
  • 网络Credit asset quality;quality of credit assets
  1. 试论强化信贷资产质量监督防范金融风险

    On Strengthening Supervision over thd Quality of Credit Assets and Avoiding Financial Risk

  2. 提高我国银行业信贷资产质量是当前金融改革的核心任务。

    The core task of the financial reform is improving the quality of credit assets .

  3. 第二部分为本课题研究对象Z县农村信用社信贷资产质量状况及评价。

    Part 2 is the status and evaluation of the credit asset quality of the research object & " Z county Rural Credit Union " .

  4. 标普因此将HSBCFinance的AA信用前景评级从此前的“正面”下调到了“稳定”,以此反映该行信贷资产质量出现下降的状况。

    S & P revised the outlook on HSBC Holdings'double-A credit rating to stable from positive , to reflect the lower quality of the unit 's lending portfolio .

  5. 加强贷款管理,提高信贷资产质量;

    Strengthen the credit management and improve the credit capital quality ;

  6. 我国农村信贷资产质量状况的实证研究

    Studies on the Credit Asset Quality of Rural Credit Union

  7. 贷前审查是提高信贷资产质量的重要环节。分析加强贷前审查的重要性,说明只有对企业进行了客观的分析,才能保证贷款的合理投放,才能提高银行的信贷资产质量。

    Investigation is a important step to improve the quality of loan assets ;

  8. 提高信贷资产质量;

    To heighten the quality of the credit assets ;

  9. 信贷资产质量是商业银行的生命线。

    The quality of loan assets is the lifeline of a commercial bank .

  10. 信贷资产质量是银行立行之本。

    The quality of the assets is the foundations that the bank set up the conduct .

  11. 浅议银行信贷资产质量

    The Quality of Bank Credit Assets

  12. 提高国家开发银行林业信贷资产质量促进经济增长方式转变的几点思考

    Thoughts of Improving the Quality of Forest Loans of The State Development Bank and Promotion Transform of Increasing Economics

  13. 与国外的银行比,我国银行信贷资产质量低下,风险过高已是不争的事实。

    Compared with foreign banks , the assets quality of bank credit is low and the risk is too high .

  14. 商业银行信贷资产质量决定着自身效益和发展。

    The operating result and expansion potential of a commercial bank depends largely on the quality of its credit assets .

  15. 此外,在信贷资产质量普遍较高的情况下,银行的警惕性有可能下降。

    In addition , banks can derive comfort from their business loan portfolios , where credit quality is generally high .

  16. 金融体系稳健运行,银行体系流动性和信贷资产质量保持在较好水平。

    The financial system functioned well and the banking system kept its liquidity and credit asset quality at a healthy level .

  17. 而信贷资产质量低下,不良债权日益增多的状况正严重阻碍着我国商业银行的发展。

    Among them , the low quality of loan business and increase of non performing loan hamper the development of domestic commercial banks .

  18. 十五期间,中国进出口银行各项业务持续快速发展,信贷资产质量显著提高;

    During the time of 10th Five-Year Plan , China EXIM has developed opera - tions rapidly , and improved the loans quality greatly .

  19. 近年来,解决中国银行业信贷资产质量问题成为金融改革的重中之重。

    In recent years , the most important problem of Chinese financial reform is to improve the quality of credit asset of the banks .

  20. 银行信贷资产质量低下、信贷风险高是我国当前金融经济运行中面临的主要问题。

    The low quality of bank credit assets and high credit risk is the main problem in the circulation of financial economy in China .

  21. 1997年亚洲金融危机发生后,中国国有商业银行开始重视自身的信贷资产质量问题。

    After the Asian financial crisis in 1997 , China State-owned Commercial Banks ( CSCB ) paid more attention to the quality of their credit assets .

  22. 因此,国有商业银行加强信贷资产质量管理,提高信贷资产质量,防范信贷增量风险,在金融业竞争日趋激烈的今天尤为迫切,也是国有商业银行经营管理的重要课题。

    Therefore , it is necessary to tighten up the management and improve the quality so as to prevent the risk of increase of credit assets .

  23. 传统的一逾两呆法有明显的局限性,一是对信贷资产质量的识别滞后;

    The traditional way to categorize by Overdue and Bad Debts has evident limitation . First , this method creates lagged identification to the quality of credit assets .

  24. 在全面审计资产、负债和损益的基础上,重点突出对信贷资产质量方面问题的审计。

    Based on the comprehensive review of the assets , liabilities , profits and losses , priority was given to problems related to the quality of credit assets .

  25. 但是竞争仅依赖于机构网点的权力而不是资金运作的效率,或者信贷资产质量的升级。

    But the competition relied only on the power of the institutional network instead of the efficiency of fund operation or the upgrade of the quality of credit assets .

  26. 那么,如何提高国有商业银行信贷资产质量,防范新增不良资产就成为国有商业银行改革进程中急需解决的问题。

    In that case , how to control the added credit funds quality of the state-owned commercial banks , prevent the added non-performing assets is the issue to be solved urgently .

  27. 最后为浙江保持低不良贷款率和其他地区提高信贷资产质量提出了一些建议。

    At the final part of the paper , suggestions are made on keeping the low NPL rate of Zhejiang and improving the quality of credit asset of banks in other provinces .

  28. 在争取更多客户,不断扩展业务占有量的同时,同样也给建行信贷资产质量带来了风险,为确保长期保证建行在市场竞争中的竞争力,信贷资产十二级分类系统的建设已迫在眉睫。

    In face of the powerful threaten from the rivals , CCB have to develop more customers and extend its business products continuously , which may bring much more risk to its credit assets .

  29. 本文的研究成果对于丰富和完善信用风险评估理论和方法,对于增强我国商业银行信用风险防范能力,提高信贷资产质量与获利能力都有一定的理论和实践意义。

    This research results enrich and improve the credit assessment theory and methods . And has certain theoretical and practical significance to enhance credit risk prevention capacity , improve asset quality and profitability of credit .

  30. 近年来银行业的飞速发展,同业竞争异常激烈,这就对银行信贷资产质量、风险管理水平和管理架构等提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , the rapid development of the banking industry , and the fierce competition between counterparts have put forward higher demand for bank credit asset quality and risk management and management structure .