
  1. 本信用证转让仅限同一国境转让给第二受益人。

    This credit is transferable only to a second Beneficiary in the same country .

  2. 跟单信用证转让通知

    Documentary credit transfer advice

  3. 因此,第二受益人不得要求将信用证转让给其后的第三受益人。

    Consequently , the Credit cannot be transferred at the request of the Second beneficiary to any subsequent Third beneficiary .

  4. 信用证部分转让申请书资产证券化中的将来债权转让制度研究

    Application for partial transfer of LC Legal Issues of Future Credit-assignment in Asset Securitization

  5. 信用证的转让实际上是信用证项下支款权的转让。

    The transfer of the letter of credit actually means that of the drawing rights .

  6. 信用证部分转让申请书

    Application for partial transfer of LC

  7. 未经我们事先允许本备用信用证不得转让和分配。

    This Standby Letter of Credit is not transferable or assignable without our prior written consent .

  8. 如果信用证已经转让,那么以第一受益人作为收货人也可接受。

    If a credit has been transferred , the name of the first beneficiary as consignee would also be acceptable .

  9. 支付可采取信用证或可转让信用工具的形式。

    Payment may be made by way of letters of credit or negotiable instruments .

  10. 在转让信用证时,转让行有责任做出以第二受益人为受益人的转让通知。

    When transferring a credit , the transferring bank is responsible for creating the advice of transfer in favour of the second beneficiary .

  11. 已转让信用证指已由转让行转为可由第二受益人兑用的信用证。

    Transferred credit means a credit that has been made available by the transferring bank to a second beneficiary .