
  • 网络flushing agent;rinse;irrigation
  1. 目的:1、研制五倍子、黄芩的提取物复合制剂&五黄提取液作为一种新型的根管冲洗剂。

    To triturate Chinese Gall and Baical Skullcap Root extract , which is the compound preparation extracted from the above two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine as a new endodontic irrigation . 2 .

  2. 方法:25颗离体直根管前牙,随机分为5组,不锈钢K锉常规法预备根管,应用5种冲洗剂组合进行冲洗。

    METHODS : 25 extracted human maxillary anterior teeth , with a single straight root were randomly divided into 5 groups . They were instrumented with K-files and conventional preparation technique .

  3. 研究了冲洗剂中有机溶剂异丙醇的浓度、离子对酸(TFA)浓度对蛋白质保留时间的影响。

    The influence of concentration of organic modifier ( 2 propanol ) and ion pairing acid ( TFA ) on the protein retention time was examined .

  4. 采用K值法,以CaF2为冲洗剂,与标样配制成主参考物,测定了煤灰中七个物相的K值,完成了四个煤灰样品的物相定量分析。

    With the K value method ( Matrix Flushing Method ) in which CaF_2 is used as diluent , K values of seven crystalline phases have been determined and quantitative phase analysis of crystalline substances for four coal ash samples have been carried out .

  5. 根管冲洗剂对玷污层的作用

    Effects of Root Canal Irrigants on Removal of the Smear Layer

  6. 几种牙根管冲洗剂清洁作用的实验研究

    An in vitro study of the cleaning efficacy of several root canal irrigants

  7. 注射用灭菌粉末的溶剂或注射液的稀释剂或泌尿外科内腔镜手术冲洗剂。

    Study on determination of particulate matter in small volume injections and sterile powder for injection ;

  8. 中药洁尔阴冲洗剂用于超声波根管清理的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscopic study on the use of traditional Chinese medical irrigant in ultrasonic root canal instrumentation

  9. 目的:比较5种冲洗剂组合对前牙直根管的清洁效果。

    PURPOSE : To evaluate the effect of 5 kinds of irrigant combinations on cleaning of anterior straight root canal walls .

  10. 结论:声波器械本身的杀菌作用是有限的,结合低浓度次氯酸钠溶液作为冲洗剂可以获得良好的根管杀菌效果。

    Conclusion : The bactericidal effect of sonic instrument in root canal preparation is limited . It can be enhanced through low concentration of sodium hypochlorite .

  11. 比较白内障术前使用两种抗生素和三种结膜囊冲洗剂的效果,以指导临床合理性用药。

    To guide clinic prescription order by seeking after the effect of using 2 kinds of antibiotics and 3 kinds of conjunctival sac wash before cataract operation .

  12. 目的:体外观察比较强酸性电解质水与其他3类冲洗剂及方法在根管冲洗中的清洁效果和牙本质显微硬度。

    PURPOSE : To evaluate and compare the cleaning effectiveness of strong acid electrolytic water ( SAEW ) with other three kinds of irrigation methods and irrigants in root canal treatment in vitro .

  13. 中药冲洗剂含多种成分,其抗菌谱广,杀菌作用强、毒副作用小,日益受到广大学者的重视。

    Traditional Chinese medicine irrigations contain a variety of ingredients . Because of their wide range of antimicrobial spectrum , great anti-bacterial properties and few side effects , scholars have paid more and more attention to them .