
  1. 信用信息数据库建设与提供征信产品混为一谈。

    It be confused that Credit database constructing and providing credit products .

  2. 并从完善企业信用信息数据库、推行有效的分类监管和激励惩戒机制、实施科学的信用评价三个方面对工商行政管理机关如何实施企业信用监管进行探析。

    Then the paper discuses on the supervision of industry and commerce administrative department to the implementation of enterprise credit in three aspects : perfecting enterprise 's credit information database , pushing effective and classified supervision and promotion mechanism , and improving scientific credit evaluation .

  3. 存储信用卡信息的数据库表包含一些敏感信息,比如信用卡号和有效日期。

    The database table that holds credit card information contains sensitive information , such as credit card number and expiration date .

  4. 第六章通过比较分析等方法筛选建立基于监管的食品市场主体信用评价指标体系,分析信用信息数据库内容以及信息采集、信息共享的措施。

    In chapter VI , by comparing and analyzing , the index system of credit evaluation basing on supervision is filtered and established . It is studied that the content of credit information databases and the measure of information-collection and information-sharing .

  5. 本文详细讨论了个人信用信息的性质和来源以及个人信用信息数据库的组建方式。

    It discusses the quality and origin of personal credit information and build way of personal credit information database .

  6. 建立税收信用体系,一方面可以为建立征信国家提供纳税信用信息,完善信用数据库;

    Establishing the credit of tax system , on the one hand can offer information of credit of tax for establishing the credit inquiry nation , improve credit database ;