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  • Breeding area;area of reproduction
  1. 外皮质色浅系T淋巴细胞繁殖区。

    Lightly stained external cortex was proliferative region of T lypmho-cytes .

  2. 加州海狮繁殖区�

    the breeding ground for California 's

  3. 此前,已有调查人员把重点放在了“暖动向”在影响温带繁殖区怎样影响候鸟敏感生境的。

    Researchers have focused on how warming trends in temperate breeding areas disrupt the sensitive ecology of migratory birds .

  4. 辽东湾结冰区是斑海豹在世界上8个繁殖区中最南端的一个。

    Liaodong Bay of Bohai Sea is the southernmost one of the eight breeding concentrations of spotted seals around the world .

  5. 未来的情况也不容乐观&气候模拟表示,未来不仅是鸟类繁殖区的气候会变暖,而且加勒比海地区也会变得更加干燥。

    Making the future even more dire , climate models predict not only increased warming on temperate breeding areas but also continued drying in the Caribbean .

  6. 中国的研究人员说,1981年建成的葛洲坝阻挡了中华鲟向上游迁徙,将其自然繁殖区从560多公里的河道减少为不到7公里。

    Chinese researchers say construction of the Gezhou Dam in 1981 blocked upstream migration of the Chinese sturgeon , reducing its breeding ground from 350 miles of river to just four .

  7. 人工放流比例的增加、封湖禁渔时间的延长,繁殖保护区的扩大、捕捞努力量的下降、沉水植物的恢复是控制渔业小型化的主要措施。

    Rate of stocking fisheries increasing , time of embargo and sloping fishing extend , breeding protect area enlarge , fishing rate decreasing , submerged plant comeback are the main policy control small-scale fisheries development .

  8. 对该区繁殖鸟类的区系分析表明,古北界种类占繁殖鸟总数的36.36%,东洋界种类占34.34%,广布种占29.29%,反映了该地区鸟类区系组成上的过渡地带性。

    Avian species of breeding are composed of 36.36 % species of Palaearctic realm species , 34.34 % of Oriental realm species and 29.29 % of wide spread species . This shows the characteristic of transitionary region of avian fauna in the area .

  9. 苹果繁殖器官附生微生物区系的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the epiphytic microflora in breed organ of apple

  10. 最大的威胁来自黑嘴端凤头燕鸥的蛋被渔民当作食物,这在马祖和韭山这两个繁殖地的保护区内都连续发生了。

    The greatest threat to the tern 's survival is egg collection by fishermen for food , which continues even though the Mazu and Jiushan Islands breeding sites are both within protected areas .

  11. 各样点种类数差异不大,但组成上却有不同。(2)冷蒿的营养繁殖构件在各样区变化趋势不同。

    No distinct difference in species number was found among sampling sites , but the species composition was different . ( 2 ) Vegetation modular of Artemisia frigida were significant different at different plots .

  12. 鹅绒委陵菜叶数、匍匐茎长度、地上生物量、匍匐茎生物量、开花数、生殖生物量、有性繁殖效力及营养繁殖效力在放牧区显著高于不放牧的对照区。

    P. anserina presented higher in its leaf number , stolon length , aboveground biomass , stolon biomass , flower number , reproductive biomass , sexual reproductive effort and vegetative growth effort with grazing than without grazing .