
  • 网络credit crisis;Credit Crunch;credit squeeze;Maxed Out
  1. 它必须足够稳定,以消除泡沫,并让市场回归现实,但不能太快,否则会造成另一场信贷危机。

    It must be steady enough to deflate bubbles and bring markets back down to earth but not so quick that it creates another credit crisis .

  2. 昨日,世界似乎与曾经引发信贷危机第一波恐慌的上海意外(Shanghaisurprise)再度不期而遇。

    The world had an echo yesterday of the Shanghai surprise that sparked the first panic of the credit crisis .

  3. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)表示,将下调基本利率100个基点,以努力遏制信贷危机的影响。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said it would cut rates by 100 basis points to try to contain the effects of the credit crisis .

  4. 在本轮信贷危机中,imf对于经济增长的看法一直比多数政府和央行更为悲观。

    The IMF has been consistently more bearish on growth throughout the credit crisis than most governments and central banks .

  5. 联合国(unitednations)昨日警告称,虽然亚洲经济体受美欧信贷危机的影响仍然相对较小,但随着次贷危机继续发展,它们面临着更大的不确定性。

    Asian economies remained relatively immune to the credit crunch in the US and Europe but faced heightened uncertainty as the subprime crisis continued to unravel , the United Nations warned yesterday .

  6. CAD和中银的加息政策行动的需求可能只是成为一种工具,以期了解在欧洲的信贷危机的央行关注的力量。

    A rate increase would boost demand for the CAD and the BOC policy move may become a tool to gauge the strength of central banks'concerns over Europe 's credit crisis .

  7. 美国投资银行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)低价出售,将信贷危机带入一个更为危险的新阶段。

    The fire sale of Bear Stearns , the US investment bank , brings the credit crisis to a new , more dangerous phase .

  8. 来自金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)的一份机密选项文件显示,世界各国的央行和财政部官员尚未对造成信贷危机的基本问题的分析达成共识。

    Central bank and finance ministry officials from around the world have yet to agree an analysis of the fundamental problems underlying the credit crisis , a confidential options paper from a recent top-level meeting suggests .

  9. 一些评论人士把美国和英国经济的“金融化”以及信贷危机问题归咎于mba精英。

    Some commentators have blamed the MBA elite for the " financialisation " of the US and UK economies and the troubles of the credit crunch .

  10. 因此,由于利润率和资产负债率均不断下降,ROE不太可能重返信贷危机爆发前的水平。

    So , with margins and leverage declining , ROEs are unlikely to return to pre-credit crunch levels .

  11. 毕竟,他是信贷危机爆发前的高盛首席执行官;被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)指为欺诈并受到美国参议院调查的一些行为也发生在他掌舵期间。

    He was , after all , the boss pre-credit crisis ; overseeing activities that were later called fraudulent by the SEC and investigated by the Senate .

  12. 信贷危机以来,政府债券已经变成最佳的AAA级资产,在很大程度上反映了这一点。

    That is largely reflected by the fact that government debt has become the triple A asset of choice since the credit crisis .

  13. 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日表示,全球金融市场“脆弱”,信贷危机爆发近一年来,系统性风险的各项指标仍有所“升级”。

    Global financial markets are " fragile " and indicators of systemic risk remain " elevated " almost a year into the credit crisis , the International Monetary Fund said yesterday .

  14. 各国部长拒绝了IMF的要求。IMF呼吁世界各国联合起来进行公开干预,直接对付金融市场问题,成为应对信贷危机的第三道防线。

    Ministers rejected the IMF 's call for globally co-ordinated public intervention to tackle the problems in the financial system directly as a third line of defence against the credit crisis .

  15. 英国女王在访问伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)时,对于没人预料到信贷危机及其发展表示纳闷。

    The Queen , visiting the London School of Economics , wondered why the credit crisis and its evolution were not predicted .

  16. 金融稳定论坛和其他任何审视这场信贷危机的国际机构面临的问题是,对贝尔斯登(BearStearns)适用的政策或许并不适用于瑞银(UBS)或德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)。

    The problem for the FSF or any other international body examining the credit crisis is that a policy that might be right for Bear Stearns might not apply to UBS or Deutsche Bank .

  17. 安永的这份报告称,与新兴市场日益高涨的上市活动相反,发达市场的ipo规模则有所下滑,原因可能是信贷危机引发的不确定性。

    In contrast to the rising activity in emerging markets , IPO volumes by developed markets have declined , possibly because of the uncertainty caused by the credit squeeze , the E & Y report said .

  18. 第五步是,在解决信贷危机中暴露出来的政策问题时,要表现出一点紧迫感。这些问题包括:市值计价会计方法的作用及新巴塞尔资本协定(BASELII)助长周期波动的效果。

    Part five is to show some urgency in dealing with the policy problems revealed by the crisis : the role of mark-to-market accounting and the pro-cyclical effects of the Basel II capital requirements , for example .

  19. 尽管欧洲央行(ecb)正在竭力避免大部分欧洲国家陷入“信贷危机”,但各银行对以低利率向德国企业提供贷款不会有什么不安。

    Whereas the European Central Bank is fighting to avoid a " credit crunch " across much of the continent , banks have few qualms about lending to German business at low interest rates .

  20. 除了为世人瞩目的瑞银集团,还有稍逊的竞争对手瑞士银行(creditsuisse)外,受益于相对稳定私人银行业务,金融部门避开了信贷危机的最坏时期。

    With the notable exception of UBS and , to a lesser extent , the rival Credit Suisse , the financial sector had avoided the worst of the credit crisis thanks to its concentration on relatively stable private banking .

  21. 2007年信贷危机爆发时,高盛(GoldmanSachs)一名风险经理有过这样一句著名的言论:我们正在经历∑250事件&在宇宙的整个历史上都不太可能发生的事件。

    When the credit crunch hit in 2007 , a Goldman Sachs risk manager famously claimed that we were experiencing a 250-sigma event – something unlikely to happen in the whole history of the universe .

  22. Medley能源主管普赖斯(BillFarren-Price)表示,全球信贷危机已经使得能为电力和水力项目提供贷款的跨国银行数量减少。

    ' The global credit crunch has seen the number of international banks lending to the power and water sector decline , 'said Medley energy director Bill Farren-Price .

  23. 据《华尔街日报》(WSJ)报道,对冲基金的管理资产规模现已恢复至(且预计将超过)三年前在信贷危机爆发前的历史高点2万亿美元。

    The WSJ reports hedge fund AUM are restored to ( and predicted to beat ) the record $ 2 trillion levels set just before the credit crunch three years ago .

  24. 善于打理危机业务的美国金融家威尔伯•罗斯(WilburRoss)正计划挺进次级抵押贷款市场。此举表明,信贷危机正为那些逢低吸纳、甘冒风险的投资者敞开机会之门。

    Wilbur Ross , the US financier who specialises in distressed businesses , is planning a push into subprime mortgages in a sign the credit turmoil is opening up opportunities for bargain-hunting , risk-taking investors .

  25. 日本的经济恶化十分严重,以至于国际货币基金组织(imf)预测,今年日本国内生产总值将萎缩2.6%,这表明,日本的境况可能比信贷危机的源头美国还要糟糕。

    So sharp has been the deterioration that the International Monetary Fund has forecast a contraction in gross domestic product of 2.6 per cent this year , suggesting Japan could fare even worse than the US , the origin of the credit crisis .

  26. 高盛首席经济学家吉姆奥尼尔(JimO'Neill)表示:从某种意义上讲,全球信贷危机对中国来说是件好事,因为中国意识到,它不能再依赖于出口这种兴奋剂了,它已经发现了国内需求的重要性。

    The global credit crisis has in some ways been good for China because it knows it cannot depend on the drug of exports any more and has discovered the importance of domestic demand , said Jim O'Neill , chief economist at Goldman Sachs .

  27. 很不幸,米高梅公司(metro-goldwyn-mayer)将自己尝试多片合作融资的时间,选在了信贷危机之际。

    Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer had the misfortune to time its own foray into slate financing as the credit crunch began to bite .

  28. 接受杜克大学调查的CFO中有四分之三表示,对与之合作的金融机构的健康状况感到担忧,58%的受访者称自己的公司已经受到信贷危机的影响。

    Three quarters of CFOs surveyed by Duke say they are worried about the health of the financial institutions with which they work , and58 % say their firms have been affected by the credit crunch .

  29. 七大工业国集团(g7)峰会将于今日尝试为最近几周采取的非协调紧急措施建立国际协调框架,以努力控制日益严峻的信贷危机。

    The group of seven leading industrialised nations will today attempt to impose a coherent international framework on the unco-ordinated emergency measures taken in recent weeks in an effort to contain the spiralling credit crisis .

  30. 最近信贷危机对信贷市场的破坏程度昨日完全突显出来,全球最大独立结构性投资工具(siv)之一的信用评级被大幅调降13级。

    The extent of damage in credit markets from recent turmoil was starkly underlined yesterday when the credit rating of one of the largest independent structured investment vehicles was slashed by 13 notches .