
chànɡ yì shū
  • initial written proposal
倡议书 [chàng yì shū]
  • [written proposal]由某一组织或社团拟定、就某事向社会提出建议或提议社会成员共同去做某事的书面文章

  1. 关于城市发展与建设的倡议书&首届长三角科技论坛城市发展与建设分论坛

    The Initial Written Proposal on Urban Development and Construction

  2. 这项倡议书表明Cisco公司将目录服务功能集成到网络设备中。

    This initiative will see Cisco integrate directory services functionality into its network devices .

  3. 关于建立自愿安乐死协会倡议书

    A Proposal Concerning the Establishment of Euthanasia Association for Volunteers

  4. 中国人居环境与新城镇发展推进工程倡议书

    Proposal on China Human Settlements Environment and Promoting New City Town Development

  5. 重建新生活的倡议书&论王安忆《叔叔的故事》

    Proposal for Reconstructing New life & on Wang Anyi s Uncle s Stories ;

  6. 倡议书则只对各国政府起倡导作用。

    Recommendations are designed to guide governments .

  7. 你已经评估了一位新员工的倡议书草稿。它已经别改动几遍。

    You 've reviewed a new hire 's draft of a proposal and have several changes .

  8. 姚明在启动仪式上宣读了《助力绿色世博、共享美好未来》倡议书。

    Yao presented a proposal called " contribute to Green Expo , share a bright future " at the ceremony .

  9. 托尼·施瓦兹,特朗普《交易的艺术》的代笔作家也在倡议书中签下了自己的名字。

    Tony Schwartz , Trump 's ghostwriter for his book ' The Art of The Deal , ' is another .

  10. 倡议书上还指出随着美国和欧洲文化在中国的蔓延,随同还有他们科技及经济的支配,这不能被看成一件孤立的现象。

    The petition goes on to state that this case should not be seen as an isolated phenomenon as American and European culture expand throughout China along with their technological and economic domination .

  11. 与此同时,多位演艺圈名流的签名出现在“前进网站”政治行动的“美国反对仇恨”倡议书中,其中包括朱丽安·摩尔,布莱恩·克兰斯顿,凯丽·华盛顿,马克·鲁法洛,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯,珊达·瑞姆斯和马克勒莫。

    Meanwhile , Julianne Moore , Bryan Cranston , Kerry Washington , Mark Ruffalo , Neil Patrick Harris , Shonda Rhimes , and Macklemore are among numerous famous names who have signed MoveOn.org Political Action 's \# UnitedAgainstHate campaign .