uncertainty of medical consumption and unsymmetry of medical information make health care provider become the dominating part of medical consumption .

  19. 单病种最高限价对医疗消费中医患关系的影响探析

    The Single Disease Grows the Tallest Price Control to Consume the Influence Discussion And Analysis the Physician-patient Relationship in the Medical Treatment

  20. 医疗消费具有三个特殊性,医患双方的知识和信息不对称;医患双方处于主体与代理人的关系;

    Medical consumption has three characteristics : asymmetric knowledge and information , principal and agent relationship and risk of diseases and finance .

  21. 结果回代样本和全部例数的实际费用与建立病例组合后的标准费用相比,标准费用可以解释医疗消费70%以上的费用;

    Results In verified sample , the actual cost of all the cases was compared with the standard cost after establishing case-mix groups .

  22. 最后,本文在对我国农村居民医疗消费行为有了充分的分析和研究的前提下,有针对性地提出了一些政策性建议。

    At last , under the thorough analysis on China rural area individual medical consuming behavior , this paper tries to give some suggestions .

  23. [目的]对肿瘤患者的就医行为进行调查分析,掌握他们的医疗消费需求,以便医院管理者及其医务人员更好地为其提供医疗服务。

    By analyzing tumor patients'consumer behavior , we understand their requirements , which will help hospitals'managers and doctors to improve their managements and services .

  24. 例如,重庆市正在进行医疗消费券试点,让妇女得到更好的产后护理服务和儿童营养补充品。

    In Health , coupon programs are being piloted in Chongqing , allowing mothers to better access post-natal care services and child nutritional supplements .

  25. 接口软件必须达到3个要求:医疗消费数据的唯一性、医保系统的安全性、高效快速的性能。医保系统与医院系统的接口采用3种方案:无缝、数据扫描、数据包交换。

    Interface softwares must meet 3 requirements : uniqueness of medical consumption data , security of medical insurance information management system and high efficiency and speed .

  26. 将各因素按照医疗消费行为特点归为供方因素和需方因素两个方面,通过不同的模型找出具有显著作用的变量,同时测度其效应的相对大小。

    We classify different factors into Supplying Factors and Demanding Factors , and find out significant variables through several models as well as measure their relative effects .

  27. 从博弈分析得出医疗消费市场诚信构建的关键是建立个人医疗消费信用制度,设定个人的信用评价指标及评分方法,按个人医疗消费信用评级的等级配合设置相应的信用政策。

    From the analysis of game playing , we know the key is to establish a feasible credit assessment system factors and methods to allocate credit policy .

  28. 分析结果表明:人口结构的变化对消费产生了重大影响,在日本随着人口老龄化的深化,医疗消费支出及居家支出增加,教育支出是先呈现上升趋势,随后转向下降趋势。

    In Japan , with serious aging population , medical consumption and home expenses have increased , the education spending has tended to rise and then turned downward trend .

  29. 目的:了解社区老年医疗消费情况,为社区护理发展及护理干预提供依据。

    Objective : In order to know the situation of the fee - for-service of the elderly in cantonal community and advice for progress in community and nursing intervention .

  30. 另外还需要通过费用分摊机制减少患方的过度医疗消费行为导致的道德风险,以控制费用不合理的增加。

    Besides , we should use the expenses-sharing mechanisms to reduce the risk of moral hazard from the excessive medical spending behavior , to control the unreasonable increased expenses .