
chàng yì
  • propose;sponsor;proposal;initiative
倡议 [chàng yì]
  • [proposal; propose] 首先提出建议;发起做某事

  • 倡议召开国际会议

倡议[chàng yì]
  1. 在新一轮WTO谈判中,我国应积极参与竞争政策与反倾销议题谈判,倡议对WTO反倾销规则进行改革,以竞争法的精神完善反倾销法。

    In the latest round of WTO negotiations , China should propose to carry on the reform of the anti-dumping law of WTO and perfect the antidumping law .

  2. 实施行业绿色生产、循环经济倡议

    Execute Green Production , Propose Circulation Economy

  3. 传闻有可能提出新的和平倡议。

    There 's talk of a new peace initiative .

  4. 倡议将强制规定把二氧化碳排放量降低40%。

    The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40 %

  5. 开场的几段讲话听上去更像是战争宣言而不是和平倡议。

    The opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace .

  6. 纽约州立法的主要倡议人州参议员伊曼纽尔·戈尔德说,他不会放弃。

    The chief sponsor of the New York law , state Senator Emanuel Gold , says he 's not giving up .

  7. 根据他的倡议而发起了募捐。

    By his suggestion the contribution was raised .

  8. 这个倡议没人理睬。

    The proposal fell upon deaf ears .

  9. 他的倡议得到了大家一致的赞同。

    His proposal met with unanimous approval .

  10. 倡议还包括到2025年努力减少对环境的影响、水的消耗以及包装材料的使用。

    Initiatives also include efforts to reduce its environmental impact , water consumption and materials used in packaging by 2025 .

  11. “我们真的想把食物和药物联系起来,而不仅仅是送人食物,”该医院健康食品倡议计划的医疗主任瑞塔·纽伦医生说。

    " We really want to link food and medicine , and not just give away food , " says Dr. Rita Nguyen , the hospital 's medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives .

  12. 但是,这一分歧在最近几个月的更加明显了,因为阿德霍尔德做出了一些改变,包括无作业夜晚、取消高中期中、期末考试以及降低参加音乐项目门槛的倡议。

    But the division has become more obvious in recent months as Aderhold has made changes , including no-homework nights , an end to high school midterms and finals , and an initiative that made it easier to participate in the music program .

  13. 在第一学期,我直接与校长交流,请求他支持我的倡议。我还见了副校长,和我的助教一起开展我的本科研究项目。

    During my first quarter , I spoke directly to the Chancellor , asking him for support towards my initiatives , met with the Vice Chancellors , and cooperated with my teaching assistances to begin my undergraduate research project .

  14. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  15. 今年五月,英国倡议组织PlatformLondon的“4天工作周”运动项目组委托撰写的报告指出,缩短工作时间可以减少英国的碳足迹。

    In May , a report commissioned by the 4 Day Week campaign from Platform London suggested that shorter hours could cut the UK 's carbon footprint .

  16. NIMBY也用来指那些发出某项倡议(例如削减预算、增税或减员),但如果该倡议危及自身利益又会反对其实施的人们。

    NIMBY is also used more generally to describe people who advocate some proposal ( for example , austerity measures including budget cuts , tax increases , downsizing ) , but oppose implementing it in a way that would require sacrifice on their part .

  17. 外国银行家和经济学家对部长的倡议反应谨慎

    Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister 's initiative .

  18. 为了鼓励人们养成这一习惯,口腔健康基金会甚至在2016年发起了一项名为“吐掉,别漱口”的倡议活动。

    The Oral Health Foundation even launched a campaign called " Spit , Don 't Rinse " in 2016 to encourage the habit .

  19. 随着综合国力上升,中国有能力、有意愿向亚太和全球提供更多公共产品,特别是为促进区域合作深入发展提出新倡议新设想。

    As its overall national strength grows , China will be both capable and willing to provide more public goods for the Asia-Pacific and the world , especially new initiatives and visions for enhancing regional cooperation .

  20. 当前Web服务倡议的发展相当快,并且面临着许多技术难题,其中有

    The progress of current web service initiatives is enormous , and faces many technical challenges , among them

  21. “联合国女童教育倡议”计划全球咨询委员会的MayRihani列举了马里“生存技能”项目的一个例子。

    May Rihani from the Global Advisory Committee of the U.N. girls ' initiative gave an example from a " life skills " program in Mali .

  22. 本周,杨敏德将主办一场由学术界和其他商界领袖参与的会议,推出一项TheIntegral的倡议。

    Next week , Yang is hosting a conference with academics and other business leaders to launch an initiative called The Integral .

  23. Spark库还包含针对用户体验设计倡议的重大更新。

    The Spark library also includes a significant upgrade for advocates of user experience design .

  24. 面向服务架构和业务流程自动化已基石是IBM称之为“聪明的星球”的倡议。

    Services oriented architecture and business process automation have been cornerstones of what IBM calls its " smarter planet " initiatives .

  25. 这项倡议书表明Cisco公司将目录服务功能集成到网络设备中。

    This initiative will see Cisco integrate directory services functionality into its network devices .

  26. ATM论坛提出的使ATM适合局域网环境的倡议被称作局域网仿真(LANE)。

    The ATM Forum 's initiative to make ATM suitable for the LAN environment is called LAN emulation ( LANE ) .

  27. 目前,只有少数几个组织,如佛蒙特州的非营利机构“美洲媒体倡议”(americasMediaInitiative),在美国发行古巴的独立电影。

    Currently , only a few organizations , like the Vermont nonprofit americas Media Initiative , distribute Cuban independent films in the United States .

  28. CloudStandardsCustomerCouncil(CSCC)是一个OMG®最终用户倡议组,专门致力于加快云的成功采用过程。

    The Cloud Standards Customer Council ( CSCC ) is an OMG ® end user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating cloud 's successful adoption .

  29. 但北京此前已表示,它认为防扩散安全倡议(proliferationsecurityinitiative)由美国发起、包括船舶搜查的行动在一定程度上与联合国的原则相左。

    But Beijing has stated before that it believes the proliferation security initiative the effort launched by the US that includes the ship searches - to be partly at odds with UN principles .

  30. 同时,为了宣传这一倡议,明星们更是拍摄了电视广告《最后一次更新与遗嘱》:躺在棺材中以显示他们的‘digitaldeaths(数字化死亡)’。

    For the campaign , the stars have filmed " last tweet and testament " videos and will appear in adverts showing them lying in coffins to represent their ' digital deaths .