
  • 网络Credit control
  1. 我们也负责给顾客开发票,和信贷控制

    We 're also responsible for invoicing customers , and for credit control .

  2. 同时,它也处理国家保险和信贷控制等。

    It also deals with national insurance , credit control and so on .

  3. 探析放松信贷控制下商业银行对中小企业融资的变化

    Changes of Commercial Bank Financing for SMEs under the Relaxation of Credit Controls

  4. 同时本文认为有必要提高信贷控制人员的职业操守和个人判断能力,从而能够在模型分析结果的基础上,进行有效的判断。

    This paper argues improve professional conduct and personal ability of credit control staff is necessary .

  5. 在更加规范的时代,信贷控制或金本位限制创造信用。

    In more regulated times , credit controls or the gold standard restricted the creation of credit .

  6. 工行也可以声称自己的内部信贷控制优于同行,使其可以防止欺诈行为。

    ICBC can also claim that its internal credit controls are better than those of its counterparts , allowing it to avoid fraud .

  7. 要做到这一点,仅凭货币政策工具是不行的我们还必须运用信贷控制手段,如存款准备金和最低资本金要求。

    This cannot be done with monetary tools alone we must also use credit controls such as margin requirements and minimum capital requirements .

  8. 但话说回来,如果澳大利亚要依靠中国的信贷控制来给本国经济降温,那将是一种高风险的战略。

    Still , if Australia is relying on China 's credit curbs to cool its own economy , that is a high-risk strategy .

  9. 在所有的行业投资中,有一半以上都是通过这种方式获得资金的,只有五分之一来自银行贷款,这削弱了信贷控制措施的效果。

    More than half of all industry investment is financed that way and only a fifth by bank loans , reducing the efficacy of credit curbs .

  10. 第一季度新增贷款加速,原因是政府放宽信贷控制,以抵消数十年来最严重的冬季暴雪天气对经济的影响。

    New lending in the first quarter accelerated after the government loosened lending controls to counteract the impact on the economy of the worst winter storm in decades .

  11. 在本文的最后,我们根据这一结论所给出的指导观念对J银行中小企业信贷风险控制状况提出处理方案。

    At the end of this article , our concept of the guidance given in light of this conclusion J Bank SME credit risk control situation .

  12. 本文在总结国内外信贷风险控制理论的基础上,分析了XX商业银行风险管理现状,并总结了目前XX商业银行存在的风险点。

    This paper analyses the Risk Management of XX Commercial Bank , and summarizes the current risks points of XX commercial bank on the base of reviewing the credit risk control theory at home and abroad .

  13. 针对国有商业银行的自身管理因素,提出要构建我国国有商业银行信贷风险控制体系。

    It proposes to construct a system to control credit risk .

  14. 基于外部审计模式的信贷风险控制研究

    Research on the Credit Control Based on the Theory of Audit

  15. 信贷风险控制中的显性与隐性激励机制分析

    Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Incentive Mechanism for Controlling the Credit Risk

  16. 在建船舶抵押项目信贷风险控制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Control of the Ship under Construction Mortgage Project

  17. 以信贷风险控制为重点,构建风险约束机制。

    Stress to control bank credit risk and construct risk control system .

  18. 信贷风险控制的本质是控制信贷活动条件。

    With the control of the environment , we control the credit risk .

  19. 商业银行住房消费信贷风险控制研究

    Risk Control of Housing Consumption Loan in Commercial Bank

  20. 我国政策性银行区县项目信贷风险控制研究

    Research on the Control of County 's Projects Credit Risk of China Policy Bank

  21. 消费信贷风险控制与管理

    On Risk Control and Management in Consumption Credit

  22. 金融生态建设与信贷风险控制&一个基于破产金融机构信贷风险的实证分析

    Financial Ecology Construction and Credit Risk Control

  23. 研究结论对于重庆银行信贷风险控制具有理论山的指导意义。

    The results have significance at theoretical guiding for Bank of Chongqing credit risk control .

  24. 中小高新企业信贷风险控制研究

    Research on the Controlling of Credit Risk of the Small and Medium Sized Technological Enterprises

  25. 商业银行信贷风险控制计算模型与算法优化研究

    Research on Calculation Models and Algorithm Optimizations of Credit Risk Control in the Commercial Banks

  26. 信用风险的控制分为流动性风险控制、投资风险控制及信贷风险控制三个部分。

    It falls into three categories : the liquidity risk control , investment risk control and loan risk control .

  27. 建立了商业助学贷款失信(拖欠、逾期还款)与信贷风险控制机制。

    The establishment of bad credit ( arrears , late payment ) and credit risk control for commercial student loan .

  28. 农村合作金融信贷风险控制与不良贷款处置&对山西尧都信用联社的案例分析

    The Credit Risk Control Innovation and Disposition of Bad-Debts in Rural Credit Cooperatives & A Case Analysis of Yao Du RCC

  29. 但是,中小企业信贷风险控制一直是宝应地区商业银行业务发展中的难题。

    However , risk management of medium-sized and small enterprises has always been an obstacle to the developing of commercial banking business in Baoying .

  30. 第四,县域金融信贷风险控制是县域金融信贷风险管理的重要环节。

    County financial credit risk prevention program were designed . Fourth , the county financial credit risk control was essential in the county financial credit risk management .