Results show Bayesian network classifiers on Minimum Overall Risk rule can decrease the risk of credit scoring effectively .
The evaluation of credit risk and risk pre-warning are highlighted in the financial sector , some research achievements of credit evaluation are widely used in loan business in banks , the application of these achievements reduced risks and increased profit in banks ' loan business .
The system includes credit risk evaluation , credit risk measurement , credit risk pricing , credit risk control and credit risk culture .
Its essential connation contains the individual credit register , the individual credit estimate , the individual credit risk early warning , the individual credit risk transfer and the individual credit risk management .
Objective situation demands us perfect individual credit system , which includes basically individual credit register , individual credit rating , individual credit risk prevention , individual credit risk management and individual credit rewards and punishments .
An integrated credit risk management system should include the nine major elements : internal environment , objective setting , credit event identification , credit risk assessment , credit risk response , control activities , information & communication , monitoring and stress testing .