
qiào biàn zi
  • kick the bucket;drop dead;be gathered to one's farthers;catch in one's chips
翘辫子 [qiào biàn zi]
  • [kick the bucket] 谑语,即死。清代男人也梳辫子,刽子手杀人时要把辫子提起,翘辫子也就成为杀头的同义词 ,后来借指死亡

翘辫子[qiào biàn zi]
  1. 假如他自己不多保重身体,迟早会翘辫子。

    If he does not take care of himself , he may kick the bucket sooner or later .

  2. 感谢上帝,奥利芙所有的亲戚看上去暂时都没有翘辫子之虞。

    None of Olive 's relatives looked likely to pop off for the time being , thank God .

  3. 袁世凯刚刚登上皇帝的宝座就翘辫子了。

    Yuan Shikai had just taken the throne when he kicked the bucket .

  4. 这个短语源自于英文俗语tokickthebucket,意即去世(翘辫子),这个表达早在1785年就已经在使用了。

    This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket , meaning to die , which has been in the language since at least 1785 .

  5. 【句型操练好像你快要翘辫子似的,如此急着去打电话给你儿子。

    You desperately rushed to give a call to your son .

  6. 他希望在他翘辫子之前看看他的孙子。

    He hopes to see his grandchildren before he turns up his toes .

  7. 来了一个小姑娘,穿着白色裙子,梳着长翘辫子。

    In came a girl , wearing a white skirt with two long pigtails .

  8. 他于上周五翘辫子,我们都为此感到十分伤心。

    He kicked the bucket last Friday and we are all deeply saddened by this .

  9. 我希望在我翘辫子之前去澳大利亚看看我的孙子。

    I hope to see my grandchildren in Australia before I turn up my toes .

  10. 她于上周五翘辫子,我们都为此感到十分伤心。

    She kicked the bucket last Friday and we are all deeply saddened by this .

  11. 你很强壮我的朋友,弱一点的人到现在应该翘辫子了。

    You 're a tough one my friend , a lesser man would be dead by now .

  12. 说我们击败歧视,战胜狭隘,——打倒…——翘辫子的比喻吗?

    That we 're blitzing bigotry , kicking intolerance , - and beating ... - metaphors to death ?

  13. 接着我问他能否让我把笔记本带到镇上复印,免得它翘辫子。

    Then I asked if I could take the notebook into town with me and photocopy it before it died .

  14. 先生,我严肃地说,这是我的专业意见&这本子若不赶紧找人帮忙,用不着六个月就会翘辫子。

    Sir , I said gravely , here is my professional opinion & if this book does not get some help soon , it will be dead within the next six months .