
  • 网络credit card fraud;credit-card fraud
  1. 一是制止不同类型的欺诈行为,如印刷假币、信用卡欺诈和计算机欺诈。

    One is to stop different types of fraud , such as printing fake money , credit card fraud and computer fraud .

  2. 这一次,又似乎是惯性反应:索尼一边盼望着信用卡欺诈的风险慢慢消退,一边提供免费的增值服务,以期留住psn用户。

    That seems to be the default reaction this time , as Sony has tried to bind in PSN users by offering free premium services , while hoping that the risk of credit card fraud recedes .

  3. 其中44%在美国,美国每年的信用卡欺诈金额约为55亿美元。

    With 44 % of that in the US , American credit-card fraud amounts to about $ 5.5 billion annually .

  4. 罗伯逊说,全球范围内的信用卡欺诈金额估计有124亿美元。

    Then consider that there 's an estimated $ 12.4 billion in card fraud on a global basis , says Robertson .

  5. 如果你遭到信用卡欺诈,那么受到打击的是发卡机构或商家,而不是你。

    If someone uses your credit card fraudulently , it 's the issuer or merchant , not you , that takes the hit .

  6. 该研究负责人,来自CPP保险公司的信用卡欺诈专家莎拉布莱尼表示实验结果显现出该问题的严重性。

    Sarah Blaney , a card Fraud expert from CPP , the insurers , which commissioned the research , said the findings underlined the seriousness of the problem .

  7. 第二章为信用卡欺诈行为的类型。

    The second chapter is on the types of credit card fraud .

  8. 最初我们认为你的账户涉嫌信用卡欺诈。

    Your account was initially thought to be involved in carder activity .

  9. 数据挖掘在信用卡欺诈识别上的应用研究

    Research on the Applications of Data Mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection

  10. 那位妇女因信用卡欺诈而被5个州通缉。

    That woman is wanted in5 states for credit-card fraud .

  11. 信用卡欺诈犯罪特征及防范对策

    Characteristics of Fraudulence with Credit Cards and Its Countermeasures

  12. 网络信用卡欺诈的防范

    Prevention of Credit Card Frauds on the Internet

  13. 防止信用卡欺诈的系统设计

    System design of avoiding credit card fraud

  14. 信用卡欺诈行为使得持卡人和发卡银行每年要遭受上亿元的损失。

    Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year .

  15. 在批处理服务器上,针对信用卡欺诈模式检查数据。

    On the batch processing server , the data is checked for patterns of credit card fraud .

  16. 如在信用卡欺诈侦查、移动通讯等领域中,离群点是我们研究的主要对象。

    Outliers are the main objects we will study such as in the field of Credit Card Fraud detection , Mobile Communication .

  17. 在许多实际应用中,如股票分析、网络故障监测、信用卡欺诈领域得到了广泛的应用。

    In many practical applications , such as stock analysis , network fault detection , and credit card fraud , data mining has been widely used .

  18. 已有方法主要是将数据挖掘中的分类方法如贝叶斯算法、决策树算法和神经网络算法应用于信用卡欺诈检测模型中。

    Most of the existing methods mainly apply the classification algorithm such as Bayesian classification algorithm , decision tree and neural network to credit card fraud detection models .

  19. 与此同时,各类信用卡欺诈案件的日趋增加,给持卡人用卡信心和银行卡产业的发展造成了严重影响。

    At the same time , all kinds of credit card fraud cases are increasing , brings bad faith to cardholders and makes a great losses to bank .

  20. 离群点检测是数据挖掘的重要研究领域,广泛应用在信用卡欺诈检测、网络入侵检测等方面。

    Outlier detection is an important field in data mining , which is widely used in credit card fraud detection as well as network intrusion detection and so on .

  21. 英国政府高级官员昨天表示,国际网络犯罪分子通过工业间谍和信用卡欺诈等活动,令英国经济每年损失“数十亿英镑”。

    International cyber criminals are costing the British economy " billions of pounds " every year through activities such as industrial espionage and credit card fraud , senior Whitehall officials admitted yesterday .

  22. 并且在检测阶段不断修正,既能很好的检测出信用卡欺诈风险,又能适应持卡人消费习惯的改变。

    And in testing phase of constant updating in a very good detection of both the risk of credit card fraud , but also to adapt to changes in cardholder spending habits .

  23. 接着研究了数据挖掘的分类方法,着重介绍了支持向量机和决策树算法及这两种算法各自的优点,同时对学者们在信用卡欺诈识别研究上所作的贡献进行了文献综述。

    Then it studies classification models of data mining , focusing on two algorithms & support vector machine and decision tree , and also summarizes the literature of research on credit card fraud detection .

  24. 在21世纪头十年中期,我们挺过了互联网泡沫破灭,得到了快速增长,但我们遇到了一个大问题:我们每月因信用卡欺诈起码要损失1000万美元。

    In mid-2000 we had survived the dotcom crash and we were growing fast but we faced one huge problem : we were losing upwards of $ 10m a month to credit card fraud .

  25. 目前挖掘概念流动的数据流已经成为研究的热点。概念流动的数据流分类在预防信用卡欺诈,网络入侵发现等应用中具有重要的应用。

    Recently , mining data streams with concept drifts for actionable insights has become an important and challenging task for a wide range of applications including credit card fraud protection , network intrusion detection , etc.

  26. 异常检测是指发现系统或用户偏离常规的行为,在信用卡欺诈、网络入侵、系统故障检测等方面有着广泛的应用。

    Anomaly detection is to find those deviant ones from behaviors of system or user , which has been used in a wide range of applications such as , credit card fraud detection , network intrusion detection , system fault detection and so on .

  27. 而现实的分类问题中存在很多类别非均衡的情况,如信用卡欺诈检测、医疗诊断、信息检索和文本分类等,数据集中某个类别的样本数可能会远多于其他类别。

    However , the most data in reality are imbalanced , such as credit card fraud detection , medical diagnosis , information retrieval and text classification dataset , and so on . The sample number of one class may be far more than the other classes .

  28. 异常检测在多个领域中具有广泛的应用,如信用卡欺诈检测、药物研究、医疗分析、消费者行为分析、气象预报、网络入侵检测等。

    Anomaly detection has been widely applied in many areas , such as credit card fraud detection , drug research , medical analysis , consumer behavior analysis , weather forecasting , network intrusion detection , etc. Nowadays the information industry has been developed in a very high speed .

  29. 通过以上分析,结合神经网络技术,提出了一个符合国内商业银行现状的信用卡反欺诈模型系统,并详尽描述了系统的处理流程和主要模块的运作机制与实现方法。

    Base on this analysis and neural network technology , a model of credit card anti-fraud suitable for domestic commercial banks is proposed and its details of system processes and operating mechanism is analyzed .

  30. 这些信用卡都是欺诈获得。

    All these credit cards are fraudulently obtained .