
  • 网络Eye;eye makeup;make up
  1. 购买更多眼妆和眉妆产品

    Invest in more eye and brow products

  2. 随着口罩成为新常态的一部分,眼妆和眉妆产品在封锁期间销量大增。

    As face coverings become part of the new ' normal ' , sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown .

  3. 涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。

    Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes .

  4. 由zWinnieYap开发的化妆教程一步步指导妹子们如何涂出原宿(Harajuku)风柔和绯红眼妆,这一教程的点击量已经超过了10万。

    A make up tutorial by zWinnieYap , a step-by-step guide for applying Harajuku soft blush eye make up , has been viewed more than 100000 times .

  5. 虽然菲利普斯认为西方的彩妆趋势对日本化妆品市场影响不大,但彩妆艺术家阿部忍(ShinobuAbe)却持有不同观点:日本女性们模仿西方女孩儿的眼妆,好让自己的眼睛看起来又大又圆。

    Though Phillips does not think western trends have much effect on the Japanese beauty market , make-up artist Shinobu Abe disagrees : Japanese women copy western girls ' eyes , to make them look bigger and rounder .

  6. (ShinobuAbe)却持有不同观点:“日本女性们模仿西方女孩儿的眼妆,好让自己的眼睛看起来又大又圆。她们把睫毛夹得翘翘的,涂上一层层的睫毛膏,还装上假睫毛。”他这么说道。

    make-up artist Shinobu Abe disagrees : " Japanese women copy western girls ' eyes , to make them look bigger and rounder . They curl lashes , apply layers of mascara , then false lashes , " he says .

  7. 选择适合自己皮肤的眼妆。

    Rely on eye makeup shades that match or complement your skin tone .

  8. 每天晚上:我用婴儿油卸眼妆。

    Every night : I use baby oil to remove my eye make up at night .

  9. 这是将一般眼影转换成为眼线液的魔法眼妆转换液。

    Is a magic ! Is a kind of liquid to change an eye shadow to become an eyeliner .

  10. 大部分男人认为明亮的蓝色眼妆非常滑稽,尤其是配上前面的禁忌。

    Most men find bright blue eye makeup clownish -- especially when it 's paired with the previous no-no 's.

  11. 记得给眉毛化漂亮的妆,拥有完美的眼妆。

    Just remember to get your eyebrows done with a perfect shape , so to have a complete eye look .

  12. 古埃及人化黑色眼妆,如“udju”,眼影或眼影粉--这些都是含铜含铅等有毒物质。

    The ancient Egyptians wore dark eye make-up - udju and mesdemet or kohl - which contained harmful copper and lead .

  13. 这样的唇色几乎可与任何眼妆搭配。她向桥牌搭挡使了个会意的眼色。

    " It works with almost any eye makeup ," says Gage . She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner .

  14. 她在眼圈周围描上深褐色和黑色眼线,最后粘上假睫毛,眼妆大功告成。

    She applied a dark brown and charcoal eyeliner around the rims of her eyes , before finishing the look with false lashes .

  15. 报告包括指控护士和医生使用经常和医疗器械摆放在一起的美容沙龙工具进行修指甲,化眼妆。

    The reports include allegations that nurses and doctors got manicures and their eyebrows waxed with the salon tools often resting on medical devices .

  16. 同样,黛安•冯芙丝汀宝和洛克山达也选择通过创造美人鱼式的闪亮蓝绿色调的复古烟熏眼妆,来向传统的眼影样式靠拢。

    Likewise , Diane Von Furstenberg and Roksanda chose to apprise classic shadow by creating a retro smoky eye in shimmering hues of mermaid-esque teal .

  17. 为了眼妆的生动效果,她用海洋蓝和细长的睫毛来装饰模特眼睛的中心部分,而不是像特薇吉那样全部都粘上假睫毛。

    ocean-blue , spidery lashes adorned the centre portion of the model 's eye for a vivid but entirely wearable version of the Twiggy lash .

  18. 细细的眉毛、烟熏眼妆、唇线又重新流行起来,垃圾摇滚和哥特文化也兴盛一时。

    Thin eyebrows , smoky eyes and lip liner were once again the order of the day while grunge and goth culture also had their moment

  19. 圣路易斯的詹姆斯女士也这么认为:“如果我不上眼妆的话,我就会觉得像没穿衣服一样。能到今天这样,我付出了太多努力。”

    Ms. James of St. Louis agrees : " I feel naked if I don 't have eye makeup on . I 've worked hard to get this far . "

  20. 在画日常眼妆,如眼线和睫毛之前,先用白色眼影提亮下眼线并营造出隆起的错觉。

    Before you start using regular eye makeup like eyeliners and mascara , apply white eye shadow along your lower lash line to highlight and create an illusion of puffiness .

  21. 布洛克选择了简单的珊瑚红唇色和烟熏眼妆,拿着一个黑色镶钻手抓包,和她的扣带凉鞋与钻石耳坠搭配正好。

    Bullock opted for a simple coral red lipstick with smokey eyes , and carried a black and diamante clutch bag that went well with her strappy sandals and diamond earrings .

  22. 说明:不同质地的四色搭配,创造不一样的烟熏效果;不同色调的璀璨颗粒,如点睛之笔,为迷人眼妆添上夺目光芒。

    Spec : With four different colours , it can present various smoky effect ; Differently-tinged bright particles will make your eyes more charming with dazzling gleam just as the finishing touch .

  23. 网站的男性用户最喜欢眼妆,涂眼影的女性比不涂眼影的女性收到的初次约会消息多出139%。

    The sites male users appear to prefer eye make-up the most , as women who were pictured with painted lids received 139 percent more first messages than those who did not .

  24. 维多利亚是和丈夫小贝一起出席央视节目。一头棕色长发被绑成了一个低低的马尾,涂着烟褐色眼妆,脚上穿着一双尖头的黑色高跟鞋。

    The star 's long brown hair was tied in a low ponytail and she wore spiky black heels and smoky brown eye make-up as she joined husband David for the appearance on China Central Television .

  25. 像布兰妮这样的流行小天后(1981年出生)在本世纪00年代初红极一时,她们鲜活的少女脸庞加上亮闪闪的眼妆唇妆和美黑肤色,在当时迷倒一大片。

    Pop princesses like Britney Spears ( b.1981 ) had their heyday in the early noughties , with glitter , shimmer and lip gloss contributing to their ultra-girly image - not to mention lashings of fake tan .

  26. 来自乌克兰的瓦莱里娅-露可安诺娃,她的样子让人觉得她并不属于这个现实世界。瓦莱里娅既是模特,又是歌手,她的小蛮腰和眼妆让人不敢相信自己的眼睛。

    Ukrainian native Valeria Lukyanova may not look like a real person , but with the help of a little eye makeup and a tiny waist the model / singer has been able to fool people the world over .

  27. 伴随蓝色眼妆的时尚风潮而来的,是一种怀旧的感觉,但是也有人争论说更具现代气息的钴蓝色、蓝宝石色和海蓝色才是值得青睐的。

    The vogue for blue eye make-up brings with it a sense of nostalgia but a coming of age contends that more contemporary hues of cobalt , sapphire and aquamarine are worthy of your devotion and it doesn 't stop there .