
  • 网络credit marketing
  1. 中国商业银行信贷营销与退出

    Credit Marketing and Its Withdraw of Commercial Banks in China

  2. 商业银行信贷营销客户经理绩效考评办法探索

    Method of Performance Assessment of Customer Manager for Credit Marketing in Commercial Banks

  3. 信贷营销管理模式下的风险防范

    Risk Prevention Under the Credit Operating Model

  4. 农行济南分行信贷营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing of Credit Assets Strategy of the Agriculture Bank of China Jinan Branch

  5. 第二章转入对商业银行信贷营销环境分析。

    Chapter two turns to the analysis of the credit marketing environments of the commercial banks .

  6. 贷款趋同,是指金融机构信贷营销策略及贷款投向呈现相同的发展趋势。

    The convergence of loans , financial institutions , is the marketing of credit and loans into the show the same trends .

  7. 本文第一章以西方市场营销理论为指导,对商业银行和市场营销的基本概念进行了阐述和界定,并导入了商业银行信贷营销的定义。

    The first chapter of this article directed by the vanguard theory of marketing , begins with the clear explanation and definition of fundamental theories of banking and marketing .

  8. 第四章主要论述了深圳发展银行信贷营销的战略,主要包括市场细分、目标市场的选择与市场定位。

    Chapter four focuses on the strategies of the credit marketing of the Shenzhen Development Bank Co. Ltd. , mainly include the market segmentations , the choices of the target markets and the market positioning .

  9. 第一,建立和完善社会保障制度;第二,加大宣传力度,拓宽旅游信贷营销渠道;第三,推动旅游信贷产品及服务的创新。

    First , establish and improve the social security system ; second , step up publicity efforts to broaden the travel credit marketing channels ; Third , to promote the travel credit products and services innovation .

  10. 消费信贷的营销思考

    Marketing thinking of consumption credit

  11. 绿色革命依赖于一大批研究机构、教育、信贷、营销,而且延伸到了让需要知识的人获得知识。

    The green revolution relied on a mosaic of research institutes , education , credit , marketing and extension to get the knowledge to those who needed it .

  12. 尤其是在业绩增长乏力,市场开发方式落后,金融产品趋同化的背景下,如何提高信贷市场营销能力问题已经成为管理层关注的首要问题。

    Especially in the performance of sluggish growth , market development is backward , under the background of the assimilation of financial products , how to improve credit market marketing ability has become the most important problem in management attention .

  13. 第6条政府支持、出口信贷和航空器营销

    Article 6 Government Support , Export Credits , and Aircraft Marketing

  14. 汽车消费信贷与汽车企业营销战略

    Auto consumption Credit and Marketing Strategy of The Auto Enterprises

  15. 全面、准确、及时地掌握有关信息,既是商业银行制定信贷政策、开展信贷营销的先导,也是信贷业务各个环节的重要投入要素,贯穿于信贷资金运作的全过程。

    Comprehensive , accurate and timely information on the information , both commercial banks to develop credit policies , credit marketing to carry out the pilot , but also the importance of all aspects of credit into elements of the operation throughout the whole process of credit funds .

  16. 特别是当前的金融实际,银行普遍面临着培养优质信贷客户群的问题,因此,信贷营销的专题研究就变成了一个十分迫切的课题。

    Especially the realities of the current financial systems are the banks generally face the problem of cultivating the high-quality credit customer groups , therefore , the study of the credit marketing turns into a rather urgent subject .

  17. 在对消费信贷的现状综合分析的基础上,根据消费信贷业务的发展需要,应用市场营销4Ps理论,对消费信贷发展的市场营销策略做出了较为全面、系统的阐述,并提出了可行性操作方案。

    On the basis of the analysis present situation , according to generalized analysis foundation , the paper promotes the concrete suggestions . It expends the credit operation the development need applying the marketing 4Ps theory .