
  • 网络Pharmaceutical Industry
  1. 中国鼓励外商投资医药行业

    China encourages foreign businesses to invest in pharmaceuticals industry

  2. 影响我国医药行业创新能力关键因素分析&美国的经验和启示

    Research on the Key Influencing Factors of Innovation Ability of Pharmaceuticals Industry in China

  3. 医药行业非常复杂,很难进入。

    The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate .

  4. 维生素E及其衍生物维生素E聚乙二醇1000琥珀酸酯在医药行业中的应用琥珀酸二烷基酯磺酸盐

    Application of Vitamin E and its derivatives tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on Medication dialkyl sulfosuccinic salt

  5. 我国医药行业应对WTO的思考我国医药行业八五成就和发展规划

    Achievements of China 's medicine trade in the course of 8th Five-Year Plan and its further development programme

  6. 此次的收购控股,可以令三星和菲利普,西门子,和GE一样,在医药行业,有更开放的竞。

    Such an acquisition could bring Samsung into open competition in the medical sector with Philips , Siemens and GE .

  7. 同时构造了基于数据仓库的医药行业企业信息门户的基本模型,并通过构造相关的医药行业企业的决策树和聚类算法,利用XML语言,实现了相互异构的Web数据挖掘。

    In this paper , XML is used to mine heterogeneous data , and the medicine trade EIP system is realized by designing the medicine trade decision tree and the clustering algorithm .

  8. 阐述加入WTO后中国医药行业面临的抉择,对我国医药业现状进行分析。

    This paper presents analyses on the choices of tile Chinese medical profession after China 's joining WTO , and on the present conditions of the chinese medical profession .

  9. 该产品于2003年经国家级行业权威人士组织鉴定,符合医药行业“GMP”标准要求。

    This product is evaluated by National level Authoritative Person in2003 and conforms to " GMP " standard .

  10. 方法:从世界医药行业发展的两大趋势出发,分析加入WTO将给我国医药企业带来的深远影响。

    METHODS : Proceeding from two trends of the development of pharmaceutical industry in the world , we analysed the profound influence brought by WTO entry on China 's pharmaceutical enterprises .

  11. 因此CLA被食品添加剂行业、医药行业、保健品行业广泛关注。

    Therefore CLA by food additives industry 、 pharmaceutical industry 、 health care products industry wide attention .

  12. 在我国加入WTO之后,各个行业都在发生深刻变化,尤其引人注目的是医药行业。从价值链角度看,中国医药行业正处在剧烈“洗牌”之中。

    With the membership of the WTO , China has seen great changes in various sectors , especially in the medicine sector , which is experiencing drastic shuffling in the aspect of chain-value .

  13. 从改革开放以来,我国医药行业得到了快速发展,医药行业GDP增幅始终高于全国总GDP的增幅,呈现出良好的发展态势。

    Since the policy reform and opening up , Chinese pharmaceutical industry has been developing rapidly , the pharmaceutical industry GDP grow is much higher than the national GDP growth .

  14. 综述了中国医药行业的产业特性、市场状况、存在问题,介绍了加入WTO对我国医药行业的影响及我国医药行业的发展趋势。

    In this paper , the characteristic , market status and main problem of Chinese medical industry is introduced , and the development currency and the influence of WTO on Chinese medical industry is recommended .

  15. 根据国金证券(sinolinksecurities)的预计,医药行业的利润年增长率将达到25%。

    Profits in the sector are expected to rise 25 per cent a year , according to Sinolink securities .

  16. CMI报告表明,信息产业和医药行业尤其对女性不利,尽管据推测形势不如采煤业那么糟糕。

    The CMI says IT and pharmaceuticals are particularly bad for women , though presumably not as bad as coalmining .

  17. 中国加入WTO,使我们置身于经济全球化的环境中,竞争力相对薄弱的医药行业将面临严峻的挑战,这对药学专业人才的培养也提出了更高的要求。

    China joins WTO , It makes us place ourself in the environment of the economic globalization , the medical trade with relatively weak competitiveness will face the severe challenge , this has put forward higher demand for cultivation talents in pharmacy speciality .

  18. 中国中药协会的FangShuting称:传统中药拥有知识产权,在世界医药行业非常有竞争力。

    Fang Shuting with China Association of TCM said : Traditional Chinese medicine owns intellectual property rights and is very competitive in the worlds medical industry .

  19. 加入WTO以后,我国医药行业面临新的机遇与挑战,营销渠道在未来竞争中的地位将越来越重要,在一定程度上,谁拥有良好的渠道,谁就能赢得市场。

    After entering into WTO , the medicine industry in our China is confronted with new opportunities and challenges , Marketing channel will become more and more important in the future competition . Usually , the one who have the good channel win the race .

  20. GMP是医药行业对药品生产质量管理的规范,质量管理和质量保证系列标准(简称ISO9000系列)是国际上物品生产通用的质量管理和质量保证的规范。

    GMP is the standard for quality control in drug production . Quality control and quality assurance serial standard ( ISO9000 ) is in common use in the world as the standard of manufacture of products .

  21. 尤其在1992年WHO对GMP采用了ISO9000系列中的质量保证的措施,因此在医药行业了解ISO9000系列标准更有必要。本文简介了1992年WHO对GMP与ISO9000系列标准的主要内容和一些基本观点。

    The measures of quality assurance in ISO9000 was adopted by WHO GMP in 1992 , therefore we should be familiar with ISO9000 . This paper briefly presents the content and main points of view of WHO GMP and ISO9000 .

  22. 同时,在我国整个医药行业中,正面临着对GMP、GSP的认证,它们更需要企业对生产到流通过程进行全面规范化的管理,对药品的生产和经营进行严格的控制。

    At the same time , the whole pharmaceutical industry is facing the GMP and GSP certification , which requests integrated and standardized managements in the processing of production and currency and requires strict control of pharmaceutical production and sale .

  23. IBS招投标系统的实现为药业公司的药品招投标管理工作提供了一条高效、便捷的途径,对于医药行业的信息化建设而言,本项目的研究具有重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    IBS bidding system for the realization of the drugs pharmaceutical companies bidding to provide the management of an efficient and convenient way for the pharmaceutical industry in terms of the information of this research project has important practical significance and value .

  24. 在实证研究部分,依照知识的密集程度选取医药行业、钢铁行业和纺织行业的上市公司作为计量的样本公司,并采用改进后的CIV法对样本公司的智力资本进行了计量。

    In the part of empirical study , I choose listed companies of Pharmaceutical , Steel and Textile industries as the sample companies according to the grade of knowledge intensity and applied improved CIV method to measure them .

  25. 对两类企业负债结构进一步发现:3C行业短期借款比例呈下降趋势,长期借款比例呈上升趋势;而生物医药行业与之相反。

    Furthermore , we compare the debt structure between 3C industry and biology industry , and find out that the short-term debt ratio of 3C has an upward trend , while the long-term debt ratio has a downward trend . However , the situation of biology industry is reverse .

  26. l、本文分析了国内医药行业的总体发展趋势、技术发展趋势、市场潜力、竞争态势和国家医药政策情况,提出了国内医药行业在与国外医药企业竞争中面临的挑战与压力。

    Based on the analysis on general development situation , technology development trend , market potentials , competitive trend and the state policy-making for domestic pharmaceutical field , the paper gives the challenges and pressure facing domestic pharmaceutical enterprises in the course of competition with overseas counterparts .

  27. 中国医药行业并购绩效研究

    The Study of M & A Performance in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry

  28. 医药行业是一个国家的重要支柱行业。

    Pharmaceutical industry is an important pillar of the national industry .

  29. 医药行业是关系到我国国计民生的重要行业。

    Pharmaceutical industry is related to important sectors of national economy .

  30. 职业自治首先在医药行业被提出。

    Professional autonomy has been discussed in the medicine industry firstly .