
hòu niǎo
  • migratory bird;migrant;migrant bird;visitant;bird of passage
候鸟 [hòu niǎo]
  • [migrant;migratory bird] 随季节变化迁徙的鸟类,如大雁、燕子等

候鸟[hòu niǎo]
  1. 中国候鸟的环志研究和在亚太地区的地位

    Study on the Chinese migrant bird banding and its status in Asia-Pacific area

  2. 候鸟共110种(87.3%),其中夏候鸟58种、旅鸟52种。

    There are 110 species ( 87.3 % ) migrant bird which consists of 58 summer migrant and 52 passing bird species .

  3. 这个地区是多种候鸟的重要栖息地。

    The area was an important resting place for many types of migrant birds .

  4. 候鸟在芦苇丛中筑巢。

    Migrant birds shelter in the reeds .

  5. 这些冬季的候鸟将飞向英国的海岸。

    These winter visitors will fly to British shores .

  6. 夏天候鸟来这里筑巢。

    Summer migrants nest here .

  7. 软件研发人力资源候鸟现象的Markov链模型

    Markov Chain Model of Migratory Bird Phenomenon in Software Engineers

  8. YangXiaojing是名摄影爱好者,热衷于拍摄候鸟。

    Yang Xiaojing is a fan of photography , who is particularly interested in taking pictures of migratory birds .

  9. 最近的事件表明一些候鸟有可能涉及直接传播高致病型H5N1型病毒。

    Recent events make it likely that some migratory birds are now implicated in the direct spread of the H5N1 virus in its highly pathogenic form .

  10. 毛腿沙鸡Syrrhoptesparadoxus(Pallas)在吉林省一直被认为是典型的冬候鸟。

    The Pallas ' Sand Grouse is generally considered to be a typical winter bird in Jilin province .

  11. 2005年5-7月,我国青海湖及周边区域首次出现大量候鸟死于H5N1亚型高致病性禽流感。

    During the period from May to July in 2005 , a large quantity of migratory birds in Qinghai Lake and surrounding areas died due to H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus .

  12. 但就像候鸟群会以V字队列盘旋在领头者旁边一样,未来会有许多其他技术引领着我们在信息时代继续前进。

    But , much as a pack of migratory birds flying in V-formation rotate in at the lead position , there will , at that future time , be many other technologies that will have carried us forward in the information age .

  13. 大量的间接证据表明,候鸟也在禽类中传播H5和H7型病毒,随后变异成为高致病性病毒。

    Considerable circumstantial evidence suggests that migratory birds can introduce low pathogenic H5 and H7 viruses to poultry flocks , which then mutate to the highly pathogenic form .

  14. BBC新闻–尽管朝鲜对大多数外国游客闭关锁国,但颇有讽刺意味的是,它或许成了东亚–大洋洲这条世界最重要的国际候鸟迁徙路线的救星。

    BBC News - Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors , North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world 's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway .

  15. 对创建候鸟客栈的可行性从多方位进行了客观的SWOT分析、目标市场分析、投资获利分析,分析结果证明创建候鸟客栈既有宏观前景又有获利空间,是很好的投资项目。

    Supply the analysis of SWOT , latency market and profit impersonally from multi-aspect . It is testified that the programming of setting up the migrant hotel that has both wonderful future and favor profit , is a very good investment .

  16. 我国地域广大,有大量的鸟类栖息地和候鸟越冬地,存在WNV随候鸟进入我国的途径;

    Firstly , there are many habitats for wintering of migratory birds in the mainland , so it is possible for WNV to enter our country with migrating of the birds .

  17. 其中以留鸟和夏候鸟为主,占了总数的82.86%。

    82.86 % of the species are resident and summer types .

  18. 现在在这里看到候鸟已经很不容易了。

    It has been really rare to see migrant birds here .

  19. 中国海州湾候鸟迁徙的雷达观测

    Observations on bird migration by radar in Haizhou bay , China

  20. 不知道德士司机看到候鸟了没有?

    I wonder if the taxi uncle spotted the migratory bird ?

  21. 候鸟的阳性率极显著高于留鸟。

    The positive rate of migratory birds is higher than resident birds .

  22. 桂东县冬候鸟种类和迁徙路线调查

    Survey of Autumn Migratory Birds Of Guidong County and Their Migratory Route

  23. 有中、日候鸟保护协定所列种类198种;

    198 listed in the convention of protection between China and Japan ;

  24. 山鹬是一种候鸟,今天在这里,明天在那里。

    Woodcocks are birds of passage , here today and gone tomorrow .

  25. 她吐槽表示近些年很难再发现候鸟了。

    She complained she could hardly spot migratory birds in recent years .

  26. 鄱阳湖候鸟保护区自然特征

    The nature characteristics of the Poyang lake protected zone of migratory birds

  27. 中国候鸟迁徙路线和推论是正确的;

    The speculation of Chinese bird migration routines is correct ;

  28. 内蒙古包头地区候鸟迁徙状况的研究

    Study of the Movement of Migratory Birds in Baotou Area

  29. 隆回县候鸟种类与迁徙路线调查报告

    Survey of migratory birds species and their migratory route in Longhui County

  30. 桂林的候鸟

    The migrant of Guilin city and their protection and utilization