
  • 网络Fujin;Forgain
  1. 富锦市一民营水上旅游公司为何濒临绝境

    The Difficulty of Private Owned Travel Company on Water in Fujin City

  2. 黑龙江省富锦市七星河湿地科学考察报告

    Scientific Investigating Report for Qixing River Wet Land of Heilongjiang Province Fujin City

  3. 用环境水利理念和方法建设富锦市城市防洪工程

    Building engineering for flood control in Fujin city with environmental water resources concept and method

  4. 从富锦市第一中学高一年级中选取六个班级进行教学课堂录音。

    Six classes in Grade One from Fu Jin First One Middle Schools are selected for class instruction recording .

  5. 水量平衡测试法在富锦市供水管网检漏中的应用

    Application of tracking down a leak out of the pipe net of water balance test methods in Fujin City

  6. 介绍了起重机械产品今后的发展趋势,介绍了富锦起重机厂发展面临的问题。

    Analyze the future development trend of hoisting machinery products , the problem which the factory faces for its development .

  7. 同时指,出人类的农垦活动是富锦沼泽湿地面积退缩的主要原因。

    And the predominant driving force for wetland shrinkage in Naoli River Basin is the reclamation activities by human beings .

  8. 盆地自西向东划分为绥滨坳陷、富锦隆起、前进坳陷等三个一级构造单元。

    We divided the basin into Suibin depression , Fujin uplift and Qianjin depression three first-order tectonic units from west to east .

  9. 在富锦黑粘土上,每公顷施等量的氯化钾,增产块茎6.5%~20.0%。

    With the same rate of KCL application on the smonite in Fujin , the yield increased by 6 . 5 ~ 20 . 0 % .

  10. 苹果公司表示,尽管鸿富锦一些员工的工作时间超过了苹果公司的行为准则所允许的60小时,但调查并未发现员工被迫加班的证据。

    Apple said that although some people at its supplier had worked more than the 60 hours allowed by its code of conduct , an investigation had not found proof of forced overtime .

  11. 在对富锦市农村机械化整地进行深入调查基础上,分析了目前富锦市农村机械化整地现状,并结合实际提出解决问题的方法及对策。

    Based on deeply investigation of Fujin City agricultural mechanization soil preparation , this article analyzed present condition of agricultural mechanization soil preparation in Fujin and raised the methods and countermeasures to solve the problems according to actual situation .

  12. 阐述了水量平衡测试法的工作原理、方法、步骤,介绍了水量平衡测试法在富锦市供水管网检漏中的应用。

    This paper presents the work principles ? methods and precedures of water balance test methods and introduces the application of tracking down a leak out of the pipe net of water supple with water quantity balance test methods in Fujin City .

  13. 对富锦起重机厂产权改制的总体原则、改制的目标、改制的总体方案和改制过程进行了详细的描述,对富锦起重机厂改制后的运行状况进行介绍,给出了富锦起重机厂改造后的财务报表。

    The thesis also give a detailed description to the overall principle of reform , the goal and overall scheme of reform and the reforming course , the operation conditions after reforming , provide the financial statement after transforming of hoist factory of Fujin .