
  • 网络New Occupation;new profession;New class
  1. 最后,我不会说更多关于开头提到新职业很失败的事。

    Ultimately , I wouldn 't view the introduction of the new class as a failure by any stretch .

  2. 设立游戏设计师新职业的构想

    The Idea of Setting a New Profession for Network Game Design

  3. 我找到了一份我热爱的新职业,还结识了很多新朋友。

    I found a new career1 that I love and made lots of new friends .

  4. 陪购男友是个新职业,是指那些被女人雇用、陪伴女人购物的临时男伴。

    Shopping boyfriend , a new career , refers to a man who is hired to accompany a woman on a shopping trip .

  5. 无论是被征召服役的战士们、被迫分离的家人,还是被要求从事新职业、学习新技术以支援战争的人们,每个人都有自己的职责。

    Whether it be the men and women called up to serve , families separated from each other , or people asked to take up new roles and skills to support the war effort . All had a part to play .

  6. 对很多人来说,mba是一条通向新职业之路。

    For many , an MBA is a path to a new career .

  7. fsp得到了higherapprenticeshipfund的资助,将致力于创造270个新职业机会,使相关人选具备与大学第一年课程水平相当的知识与技能。

    The FSP has been granted funding from the higher apprenticeship fund to create 270 new vocational opportunities on a par with the first year of a degree .

  8. 网络时代的新职业&网络编辑

    The New Occupation of the Internet Era & The Web Editor

  9. 其实我真的觉得这新职业很兴奋。

    Look , I 'm really excited about this new career .

  10. 我希望你的新职业会使你获益。

    I hope the new job works out for you .

  11. 中新职业教育课程的比较

    Compare the Course on Vocational Education of China and Singapore

  12. 美国新职业主义运动的理念与实践

    The Concept and Practice of New Vocationalism Movement in America

  13. 但是也可以给你时间去探索新职业的选择。

    It can also give you time to explore new career options .

  14. 医疗救护员已正式成为我国的新职业。

    Medical rescuer becomes a new job in China .

  15. 护肤品咨询医师&一种新职业?

    " Skin Care Products Consultant " & A New Kind of Career ?

  16. 但是,这次失利却成为巴乔新职业生涯的起点!

    But this failure proved to be the beginning of Baggio 's new career !

  17. 解读美国新职业教育论

    Explaining New Theory of Vocational Education in USA

  18. 新职业主义教育理念对我国护理高职教育的启示

    An Inspiration about Philosophy of " New Vocationlism " on Nursing Higher Vocational Education

  19. 在这些新职业和种族完全放开前,我们也不会提供任何暗示。

    We also won 't give you any clues until they are all revealed .

  20. 同时也将在这次更新前预告,考古学家的新职业帽微软呢帽。

    Also included in this update will be the Archaeologist Class Hat : The Fedora .

  21. 她从事了一个新职业。没有从事有报酬的职业。

    She embarked upon a new career .

  22. 如果你的新职业有需要,你可能还需要再攻读一个学位。

    Depending on your new career choice , you may need to get another degree .

  23. 树立新职业能力观。

    Establishing new professional ability view .

  24. 她上了一所新职业技术学院,这使她母亲非常高兴。

    B.she entered a new vocational and technical college , which made her mother very happy .

  25. 3.你的新职业

    Step 3 : Your new career

  26. 如果你想出了一种新职业&有道德的黑客、宠物心理师或营养教练?

    If you dream up a new specialism & ethical hacker , pet psychologist , nutrition coach ?

  27. 汽车交通事故技术鉴定:21世纪的知识型新职业

    Technical Appraisal for Motor Car Traffic Accident : A New Profession in the 21st Century in China

  28. 如果你想出了一种新职业——有道德的黑客、宠物心理师或营养教练?——

    If you dream up a new specialism - ethical hacker , pet psychologist , nutrition coach ? -

  29. 萨拉的减肥健身经历甚至让她考虑从事健身教练的新职业。

    Sarahs weight loss and fitness regime has even led her to consider a new career as a fitness instructor .

  30. 取得在线学位,然后利用职业培训为你打开新职业冒险的大门。

    Earn your online degree , then use your career training to open the door to a new career adventure .