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  1. 知道前方的道路比盲目往前冲更让人舒服和满意。

    Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead .

  2. 指挥官为了避免海军陆战队员冒着高地上的炮台从正面硬冲,让我和几个哥们直接把这些家伙投到基地里以减少损失。

    Commander didn 't want to risk marines against the cannons they had dug in on the cliffs so me and the boys got brought in for a little death from above .

  3. 冲啊!让斯巴达人看看,我们能干什么。

    Go ! Show the Spartans what we can do .

  4. 她冲我大叫让我走开

    She yelled at me to go away .

  5. 在做一堂学术讲座背后,我试图把我自己装进一个瓶子里,希望有一天这个瓶子会被冲上沙滩让我的孩子们看到。

    Under the ruse of giving an academic lecture , I was trying to put myself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for my children .

  6. 在老虎杀伤了猎物之后,还会有这样的时刻&老虎从树林中咆哮着冲出来,让那些垂涎它的猎物者知道它还在附近。

    After the tiger makes its kill , there will also be times when the tiger will roar from the jungle , letting those who might be tempted to steal its kill know that it is still in the vicinity .

  7. 有些人真的往前冲,但又让别人挡住了。

    A few students began to push forward but were held back by their mates .