
  1. 随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深化,商业银行之间的竞争越来越剧烈,因此,信贷资产风险管理的问题便成为商业银行业务是否能够健康发展的一个关键性问题。

    With the entrance to WTO and the deepening of our reform , the competition among commercial banks becomes more and more severe . Loans risks management becomes the key of the healthy development of commercial banks business .

  2. 面对加入WTO后国内外激烈的竞争态势,如何健全商业银行信贷资产风险管理体系已是摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的一个重大课题,文章对此作了初步的探讨。

    When facing with the fierce competitin at home and abroad after joining the WTO , we are pressed to solve the big problem of improving the credit asset risk management system for commercial bank This article thus makes a discussion this question .

  3. 浅谈农村信用社信贷资产风险管理

    Talk About the Risk Management on Countryside Credit Capital

  4. 论国有商业银行信贷资产风险管理

    A Brief Discussion of the Credit Assets Risk Management of State-owned Commercial Bank

  5. 信用评级是银行业确定贷款风险程度的依据和信贷资产风险管理的基础。

    Credit rating is the basis for banks to determine the risk level of loan granting and the foundation of credit-funds risk management .

  6. 它是根据银行授信业务审批及信贷资产风险管理的实际需求,并结合现代计算机软硬环境不断发展设计而成。

    It is based on the business needs of bank credit and asset risk management , combining with environment designing of modern computer hardware and software .

  7. 因此,建立完善我国现代商业银行信贷资产风险管理体系,必须着力抓好制度、文化和人三个关键要素;同时,把握先进性原则,构建以风险控制为核心的信贷风险管理文化;

    Therefore , in order to establish and improve the risk management system regarding credit assets , it is necessary to grasp well three key factors of system , culture and staff .

  8. 第三部分(包括第四章),研究了宏观经济不确定条件下商业银行信贷资产配置与风险管理。

    The third part ( including chapter fourth ), study macroscopical economy under the condition of uncertainty of commercial bank credit asset allocation and risk management .

  9. 因此有必要运用有效的方法对信贷资产的风险进行管理。首先,本文介绍了银行信贷风险管理和财务报表分析的一般理论。

    It is necessary to use appropriate methods to manage the credit risk of assets . Firstly , this paper introduces the general theory of the bank credit risk management and financial statement analysis .

  10. 近年来银行业的飞速发展,同业竞争异常激烈,这就对银行信贷资产质量、风险管理水平和管理架构等提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , the rapid development of the banking industry , and the fierce competition between counterparts have put forward higher demand for bank credit asset quality and risk management and management structure .

  11. 文章试图对我国商业银行风险中最重要的方面&信贷资产风险进行研究,研究的重点是当前我国商业银行信贷风险形成的各方面原因及如何针对这些原因形成有效的信贷资产风险管理机制。

    This paper attaches importance to the various reason of the accumulation of credit risks and how to form an efficient credit risks management system .

  12. 信贷评级是商业银行对客户偿还债务能力和意愿的评估,是对债务偿还风险的综合评价,是确定贷款风险程度的依据和信贷资产风险管理的基础。

    Credit rating is the assessment of repaying debt capacity and willingness of customers doing by commercial banks , the evaluation of the risk of debt repayment the base of determining the extent of loan risk and the foundation of assets and credit risk management .