
  • 网络credit environment
  1. 改善信用环境保全银行资产

    The Improvement of Credit Environment and the Protection of Bank Assets

  2. 另外,还须有一个良好的信用环境。

    Besides , a good credit environment is also needed .

  3. 基于AHP和因子分析的地区信用环境指标体系构建的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Establishing Regional Credit Evaluation System based on AHP & Factor Analysis

  4. 金融中介信用环境建设中的法律因素

    The Law Roots of Difference in the Financial Intermediaries Development

  5. 社会信用环境综合治理机制研究

    A Study of Tackle the Social Credit Environment in a Comprehensive Way

  6. 以村支部为组织依托打造农村信用环境;

    Build rural credit environment counting on village Party branches ;

  7. 论长沙市大河西先导区信用环境建设

    The Credit Environment Construction of Hexi Leading District in Changsha

  8. 而对于银行信贷受外部因素如国民收入、社会信用环境、利率变动等方面影响的研究则很少。

    The field like external influences on bank credit catches little attention .

  9. 优化信用环境重建信用体系

    Optimize the Credit Circumstance and Rebuild the Credit System

  10. 社会信用环境方面的原因。

    To be reason of the social credit environment .

  11. 区域创新系统信用环境的营造

    Reconstructing credit milieu in regional innovation system in China

  12. 五是社会信用环境差,逃废银行债务严重。

    Fourthly , the social credit environment is unfavorable .

  13. 第三,塑造良好的社会信用环境;

    Set up the social credit environment well .

  14. 论加强信用环境和制度建设

    Strengthening the Construction of Credit Environment and System

  15. 要通过教育和奖惩机制,创造良好的信用环境和氛围;

    We can instruct better credit environment by educating and rewards and punishment mechanism .

  16. 刍议广西信用环境

    Some Tentative Suggestions on Credit Environment of Guangxi

  17. 而我国目前的社会信用环境和信用秩序却不容乐观。

    However the credit environment is not so good in our country at present .

  18. 要发展南京经济,必须建立良好的信用环境。

    To develop Nanjing 's economy , we must build a sound credit environment .

  19. 政府应该完善相关法律法规,优化信用环境。

    Government should complete well relevant laws and rules and optimize the environment of credit .

  20. 信用环境与市场经济

    Credit environment and market economy

  21. 社会信用环境。

    Social credit circumstance .

  22. 再次要营造既宽松又有利于银行发展的良好信用环境。

    Again want to construct since loosen good reputation environment of be advantageous to the bank development again .

  23. 当前,我国农村金融信用环境不完善,其原因是多方面的。

    Presently , our country 's rural finance credit environment is bad , and its reason is various .

  24. 建立良好的社会信用环境是促进经济发展和社会进步的客观要求。

    To construct good social credit environment is an external request of the development of economy and society .

  25. 首先,农村信用环境较差,不利于融资租赁业务的发展。金融机构少、资金不足、农户信用缺失等都是影响业务开展的负面因素。

    First of all , rural credit environment is not good enough to benefit the development of finance lease .

  26. 而我国目前的信用环境,法制环境是造成该风险的主要原因。

    The credit environment and legal environment in our country at present are the main causes of the risks .

  27. 经济基础、法治环境和信用环境等环境对提高县域金融运行效率起着极其重要的作用。

    Economic base , legal environment and credit environment play vital role to improve the efficiency of County Finance .

  28. 我国企业应收账款管理经过多年的探索和研究,至今仍然缺乏系统化的解决方案,而且我国社会信用环境的好坏是影响企业应收账款管理的根本要素。

    Though receivables management has been researched and developed for many years our country is still short of systematic solvent .

  29. 创造良好的信用环境是我国发展社会主义市场经济要解决好的一个紧迫问题。

    To create a good credit environment is a pressing issue of the moment for building our socialist market economy .

  30. 相信随着两岸交流的增多,建立在互信基础上的企业经济交往将会得到发展,两岸企业所处的信用环境将得到改善,企业自身的信用管理也将得到加强。

    At the same time , credit surroundings of enterprises will be improved and inner credit management will be strengthened .