
  1. 1966年底至1967年驻京办事处被撤销。

    By the end of 1966 to 1967 , Liaison offices in Beijing was withdrawn .

  2. 锣鼓声、扩音器传出的刺耳的革命歌曲,这让耳塞成了北京的英国驻京办事处的一个普遍问题。

    Drums , gongs and loudspeakers blaring revolutionary songs had made earplugs standard issue in the British Mission in Beijing .

  3. 在计划经济条件下的驻京办事处主要职能是向中央政府争取物资支持。

    Under the planned economy , the main function of Liaison offices in Beijing is to strive for material support to the Central Government .

  4. 北京馨逸家商务旅游公寓住所全部房间,接受国内外商务人士,公司及驻京办事处等长期租赁,价格面议。

    All our rooms are opened to long term renting for business people , company or representative office in Beijing ect . , rental rates are negotiatable by meeting us .

  5. 两帅之间还有一帅,就是文汇报驻京办事处负责人浦熙修,是一位能干的女将。

    In between the two commanders , there is a third in the person of Pu Hsi-hsiu , a capable woman of action in charge of the Peking office of Wen Hui Pao .

  6. 国际红十字会和红新月会驻京办事处发言人弗朗西斯.马库斯说,此时此刻还很难说迄今各方已经表示捐赠的数量是否足够保证有效的救援努力。

    Francis Markus is spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Beijing . He says it is hard at this point to say whether the amount of aid pledged so far will be enough to ensure adequate relief efforts .