
fǔ wò wèi
  • prone position
俯卧位[fǔ wò wèi]
  1. 仰卧和俯卧位心脏对肺压迫作用的CT探讨结果:俯卧位为最佳体位。

    The difference of compression of lungs by the heart in the supine and prone position : a CT study Results : Prone is the best body place .

  2. 患者取俯卧位或侧卧位,在CT引导下用20G×100mm穿刺针,取侧旁穿刺进针,注射皮质类固醇等药物至硬膜外间隙。

    In prone position or lateral recumbent position , with CT guidance and 20G × 100mm puncture needle , the puncture with paramedian access was performed , and injection of corticosteroid into the epidural space was followed .

  3. 仰卧位与俯卧位CT相结合判断食管癌外侵主动脉的探讨

    Preoperative Supine and Prone CT Scan of Esophageal Carcinoma to Determine Aortic Invasion

  4. 目的:探讨多椎体压缩骨折行经皮穿刺椎体成形术的方法、疗效及手术注意事项。方法:采用单纯C型臂X线机监视引导,俯卧位或侧卧位,多椎体同时穿刺注射方法进行手术。

    Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness and procedure of C-arm fluoroscopy-guide percutaneous vertebroplasty ( PVP ) for the treatment of multiple level vertebral body compression fractures .

  5. 若改为先将患者置于俯卧位,再注入麻醉药物,其循环和呼吸参数波动则比较平稳(P>0.05)。

    On the contrary , if the patient was placed in the operation position and then started the anesthesia , the respiratory and circulatory changes were comparatively stable ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  6. 目的:探讨健侧俯卧位ESWL治疗输尿管末端结石的效果。

    Purpose : To investigate the effect of ESWL on the distal ureteral stone in contralateral prone position .

  7. 两组肺炎患儿仰、俯卧位时RR及PaCO2的改变均无统计学意义(P>005)。

    In the two groups , the change of RR and PaCO 2 in the two positions had no statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 结论:俯卧位和旋转体位均能改善兔油酸型ALI肺的氧合;旋转体位能减轻压迫性肺不张的程度。

    Conclusion : Prone and rotation positions can improve the oxygenation in rabbits with ALI , and the continuous rotation position can decrease the extent of compressive lung collapse in ALI .

  9. [目的]探讨俯卧位吸氧对慢性阻塞性肺气肿(COPD)急性发作期病人血氧饱和度(SpO2)的影响。

    Objective : to probe into the influence of oxygen inhalation on arterial blood oxygen saturation ( SpO_2 ) of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) in prone position in attack period .

  10. 推拿组患者取俯卧位,用滚法推背部第一和第二侧膀胱经5~10min;

    In the prone position , the patients in B group were treated with rolling manipulation between the first and second bladder for 5-10 minutes ;

  11. 骨折组采用坐位、侧卧位、俯卧位,其他组取坐位,分别测量肺活量和第1秒时间肺活量(Forcedexpiratoryvolumein1s,FEV1),进行校正处理。

    The vital capacity ( VC ) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s ( FEV1 ) in sitting position were measured for each group and in lateral decubitus position and prone position in addition for fracture group .

  12. 目的评价盆腔调强适形放射疗法(IMRT)结合俯卧位加置腹部平板治疗妇科恶性肿瘤时是否可以更大程度上减少小肠的受照剂量。

    Objective : To evaluate if the combination of prone position on a belly board and intensity-modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) further reduces the radiation dose to small bowel in pelvic RT for gynecologic malignancies .

  13. 方法对7例压缩程度超过65%的椎体骨折在俯卧位或侧卧位实施透视引导下经单侧椎弓根穿刺注射骨水泥PVP治疗。

    Methods Guided by C-arm fluoroscopy , PVP with transpedicular injection of cement was performed in 7 patients with vertebral compression fractures greater than 65 % of the original vertebral body height , in a prone position or lateral recumbent position .

  14. 结果4种手术体位中侧卧位和俯卧位时患者的心率、呼吸、血压变化等程度最大,APAIS不适焦虑评分变化差亦最大。

    Result Among the4 positions , lateral and prone positions resulted in significant variations in heart rate , respiration and blood pressure and APAIS .

  15. 患者俯卧位局麻,双测髂后上嵴行多点穿刺,抽取骨髓血60~260mL,要求在60min内完成。

    The patients received prone position local anesthesia , and then treated with multiple point puncture at posterior superior iliac spine . 60-260 mL blood was extracted from bone marrow . Above-mentioned trail was performed within 60 minutes .

  16. [方法]使用16排CT进行全结肠扫描,扫描条件:扫描层厚1.25mm,螺距1.375∶1,转速0.8s,120Kv,俯卧位240mA,仰卧位50mA,扫描总时间10~14s。

    [ Methods ] Using GE Light-speed Ultra 16-slice CT to perform whole colon scan . Scanning condition : 1.25 mm / 1.375 ∶ 1 / 0.8 s , 120 Kv , prone 240 mA , supine 50 mA , scan total time 10 ~ 14 s.

  17. 常规组按常规术式进行松解:患者俯卧位,行骨盆牵引10min后,在棘间、横突间韧带及横突间肌和椎间孔处粘连神经根处行针刀术剥离松解。

    Patients in the conventional therapy group received conventional release : Pelvic traction was conducted for 10 minutes in the prone position , then the needle-scalpel therapy was used to release and strip nerve roots in adhesive interspace of spine , intertransverse ligaments , intertransverse muscle and intervertebral foramen ;

  18. 俯卧位和旋转体位治疗实验性急性呼吸窘迫综合征

    Experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome treated by prone and rotation positions

  19. 术后严格俯卧位至少2周以上。

    Strict prone position was conducted at least 2 weeks postoperatively .

  20. 但俯卧位比旋转体位安全并能减少TNF-α的产生。体位改变可使肺水肿的分布发生变化。

    The distribution of lung edema changed with body position changes .

  21. 危重病患者半仰、俯卧位机械通气的肠内喂养比较

    Enteral feeding of mechanically ventilated critically ill patients in prone position

  22. 俯卧位脊柱手术患者眼部并发症的预防护理

    Prevention of Eye Complications in Patients Receiving Spinal Surgery in Prone Position

  23. 俯卧位脊柱手术患者的护理

    The nursing of patients with spinal operation at prone posture

  24. 他可以从侧卧位转成仰卧位或俯卧位。

    He may be turned from side to supine to prone position .

  25. 仰俯卧位对早产儿肺功能的影响

    Prone and supine positioning effects on pulmonary function of the preterm infant

  26. 侧俯卧位预防持续性枕后及枕横位的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Lateral prostrate Position Preventing Persistent OP / OT Position

  27. Ⅲ组俯卧位后静注辅助药同Ⅱ组。

    Group ⅲ were the same medicine after prostrate position .

  28. Ⅲ组变换为俯卧位一小时;

    Rabbits in group 3 altered to lie on prone for an hour ;

  29. 俯卧位通气下急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者氧合的变化

    Effect of prone-position ventilation on oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

  30. 侧卧位与俯卧位经皮穿刺腰椎间盘切割术的对比分析

    Analysis of Percutaneous Lumbar Diskectomy in Lateral Position and