
cì nián
  • next year
  1. 这部小说最初于1929年刊登在《黑色面具》杂志上,并于次年以书本形式出版。

    It originally appeared as a serial in Black Mask magazine in 1929 and was published in book form the next year .

  2. 火烧当年小叶章湿地土壤表层pH略有上升,而火烧次年样地土壤pH变化不大。

    The pH value of the soil increased slightly the same year after fire , but no obvious changes the next year after fire .

  3. 次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。

    The following year she joined the Royal Opera House .

  4. 他从2006年起担任教务长并于次年成为校长。

    He became Provost in2006 and president the following year .

  5. 常规季9月到次年5月在音乐厅上演,夏天则在河湾。

    Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend .

  6. 漫长的冬天从九月开始,到次年五月结束。

    The long winter starts from September and ends next May .

  7. 科学家们对它们的这一习性有了新的见解。每年12月到次年6月,成千上万只绿海龟迁徙。

    Every year between December and June , thousands of green sea turtles migrate .

  8. 次年,2009年《美国恢复和再投资法案》(AmericanRecoveryandReinvestmentActof2009)出台,开支7870亿美元。

    A year later came the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 , at $ 787 billion .

  9. 普洱地区地震活动性低,次年发生MS≥6.0地震的可能性较小。

    There is lower seismicity in Pure Menglian , so the probability for M S ≥ 6.0 earthquakes is small there .

  10. 汉密尔顿在2007年赢得了首个F1分站冠军,并在次年夺得了首个年度总冠军。他在2013年接替退役的舒马赫,加入梅赛德斯车队,这时才是他事业的起飞时刻。

    Hamilton won his first F1 race in 2007 and first championship the following year .

  11. ELNino事件当年和次年夏季低纬环流特征的初步分析

    Analysis of the low latitude circulation in the summer of El Nino year and next year

  12. 美联储过早收紧导致道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)在1937年下跌1/3,股市抛售持续至次年。

    Premature tightening by the Fed led to a one-third slump in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1937 and the sell-off continued into the following year .

  13. 每年的12月1日至次年3月1日,桑德林汉姆府(SandringhamHouse)都将实施类似的空中管制。

    Similar regulations are to come into force for Sandringham House from 1 December to 1 March each year .

  14. 每年十月至次年四月,亚洲沙尘会随气团运动朝太平洋输送,为海洋生物带来丰富的N、P、Fe等营养物质。

    During every period from October to next April , Asian dust with the air mass movement toward the Pacific Ocean will be transported to rich marine life of N , P , Fe and other nutrients .

  15. 北半球主要干旱半干旱区中,厄尔尼诺当年R(下标m)偏少,次年R(下标m)。偏多的关系仅存在于中国北部地区。

    Northern China is the only region among the arid and semi-arid regions in the Northern Hemisphere where R ( subscript m ) is less in the El Nino year and more in the subsequent year .

  16. 发病年龄主要在3a以下,流行季节高峰为11月份至次年1月份。

    Most cases were found under 3 years old and epidemiological seasonal peaks lasted from November to January of next year .

  17. 1996年,安迪辞去了他的全职工作,次年二人正式开卖他们的首款男包品牌JackSpade。

    In 1996 , Andy left his full-time job and the next year , the couple sold their first men 's bag in their new line , Jack Spade .

  18. 东北地区最显著的低温也不在夏季,而在ENSO当年秋季至次年春季。

    The most significant cooling in Northeast China also appears in autumn of the ENSO year through spring of the following year , rather than in the summers .

  19. 在ELNino当年1~3月和LaNina次年1~3月时,西江流域表现为干旱少雨、径流小的特征。

    From January to March in the year of El Nino and the next year of La Nina , Xijiang River Basin shows the characteristics of drought and low river discharge .

  20. 次年,他在为斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)学生做的一次演讲中表示,得知自己可能不久于人世的诊断结果后,他进一步坚定了从17岁起便一直抱持的人生观。

    The following year , in a commencement speech to students at Stanford University , he said that receiving a diagnosis that he might die had reinforced a personal philosophy that had been with him since the age of 17 .

  21. 次年,谷歌又花31亿美元抢购了在线广告网络doubleclick。

    The following year it snapped up doubleclick , an online-advertising network , for $ 3.1 billion .

  22. 从十月至次年三月,它则前往北部拉贾安帕群岛)(RajaAmpatarchipe-lago)的宽阔海域“寻芳探幽”。

    from October to March , it explores the slightly wilder area to the north around the Raja Ampat archipe-lago .

  23. 州长施瓦辛格和峰会的其他主要领导人于次年再度会面,宣布成立一个新的全球组织“R20-气候行动区”(R20-RegionsofClimateAction,R20)。

    Meeting again the following year , Governor Schwarzenegger joined other prominent leaders at the summit to announce a new global organization , the R20-Regions of Climate Action ( R20 ) .

  24. A区的9月海冰面积指数和SST的时滞相关系数分布表明,次年4月开始在赤道东太平洋区域出现一显著负相关区,次两年的2月负相关达到最大,之后减弱消失。

    Distribution of correlation coefficient shows that a negative region appears over the eastern equatorial Pacific in the next April , and negative value reaches maximum in the next to next February , and weakens following .

  25. 在小麦生长期间,10月至次年3月,孢囊内的卵呈下降趋势,J2数量变化不明显。

    Number of eggs in cysts was downtrend from October to March next year , while number of J2s has no significant changes . 2 .

  26. 近50年来,冬半年(10月-次年4月)110-120°E范围北半球Hadley环流与我国同期的温度和降水的相关在统计上是显著的。

    In recent 50 years , The relations between Hadley circulation from east longitude 110 to 120 over northern hemisphere and temperature and rainfall in China have noticeable time variability on status from October to next April .

  27. 法律委员会(LawCommission)在2012年得出了与OFT相同的结论,但在次年修改了自己的建议,提出限制供给或许是有道理的,尽管它没有明确说明这个道理是什么。

    The Law Commission reiterated the OFT 's finding in 2012 , but by the following year had modified its advice and suggested that there might be a case for restricting supply , although it gave little guidance as to what that case was .

  28. 关键区(143°E-160°E,27°N-39°N)10-11月海温与次年江淮南区梅雨期气温日较差存在较好的反相关关系。

    There is a apparent negative correlation between the temperature daily range in south area of Changjiang-huaihe valley over Meiyu period and SSTA in the Key region ( 143 ° E 160 ° E , 27 ° N 39 ° N ) from November to December in former year .

  29. 通过2%NaOH溶液处理、浓H2SO4溶液处理或干湿交替处理,可使砧木山楂种子次年萌发并提高出苗率,不同种的山楂种子所适用的最佳处理方式不同。

    Pretreatments of hawthorn seeds with 2 % NaOH 、 98 % H_2SO_4 and alternation of drying-wetting could improve seed germination rate and seedling rate and could sprout well in the next spring .

  30. WNP反气旋形成于ELNino发展期的秋季,发展于成熟期的冬季和次年春季,衰减于次年夏季。

    The WNP anticyclone forms in the El Nino growing autumn , grows in the El Nino mature winter and the following spring , and decays in the subsequent summer , respectively .