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  • 网络revised standard
  1. 《石油钻机型式与基本参数》修订标准技术分析

    The technical analysis of revised standard for The types and basic parameters for oil drilling rigs

  2. 因此,此后的修订标准版轻描淡写的将这段译为“祂的门徒进入城市买食物”。

    Hence , the Revised Standard Version now simply translates this same passage as " his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food " .

  3. McDonald修订标准在儿童多发性硬化诊断中的应用

    Application of Revised McDonald Criteria in Children with Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

  4. 考虑到不同标准之间术语的一致性,建议相关的标准技术委员会在修订标准时将第13章的泄漏电流(leakagecurrent)改称为接触电流(touchcurrent)。

    In order to uniform the terms among different standards , it is suggested to rename the term leakage current in clause 13 to touch current in next amendment of standard .

  5. 类风湿关节炎的诊断标准参考ACR1987修订标准。

    The diagnosis of RA conformed to the ACR 1987 revised criteria .

  6. 金属阳极电解槽修订标准释义

    Interpretations on corrected standards of metal anode electrolyzer

  7. 实木地板块质量分析和修订标准的建议

    Quality Analysis for Entity Wood Floor Block and Suggestion of Revising of National Standard

  8. 修订标准成本津贴制度

    Modified standard cost system

  9. 最后建议建立云南省重点保护野生植物名录修订标准和机制。

    Finally this paper suggests establishing some criteria and a mechanism to revise the list in the future .

  10. 如果大多数候选人无法满足要求,应当考虑修订标准。

    If most of candidates can not meet the requirement , criteria should be considered to be revised .

  11. 为加强医用脱脂棉的质量控制和监督管理,建议修订标准并提出一种检验方法。

    In this paper we discuss the existent quality problems , the control and the test method for non-cotton chemical fiber in medical absorbent cotton .

  12. 将骶髂关节炎按1984年美国纽约修订标准分级并作与性别、病程、年龄的相关性研究。

    Sacroiliitis were graded according to the New York criteria revised in 1984 and its relationship with gender , disease duration and age were studied .

  13. 最近即将发表的日本消费物价指数的修订标准可能会显示,通货紧缩比预期的情况更为严重。

    A revised measure of Japans consumer-price index , to be published soon , is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought .

  14. 实际上,这些方程可以当作是一种定量尺度,广泛用于设计或选择钢种、制定或修订标准、控制熔炼成分等方面。

    In fact , these equations may be taken as a quantitative measure being widely used in desig (?) ing or selecting steel grades , constituting or revising standards , controlling melting compositions , etc.

  15. 还应当制定并修订标准,以加强控制食品中的细菌,农药残留,重金属,污染物质的含有量,以及使用的食品添加剂。

    Standards should also be made or revised to tighten the control of bacteria , pesticide residue , heavy metal and polluting materials in food products , as well as the use of food additives .

  16. 本文针对执行低压锅炉水质标准中所遇到的问题进行了分析探讨,提出了相应的解决办法,并对修订标准谈了作者的观点。

    The paper discusses and analyses the problems arising in implementing the water quality standards for low - pressure boiler , presents some methods for solving the problems and puts forward the author 's views on revising the standards .

  17. 在概括美国钻机有关技术作法的基础上,分析了修订标准主要参数的技术内涵,论述了标准的合理性和先进性。

    On the basis of summarizing the technical practice of oil drilling rig from U.S. , analyzed the technical connotation of the main parameters of the revised standard and discussed in detail the reasonableness and advancement of the standard .

  18. 46例初诊系统性红斑狼疮患者诊断均符合1982年美国风湿病协会修订标准,其中女40例,男6例;年龄14-61岁,平均年龄32.59。

    We studied 46 patients ( 6 males and 40 females , means age 32.59 ? 0.99 years ; rang from 14 to 61 years ) who met the 1982 criteria of the American College of Rheumatology for systemic lupus erythematosus .

  19. 66例足月儿HIE的临床和CT诊断根据1996年全国杭州会议修订的标准;

    The clinic and CT diagnosis of 66 term infants conformed to the revised standard of the national meeting in Hangzhou .

  20. 【方法】用超声心动图检查110例根据修订Jones标准(1982)确诊为风湿热并有急性风湿性心脏炎的患者发生瓣膜脱垂的情况。

    Methods 110 cases of rheumatic fever associated with acute rheumatic carditis diagnosed on the basis of the revised Jones ′ criteria ( 1982 ) wereassessedbyechocardiography .

  21. 制定和修订产品标准的原则之我见

    Views on the Principle of Formulating and Revising Standard for Products

  22. 不要气馁,修订是标准编辑的惯例。

    Do not be discouraged & revisions are standard editorial practice .

  23. 宜适当修订课程标准,会计课程规划一贯性。

    Standardize course offerings and plan a sequence of accounting courses .

  24. 为修订胶合板标准,文内提出了一些参考意见。

    Some referential comments are offered to revise plywood standards .

  25. 可作为工程设计和制修订有关标准的参考依据。

    It can be regarded as reference for project design and revising the concerned standards .

  26. 视神经脊髓炎的修订诊断标准

    Revised diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica

  27. 制定、修订国家标准1049项,其中新制定514项。

    A total of 1,049 national standards were formulated or revised , including 514 new standards .

  28. 对此卫生部采取了清理修订卫生标准、建立产品认证认可体系、建立和完善预警与控制体系等应对措施。

    Measures taken include revision of hygienic standards , establishing products certification system and precaution and control system , etc.

  29. 新修订的标准对判别进口植物是否会对栽培或野生植物构成威胁提供了更详尽的指导。

    It gives greater guidance for determining whether an imported plant might be a threat to cultivated or wild plants .

  30. 本文论及修订栲胶标准意义,阐述了栲胶质量、栲胶标准方面的问题。

    Problems relating to the quality and specifications of tannin extracts and significance of revision of standard of tannin extracts are discussed .