
xiū qì
  • repair;renovate;repair, renovate
修葺 [xiū qì]
  • [repair, renovate] 修理[建筑物]

  • 买了一所大房子,打发人回来修葺。--《续红楼梦》

  • 余稍为修葺。--明. 归有光《项脊轩志》

修葺[xiū qì]
  1. 布基纳法索总理特尔蒂乌斯·宗戈(TertiusZongo)呼吁1.5亿美元的资金用于排洪,修葺道路,支付人道主义援助,发展更好的灾难响应机制。

    Prime Minister Tertius Zongo is more than $ 150 million to drain flood waters , repair road damage , humanitarian assistance and develop a better disaster-response system .

  2. 这幢建筑处于急需修葺的状态。

    This building is in a bad state of repair .

  3. 宫殿经过修葺,重现出昔日的富丽堂皇。

    The palace has been restored to its former splendour .

  4. 房子需要修葺,不过屋顶还完好无损。

    The house needs attention but the roof is sound .

  5. 她可能没有足够的钱来维护或修葺她的房产。

    She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property

  6. 这房子需要修葺。

    The house wants / needs repairing / to be repaired .

  7. 阳光普照。草地被修葺过了。

    The sun shone . The grass was cut .

  8. 物业的修葺费用每年不同。

    Repairing costs on properties vary from one year to another .

  9. 每次我想要修葺房子的时候。

    Anytime I try doing home improvements around the house .

  10. 在历史上,它因战火洗礼而经过多次修葺。

    It has experienced numerous renovations due to constant battles and fires .

  11. 教堂的大部分已被修葺或重建。

    Most of the church has been restored or rebuilt .

  12. 经修葺后,这庙几乎是跟新盖的一样。

    After renovation the temple looks as good as new .

  13. 依靠补助金的家庭.修葺补助〔紧急救援基金〕

    A family on supplementary benefit repair grant [ Emergency Relief Fund ]

  14. 我准备明年把这座庭园修葺一下。

    I 've decided to renovate the garden next year .

  15. 这些建筑物亟待修葺。

    These buildings are in a bad state of repair .

  16. 楼宇看来结构稳健而且修葺良好。

    Building appear structurally sound and in good repair .

  17. 并且,我们知道修葺基础设施会创造工作岗位。

    And we know that repairing infrastructure creates jobs .

  18. 后来我们才知道,这种老式风格的魅力意味着大量的修葺工作。

    What we learned was that old-fashioned charm translated into lots of repairs .

  19. 赶在我们把墙面修葺得更宽之前吧。

    Before we decide to make our wall just a little bit bigger .

  20. 修葺及支出方面的免税额成绩好的学生免上自修课。

    Allowance for repairs and outgoings Good students are exempted from attending study hall .

  21. 麦琪:我承认我也一直把修葺房子的事一拖再拖。

    Maggie : I admit I 've been putting off the repairs , too .

  22. 直至一九八三年市政府才开始对芙蓉寺进行修葺。

    Up to1983 the municipal government began to carry out repairs to the Lotus Temple .

  23. 所有校舍无论何时均须维持令人满意的修葺。

    All school premises shall at all times be kept in a satisfactory state of repair .

  24. 这些建物亟待修葺。

    These buildings are in a bad state of repair , ie need to is repaired .

  25. 经宋、元、明、清历代修葺保存至今。

    It remained till now through renovations in Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties .

  26. 时刻保持你的家居修葺妥善,才能够保障自己和他人的安全。

    You should maintain your home properly to ensure your own safety and that of others .

  27. 原先的伊利运河的终点站将重新修葺以吸引观光客和商铺;

    The original terminus of the Erie Canal is being rebuilt to attract tourists and shops ;

  28. 美国在全球的霸权无疑将受到中国的修葺中的航母的挑战。

    American global supremacy is not about to be challenged by China 's tinkering with aircraft-carriers .

  29. 我是康妮.斯威夫特.今天“你好,美国”节目将带大家支参观一个修葺过的新英格兰式农场。

    I 'm Connie Swife , and today " Hello America " is visiting a restored New England farm .

  30. 现时,合趾猿笼舍的修葺工程及正门入口附近的旧圆形厕所的翻新工程进展良好。

    Renovation of the siamang enclosure and refurbishment of the old circular toilet near the main entrance are progressing well .