
  • 网络pygmy
  1. 任何非洲以外的人都不能“拥有”这些俾格米人。

    No one outside Africa can " own " these pygmies .

  2. 那两个俾格米人信任你。你驯服了他们。

    They trust you , the pygmies . you 've tamed them .

  3. 两个俾格米人安然无恙,我的伤势也愈合得很快。

    The two pygmies are safe and well and I am healing fast .

  4. 但俾格米人必须是无辜的。

    But the pygmies have to be innocent .

  5. 有没有谁买那个俾格米人?

    Did anybody go for the pygmy ?

  6. 但是俾格米人血液中的抗体表明这种疾病很长一段时间以来有可能只是中非的地方病而已。

    But antibodies in the blood of pygmies shows that the disease has probably been endemic in Central Africa for a long time .

  7. 先前我们与一些熟知俾格米人社区的专家进行了交流,他们说建一个电台吧。

    So we talked with some experts who know the pygmy communities very well , and they said let 's have a radio station .

  8. 名单中还包括一种舞蹈,阿根廷探戈,和中非共和国的阿卡俾格米人的歌。

    The list also includes a dance , the Argentinian tango , and the singing of the Aka pygmies of the Central African Republic .

  9. 比如非洲的当代俾格米人和狩猎聚居部落的基因组的差异能赶上欧洲现代人和尼安德塔人的差异。

    The genomes of contemporary pygmy and hunter gatherer tribes in Africa , for example , have roughly as many differences as do those of European modern humans and Neandertals .

  10. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】“俾格米人[矮人族]善于在森林里生活,这一家人躲在一个树枝和树叶搭成的帐篷下避雨。”

    Republic of the Congo , Pygmy Family , 2000 " Wise in the ways of the forest , a Bambendjell é [ Pygmy ] family takes refuge from the rain under a shelter of sticks and leaves . "