
yǎn méi
  • brow;eyebrows
眼眉 [yǎn méi]
  • [eyebrows] 〈方〉∶眉毛

眼眉[yǎn méi]
  1. 我想起了在炎热的下午,汗水流淌在我的眼眉上,炙热滚烫的阳光烤在我的脸上。

    I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon , sweat pouring down my brow and the hot , burning sun against my face .

  2. 眼眉间的线条都只是轻微的隆起。

    The boney eyebrow ridges are only slightly developed .

  3. 眼眉向上抬,表示发问的人知道问题的答案。

    Eyebrows go up , the person knows the answer to the question they 're asking .

  4. 他的脸上露出不敢相信的神情,他举其他那枯瘦的手放在眼眉上仔细观瞧。

    His face assumed an expression of incredulity as he gazed , and he passed his bony hand over his eyes .

  5. 一种更细微的眼神就是眼珠上翻然后直接转到一边,并不是真的转动眼珠。眼睛半眯、挑起一个眼眉

    A more nuanced variation is a simple looking up and all the way to one side , without actually rolling the eyes .

  6. 律师眼看着老头一举一动,心想这老两口可能还有复合的可能。哪知道一旁老太太不干了,眼眉挑了起来。

    Looking at this , the lawyer thought maybe there 's still a chance , but the wife was frowning when she answer .

  7. 母亲训斥道。约翰朝我翘了翘眼眉,我假装没看见。

    " Katherine , you needn 't be so loud ," My mother criticized . I pretended not to notice John cocking his eyebrow .

  8. 头虱是一种寄生于头发上的细小昆虫,有时亦会在眼眉或胡须间出现。

    The head louse , Pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny insect which lives on the hair . occasionally , it is also seen in the eyebrows or beard .

  9. 在赝自旋表象中,我们研究了旋转对自旋畴壁的影响,发现自旋畴壁对旋转的响应是形成空间周期性的眼眉状自旋纹理。

    In the pseudospin representation , we investigate the response of the domain wall to rotation , and we find that in response to rotation , the spins on the domain walls twist and form spatially periodic " eyebrow-like " spin textures .