
  1. 光线疗法副作用很罕见,最常见的有神经紧张、眼涩、头疼。

    Potential side effects of light therapy are rare and most often include jitteriness , a feeling of eyestrain and headache .

  2. 麻疹病毒导致出疹,咳嗽,鼻漏,眼涩和发烧,但是它也可导致耳朵感染,肺炎,癫痫发作,脑损伤,和罕见的死亡。

    The measles virus causes a rash , cough , runny nose , eye irritation and fever , but it can also lead to ear infections , pneumonia , seizures , brain damage , and rarely , death .

  3. 本次调查中,77.5%的被调查者在手术室工作期间会出现不适感,不适感的症状主要有乏力、恶心、头晕、眼涩、刺鼻、呕吐等。

    In our survey , 77.5 % investigators working in the operating room will be discomfort and the discomfort symptoms included chest tightness , eye astringent , dizziness , headache , nausea , pungent , fatigue and so on .