
  • 网络species resources
  1. 民族地区的物种资源及其可持续开发利用

    The Species Resources in the Minority Regions and its Sustainable Utilization

  2. 中国物种资源评价与持续利用

    Evaluating species resources in China and their sustained usage

  3. 海南省为我国热带雨林地之一,物种资源丰富,尤其是珍稀名贵树种资源。

    Hainan province is rich in precious tree species resources .

  4. 筛草是一种重要的生物物种资源,其用途广泛。

    Carex kobomugi is an important biological species resource with versatile uses .

  5. 中国大陆猕猴属物种资源快速鉴定方法的研究

    The Study on the Method to Rapid Identification of China Macaca Mulatta

  6. 建立了中国马物种资源数据库。

    The database of Chinese indigenous horse breeds is established .

  7. 中国农区野生物种资源的历史与现状

    Situation of Wild Species in Agricultural Regions in China

  8. 贺兰山植物物种资源构成的垂直分异

    Vertical differentiation of plant species composition in east slope of the Helan Mountain

  9. 武夷山&物种资源的宝库

    Wuyi Mountin ── Treasure ─ house of Species Resource

  10. 山东省陆栖脊椎动物物种资源现状及其保护利用

    The Resources Situation of Vertebrate Species in Shandong Land and their Protection and Utilization

  11. 保护景区内物种资源(特别是珍稀、濒危物种),使其不致减少或灭绝;

    3 ) species resources ( esp. valuable and rare and in imminent danger );

  12. 云南木兰科植物物种资源及其种质库的研究

    Studies on the resources and gene pool bases of the Magnoliaceous plants in Yunnan Province

  13. 红豆杉物种资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Application of Taxus Species Resource

  14. 对加强口岸查验防止植物物种资源流失的思考

    Consideration over the Issues of Strengthening Port Inspection and Preventing Loss of Plant Species Resources

  15. 秦皇岛地区封山育林与物种资源的变化

    A study on changes in species resource caused by forest enclosing and tending in Qinhuangdao Prefecture

  16. 中国乳菇属物种资源

    A study of Lactarius from China

  17. 厦门海域鱼类单殖吸虫物种资源、病理学及分子系统学研究

    Studies on Species Diversity , Histopathology and Molecular Phylogenetics of Fish Monogeneans in Xiamen Sea Area

  18. 城市土地利用下的植物物种资源特征分析

    Flora features under urban land use

  19. 河北省粘细菌物种资源多样性的研究&承德市区及其五县生态样品的研究

    Study on diversity of species resource of myxobacteria in Hebei province : urban district and five counties of Chengde

  20. 物种资源丧失的问题很突出,江河渔业资源严重衰退。

    The problem of the loss of species resources become very prominent and the fisheries resources of rivers decline severely .

  21. 轮藻是一类古老的低等植物,是水生态系统的重要类群和物种资源。

    Charophyte is a kind of ancient algae , is one of the important component and species resources of aquatic ecosystems .

  22. 渔农自然护理署新设立的濒危物种资源中心在五月?用,藉以提高公众对保护濒危物种的认识。

    The AFCD opened the Endangered Species Resource Centre in May to promote public awareness on the protection of endangered species .

  23. 由于人类活动的不断加剧、物种资源过度开发利用、森林的破坏与片段化、水域污染等原因,使生物多样性受到威胁。

    Continual human activity , unduly exploitation and using of species resource , disforestation and segmented forest , water area pollution , which threatens biodiversity .

  24. 本文在该区物种资源和生态系统调查的基础上,提出了保护生物多样性的规划意见。

    A planning for biological diversity conservation in this particular area has been proposed on the basis of species resource and ecosystem surveying in this region .

  25. 本文简述了我国紫胶虫的物种资源、遗传多样性和生境,并根据紫胶虫资源状况提出了发展紫胶生产的模式。

    In this paper , the species resources and genetic diversity of lac insects were briefly introduced , and the lac productive model was also put forward .

  26. 其科学价值、环境意义都十分重要,尤其是对该区域物种资源的研究与保护,关系到区域环境安全与经济可持续发展的稳定。

    Study and protection of the species resources in this region are related to the environment safety and the stability of sustain development of economy in it .

  27. 这一物种资源量在长江中下游地区是非常丰富的,特别是太湖地区。

    In China , the resource quantity of this species is very abundant in lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River , especially in the Taihu Lake .

  28. 通过野外考察数据和现有文献资料,分析了天山北坡地区草地植物物种资源的组成特征。

    Based on field investigation and relative data , the composition of grassland plant resources at the middle section on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain was analyzed .

  29. 概述福建省永春县的物种资源特点及现状,并结合生物多样性的特点,提出相应的保护对策。

    The status and characteristics of species resources in Yongchun County , Fujian Province are described and the measures of protection are put forward according to the biodiversity in this county .

  30. 因此,该类菌的物种资源及分子生物学已在国内外进行了广泛的研究,并且越来越引起人们的重视。

    Therefore the species resources and molecular biology of those bacterial strains have been extensively researched in domestic and abroad , and more and more importance has been attached to them .