
hòu chē shì
  • waiting room
候车室 [hòu chē shì]
  • [waiting room in a bus or railway station] 火车、长途汽车站等为方便旅客等车所设的房屋

  1. 他们不得不在候车室里等了一个小时。

    They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour .

  2. 候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

    Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit

  3. 她在候车室里晕过去了,被抬了出去。

    She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out .

  4. 在大多数车站,我们还可以享受专门的软卧候车室。

    Most stations we'vebeen to also have special soft-ticket waiting areas .

  5. 在候车室我看见一个熟睡的女孩。

    I saw a sleeping girl in the waiting room .

  6. 我们在车站候车室待到傍晚。

    We stayed in the station 's waiting-room until evening .

  7. 他在候车室里静静地等了一个小时。

    He lay quietly in the waiting-room for an hour .

  8. 可以告诉我几号登机门和几号候车室吗?

    Could you tell me the gate number and the terminal number ?

  9. 沈阳站主候车室整体改造施工技术

    Integral renovating technology for waiting room of Shenyang Railway Station

  10. 福州火车站站房改造高架候车室工程施工

    Constuction of the Overhead Waiting Room of Transformation of Fuzhou Railway Station Buildings

  11. 候车室阴沉沉的,那个味儿如一惯地难闻。

    The waiting-room was gloomy , of course , and it smelled badly .

  12. 有人坐在候车室昏暗的一角。

    There was someone sitting in a dim corner of the waiting room .

  13. 服务员把我们引进了候车室。

    The porter ushered us into the waiting room .

  14. 这个车站有宽大的候车室。

    The railway station has a spacious waiting room .

  15. 她坐在候车室里,随意地翻阅着一本杂志。

    She sat in the waiting room , flicking idly through a magazine .

  16. 告示;通告牌候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

    Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit .

  17. 你有两分钟时间赶到联合站台候车室。

    You 've got two minutes to get to the union station waiting room .

  18. 候车室里挤满了等着车来的乘客。

    The waiting room is crowded with passengers waiting for the bus to come .

  19. 北京站高架候车室地基与上部结构地震反应

    Earthquake response analysis of the foundation and superstructure of Beijing railway station high-rise waiting room

  20. 公告板上有您要乘坐车次的候车室编号。

    The notice board will tell you which waiting room you need for your train .

  21. 哪里是候车室?

    Where is the waiting room ?

  22. 候车室、候车厅、钟楼弹塑性地震反应分析

    Analysis of Elastic & Plastic Earthquake Response for waiting Room , waiting Hall and Clock Tower

  23. 我进了火车站,买了车票,走进了候车室。

    I went to the railway station , brought a ticket and walked into the waiting-room .

  24. 身穿皮埃尔巴尔曼设计的深蓝色制服的车站工作人员在候车室里走来走去,照看和帮助旅客。

    Moving through the lounge , staff in their dark-blue Pierre-Balmain-designed uniforms watched and helped passengers .

  25. 月台很冷,所以我们赶紧躲到温暖的候车室。

    It was cold on the railway platform so we hurried into the warm waiting room .

  26. 车站候车室里挤满了人。

    The station waitingroom was crowded .

  27. 夏热冬冷地区客运站候车室夏季热舒适性

    Thermal Comfort Analysis in Departure Lounge at Railway Station in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone

  28. 如果是在人少的场合,譬如在火车上或者候车室,他追人的速度要放慢一些。

    In more exclusive circles , on the train or in waiting stations , he went slower .

  29. 候车室:这里的人往往对事关自己(而不是你)的消息感到焦虑。

    Waiting rooms : People here tend to be feeling anxious about their news & not yours .

  30. 其他许多旅客聚集在候车室里,坐在舒适的椅子上等候上车。

    Many other travellers waiting for departure had gathered in the comfortable seats in the waiting lounge .