
yǎn yào ɡāo
  • eye ointment
  1. 方法用光触媒(纳米二氧化钛)治疗光化性唇炎33例,随机用氢化可的松金霉素眼药膏治疗光化性唇炎27例进行疗效比较。

    Methods 33 cases of actinic cheilitis were treated with Photocatalyst and 27 cases treated with Hydrocortisone and Chlortetracycline eye ointment .

  2. 国产与进口复方妥布霉素滴眼液及眼药膏的临床疗效比较

    Effects of domestic vs imported compound tobramycin eye drops and eye ointment

  3. 签订了这份协议后,这个外科医生一次又一次地给老妇涂眼药膏,他每次来都要带走几样东西.渐渐地,他偷走了老妇所有的家当。

    but if her infirmity remained , she should give him nothing . This agreement being made , the physician , time after time , applied his salve to her eyes , and on every visit took something away , stealing all her property little by little .

  4. 药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏。

    The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment .

  5. 我怎样使用这些眼药水和眼药膏呢?

    How do I use these eye-drops and ointment ?

  6. 同时,应用氯霉素眼药水和红霉素眼药膏治疗8例,平均治念时间20.1±10.1天,平均视力5.0±0.15。

    Average visual acuity was 5 . 14 ± 0 . 13 . During the same period , 8 patients of eye burn were treated with chloromycetin eye drops and erythromycin eye drops .