- Japanese pirates

[Japanese pirates] 指元末到明中叶多次在朝鲜和我国沿海抢劫骚扰的日本强盗
After the Song Dynasty , Japanese pirates invaded and looted in Hainan .
It was the most that the Japanese pirates harassed the littoral of China in the Ming dynasty .
However , I wouldn 't expect a PLAN on-par with the size or technology American , Japanese , or South Korean navies for quite a few decades .
Microbloggers on Weibo , the " Chinese Twitter , " often refer to the Japanese as " dwarf bandits " - a wartime ( and Ming-era ) insult .
Ming pirate phenomenon is a major historical event .
Since building up the country , Ming Dynasty had always suffered the Japanese pirates'invading and harassing .
The Comparison of the Japanese Pirates Problems during the Korean Koryo dynasty and the Jia-Jing Period of Ming Dynasty
In1556 , he was assigned to deal with the problem of Japanese pirates in the coastal areas of Zhejiang Province .
The coastal defense during the Hongwu Period is in close connection with the defense against the invasion of Japanese invaders and pirates .
Greatly curbed the face of a complete coastal defense system established by the Government in the early Ming Dynasty , Japanese pirates harassment activities .
Finally , the Ming court resolved to bolster the coastal defenses , and ordered Qi Jiguang to put an end to the pirate menace .
During this period prohibition of sea trade mainly aimed at check up and restriction of the oppositional forees , Japanese bandits and the visiting foreign ministers .
Due to facing the invade of the Japanese pirates , the rulers in the policy orientation select closing the border and carry out seafaring prohibition policy .
During Jia-jing period of the Ming Dynasty , " Japanese pirates " mainly made up of Chinese was rampant for a while in the coastal area of southeast China .
Certainly it had also brought the negative effect : On the one hand , traders enticed the Japanese pirate to rebel and destroyed the social product ; On the other hand , it also encouraged the bad social ethos such as bribe and putridness .