
  • 网络Salary system;beneficium
  1. 论元朝俸禄制度

    On the Salary System in the Yuan Dynasty

  2. 本文利用历史资料,详细叙述了历代对胥吏的品级与俸禄制度的具体规定。

    In this paper , the author uses historical datas , describing in detail the history of the petty officials grade and salary system with specific provisions .

  3. 元朝的俸禄制度是在官制、货币制度利财政税收制度建立和完善的过程中,吸收历代统治经验逐步建立起来的。

    Fenglu in the Yuan Dynasty was gradually formed in the process of establishing and improving the official system and tax system , by learning from the experiences of previous dynasties .

  4. 第三部分,描述了俸禄制度建立的过程,分析了俸禄制度代替世禄制度的原因。

    The third part , described the salary of a government official system establishment process , analyzed the reason that the salary of a government official system to replace the hereditary salary system .

  5. 俸禄制度是古代职官制度中最重要、最基本的制度之一,俸禄水平的高低影响着官员的廉洁状况。

    The salary system used to be the most important and most fundamental systems of the ancient official institutions , and the standard of the salary used to affect the honesty of officials in performing their duties .

  6. 俸禄制建立的过程则是爵禄分离,最终形成由官职大小决定俸禄高低的制度。

    The salary of a government official system establishment process is the rank and emoluments separation , finally forms by the government position size decides the salary of a government official height the system .
