
  1. 结合市场营销现状,运用SWOT分析方法,对农业银行信用卡营销的竞争地位和经营策略进行了评估。

    Meanwhile , combine the marketing situation , using the SWOT analysis to assess the competitive position and business strategy in the credit card market of the Agricultural Bank .

  2. 在此分析基础上,对招商银行的信用卡营销战略做出了具体规划。

    Based on these analyses , it provides a concrete marketing planning .

  3. 商业银行信用卡营销研究

    Marketing Research for the Credit Card of Commercial Bank

  4. 提高信用卡营销渠道效率研究

    Improving the Efficiency of Credit Card Marketing Channels

  5. 市场结构视角下的兴业银行信用卡营销策略研究

    Study on Industrial Bank Credit Card Marketing Strategy in the View of Market Structure

  6. 本文用经济学原理来分析信用卡营销渠道行为。

    In this paper , economic principles are used to analyze the behavior of credit card channels .

  7. 信用卡营销策略研究

    Credit Card Marketing Strategy Research

  8. 本文仅从商业银行信用卡营销角度入手,来探索适合我国商业银行的信用卡营销策略。

    This article just discusses the marketing perspectives , aiming to explore the credit card marketing strategy appropriate for China commercial banks .

  9. 同时也提出了一些基于挖掘结果的信用卡营销战略和个性化营销的新方式。

    This thesis brought forward some new credit card marketing strategies and personalizing marketing methods which were based on data mining technology .

  10. 但是,我国各大银行的信用卡营销策略并未适时的调整,以应对信用卡市场环境的变化。

    However , all major banks of China have still not adjusted their credit card marketing strategy to cope with the market environment changes .

  11. 针对不同的目标市场,制定了各个目标市场的信用卡营销子战略,最终完成了对我国招商银行信用卡营销战略的规划。

    According to the different objectives of market , it makes a subsidiary marketing strategy for each of them , and completes the credit card marketing planning ultimately .

  12. 因此加快我国商业银行信用卡营销的发展,对于提高本行的市场竞争力和经济效益具有十分重要的意义。

    So it is necessary to discuss how should our commercial banks market the credit card , accelerate the development of the credit card marketing . Which is very important to advance the ability of the competition and raise the economic benefit .

  13. 最后,本论文将FPgrowth算法应用于基于B/S访问结构的信用卡市场营销挖掘系统。

    At last , we take FP_growth algorithm into data mining system of credit card market which is structure of B / S.

  14. 从长远发展的角度为H银行信用卡的营销提供有建设性意义的对策,从而探寻一条旨在促进H银行信用卡营销业务持续、健康、快速发展的道路。

    This paper provides the constructive measures of H Bank credit card Changsha branch from the perspective of long-term development , and aims to find the ways to promote the sustainable , healthy and rapid development of credit cards marketing business of H Bank Changsha branch .

  15. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  16. 七是改革信用卡的营销体制。

    Seven , reforms the credit card the marketing system .

  17. 中国银行岳阳分行信用卡市场营销问题研究

    A Study on Credit Card Marketing Strategy of Yueyang Branch , Bank of China

  18. 论文的研究成果可以为徐州市建设银行信用卡的营销提供指导,并对其他商业银行的信用卡营销管理工作具有一定的参考价值。

    The results of research papers may provide guidance in Xuzhou Construction Bank for credit card marketing , other commercial banks on credit card marketing and management also have some reference value .

  19. 本文运用了管理学、营销学、品牌管理、战略管理、质量管理、银行信贷等理论对信用卡的市场营销情况进行了分析。

    This article has analyzed the marketing status of credit card industry by employing the theories as management , marketing , brand management , strategic management and bank credit , etc.

  20. 研究结论对商业银行的大学生信用卡产品的营销有着借鉴作用,同时为相关监管机构预防可能发生的大学生过度使用信用卡引发债务问题等制定政策提供了建议。

    At the same time , suggestions are made to the related administer for founding policies to prevent the possible overspending of credit card by college students and the subsequent debt problem .

  21. 基于驱动模型的信用卡市场细分及营销策略研究

    Analysis of the Customers Segmentation and Marketing Strategy for Credit Cards Based on Driver Model

  22. 信用卡消费偏好与营销策略制定&以北京、天津、上海和深圳地区青年白领人群为例

    Consumption Preference for Credit Cards and the Marketing Strategies & With the Sample of Young White-collar Consumers in Beijing , Tianjin , Shanghai and Shenzhen

  23. 银行应根据大学生群体特征制定营销策略,从建立关系纽带,培养顾客忠诚度与归属感入手,引导大学生使用信用卡,达到对大学生信用卡的营销目的。

    The banks should set marketing strategy based on the features of college students , attract students to use credit cards by building links and developing customer loyalty and belongingness .

  24. 第三章在回顾西方发达国家信用卡发展历程、分析市场细分理论引入对信用卡业务发展影响的基础上,总结西方商业银行信用卡业务营销管理的经验。

    Chapter III reviews the impact of credit card industry by the market segmentation theory and subsequently introduces credit card business development status and marketing management experience of Western commercial banks and sums up the credit cards development process of the Western developed countries .