
  1. 水力梯度对喀斯特峡谷形成的影响&以猫跳河、六冲河为例

    The influence of hydraulic gradient on form of karst Canyon

  2. 有一天,他想自己涉水过河,不料因为水流很急,而失足滑落河里,被河水冲到河中央。

    And then the current swept him away , down the middle of the river .

  3. 有天晚上这个女人被暴风雨冲到河的下游,我听到这个女人的哭喊声。

    One night I heard this woman crying out as she was being swept down river in a storm .

  4. 看到岩石被可怜的冲来冲去,河说:“只有弱者才会绕道,强者只会勇往直前,任何东西都无法阻挡它!”

    When it saw the rock being tossed about pitifully , it said ," Only a weak person will make a detour . A person who is strong will only go ahead , and nothing will stop him !"