
  • 网络decent employment
  1. 农民工就业质量的提高与体面就业

    Improvement of Employment Quality for Rural Migrant Workers in China and " Decent Employment "

  2. 宏观上主要由国际劳工组织关于体面就业的标准和社会责任国际标准来衡量。

    It is measured mainly by the ILO for decent employment standards and international standards to measure social responsibility in Macro-level .

  3. 通过回顾已有的研究文献,对体面就业和就业质量作了定性分析;

    The issues of decent work and employment quality are discussed in this paper .

  4. 移徙者往往在贫穷、拥挤、不卫生的条件下生活,而且难以找到体面就业。

    Poverty , crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience .

  5. “戈纳伊夫已经成为真正的绿色工作机会,如何例子有助于恢复环境质量,同时提供体面就业”,艾曼纽说。

    " Gonaives has become a true example of how green jobs can contribute to restoring environmental quality while providing decent employment ", said Emmanuel Rubayiza .

  6. 为了可持续地减少贫困,保证粮食和营养安全,并为日益增长的人口提供体面就业,我们必须以最明智的方式利用自然资源。

    To sustainably reduce poverty , guarantee food and nutrition security and provide decent employment for growing populations , we must make the most intelligent use of our natural capital .

  7. 批准本公约的各成员国承诺按第六条规定的方式全面履行公约的规定,以确保海员体面就业的权利。

    Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to give complete effect to its provisions in the manner set out in Article VI in order to secure the right of all seafarers to decent employment .

  8. 实现欠发达地区的职业教育现代化,不但能促进充分就业、体面就业、有尊严、有质量的就业,而且是为欠发达地区的经济转型发展提供强大的支柱性力量的支撑。

    To realize the modernization of vocational education in less developed areas , it could not only promote the full employments which are decent , dignity , and quality , but also provide the backbone strength for the development of economy in less developed regions .

  9. “如果提高贫困工人的生产率,从而增加其收入,那么贫困率就会下降,”该报告称,“因此,对于持续减少贫困而言,发展高生产率、体面的就业至关重要。”

    " If the working poor were more productive and thereby able to earn more , poverty would decline , " the report said . " Thus , the development of productive and decent employment is essential for the sustainable reduction of poverty . "

  10. 实质平等就业权的基本内容包括:提供体面劳动;反就业歧视;加强职业培训;强化社会保障。

    The substantial equal employment right includes the following basic elements : the provision of " decent work "; anti-discrimination in employment ; promoting vocational training ; and strengthening social security .