
wù jià zǒnɡ shuǐ pínɡ
  • general price level;general level of market prices
  1. 今年1-6月份,中国GDP增长7.6%,就业率和物价总水平都保持稳定。

    In the first six months of this year , Chinas GDP grew by 7.6 % , and employment rate and overall prices were both stable .

  2. 我国粮食价格对零售物价总水平影响的ARIMA模型分析

    Using ARIMA Model to Analyze the Influence of Food Prices to the Whole National Economy and General Index of Retail Prices

  3. 从2003年下半年开始,随投资需求增加、原材料和粮食价格上涨我国出现了物价总水平上涨的趋势,并延续到2004年,最终使得CPI上涨了3.9%。

    The demand of investment increased hardly since September 2003 . From then on , the price of raw and processed materials and food became higher . At last in the end of the year 2004 , the growth rate of CPI up to 3.9 % .

  4. 普遍指物价总水平而不是指某一种商品的价格。

    " general " is the general price , not the specific commodity price .

  5. 物价总水平涨幅得到控制;

    Overall price rises were held in check .

  6. 这里,着重对经济增长和物价总水平两个指标作些说明。

    Here , I wish to explain our targets for economic growth and overall prices .

  7. 经济增长、货币供应与价格水平&建国以来我国物价总水平变动分析

    Economic Growth , Supply of Money and Prices & Analysis of price trends since 1949

  8. 国民经济保持稳定增长,物价总水平继续回落。

    The national economy has kept steady increase and the overall price level continued to fall .

  9. 物价总水平的相对稳定是价格改革和经济正常运行的重要条件。

    Relative sta-bility of overall price level is the important requirement of price reform and healthy econom-ic activity .

  10. 同时物价总水平也是宏观经济运行状况的重要指标之一,保持物价总体稳定是各国政府公认的宏观调控四大目标之一。

    Overall , maintaining price stability is one of the four main objectives of macroeconomic regulation recognized by the Governments .

  11. 第二,我国货币政策仍以促进经济增长和保持物价总水平稳定为目标导向,并没有将资产价格纳入货币政策调控目标。

    Secondly , the monetary policy is still economic growth and price stability-oriented , which does not regard asset prices as policy objective .

  12. 该机构本周表示,今年下半年其主要目标是保持物价总水平基本稳定。

    It said this week that its primary objective for the second half of the year would be to keep the overall price level basically stable .

  13. 关于通货紧缩,国际上对这个提法有多种解释,比较一致的就是说一个国家的物价总水平持续出现负增长。

    About deflation , there are multiple criteria in evaluating deflation in the world . A major criterion is the consecutive negative growth of overall consumer prices in the country .

  14. 国内方面的原因是:总量供大于求、各类煤矿坑口价差大、煤炭市场竞争秩序混乱、价格结构不合理、物价总水平低、煤炭经济增长方式落后。

    The domestic reasons are : supply in excess of demand , big difference between mine-mouth coal prices , disorderly competition , irrational price structure , low overall price level and lagging coal economy growth pattern .

  15. 当前虽然还存在着影响物价总水平波动的多种因素,但物价总水平的波动不仅存在于价格改革的进程之中,而且是和市场经济相伴随的一种必然现象。

    Although there are many factors Affectiong the fluctuation of overall price level , the fluctuation of overall price level not only exists in the course of price reform but also isan inevitable phenomenon accompanying market economy .

  16. 近两年来,我国农产品价格轮回经历过山车式上涨和下跌,与此同时物价总水平也刚刚完成一个波动周期。

    In recent years , the priees of agricultural products kept rising and falling , just as the " roller coaster " . At the same time , the price level has also just completed a fluctuation cycle .

  17. 由于利率与信用可以影响社会消费和投资水平,进而影响总需求和物价总水平,从而在房地产价格波动与通货膨胀之间构架了一个相互联系的平台。

    The interest rate and credit can affect the level of social consumption and investment , thereby affecting the overall level of aggregate demand and prices , which builds an interlinked platform between the real estate price fluctuations and inflation .

  18. 与此同时,西方国家对华经济政策和外贸形势的变化、“九·一八”事变,又给天津经济的发展带来负面影响,也造成天津物价总水平下降。

    On the other side , the changes in the economic policy of western countries towards China the foreign trade , the September 18 Incident brought about negative effect on the economic development in Tianjin , curbing the ascending trends of the overall price level .

  19. 既要保持足够的政策力度、巩固经济回升向好的势头,又要加快经济结构调整、推动经济发展方式转变取得实质性进展,还要管理好通胀预期、稳定物价总水平。

    We not only need to maintain sufficient policy intensity and consolidate the momentum of the economic turnaround , but we also need to accelerate economic restructuring and make substantive progress in transforming the pattern of economic development . In addition , we need to manage inflation expectations well and keep the overall level of prices stable .