
  • 网络bonobo;pan paniscus
  1. 另一位认为之前的动物预试验就是不准确的,因为他们没有用倭黑猩猩(DNA与人类有98%相似度)做试验,为了节省开支,研究机构使用了猕猴(DNA与人类仅有94%相似度)。

    Another claims that the preliminary animal testing was inaccurate because instead of testing on a bonobo , whose DNA is a 98 percent match to humans , the agency cut costs and used a macaque , whose DNA is only a 94 percent match .

  2. 但我们的近亲倭黑猩猩则表现得很怪异。

    But our bonobo cousins have an odd variation on the practice .

  3. 刚果民主共和国是它们仅存的自然栖息地。倭黑猩猩是我们最亲近的动物亲属(与我们的DNA有99%相同),在行为举止上与我们的远祖十分相似。

    Its only natural homeland is now the Democratic Republic of Congo . Bonobos are our closest animal relative ( sharing about 99 per cent of our DNA ) and physically resemble our distant ancestors .

  4. 倭黑猩猩也能开怀大笑,就像我们每天都做。

    Bonobos can also laugh , just like we do every day .

  5. 倭黑猩猩比它们的近亲、黑猩猩性情更加温和,智商也更高。

    The bonobo is a more gentle and intelligent cousin of the chimpanzee .

  6. 在倭黑猩猩的社会结构中有一个不太成文的权力等级制度。

    There is a less pronounced dominance hierarchy in the bonobo 's social structure .

  7. 倭黑猩猩是猿的一种。

    The bonobo is a type of ape .

  8. 倭黑猩猩是猿的一种,是人类的近亲之一。

    The bonobo is a type of ape and one of our closest living relatives .

  9. 但是倭黑猩猩交际更广泛,即使和它们接触的科学家两手空空,他们也会和他们接近。

    But bonobos were much more social , approaching experimenters even when they were empty-handed .

  10. 它是排在黑猩猩,倭黑猩猩之后,第三类与人类血缘最近的灵长类动物。

    They are also the third-closest living relatives to humans , after chimpanzees and bonobos .

  11. 可以得出如下结论:倭黑猩猩有许多人的外形、生理和行为的特点。

    It follows that bonobos and chimpanzees share many human-like morphological , physiological and behavioral traits .

  12. 现在研究人员希望揭示倭黑猩猩自愿分享食物的原因。

    They now hope to uncover why the bonobos seem to prefer to share their food .

  13. 在倭黑猩猩的社会中观察到的一个特色就是倭黑猩猩个体间的攻击行为不多。

    One special feature observed in bonobo society is the low level of aggression between individual bonobos .

  14. 雨林被毁、捕猎为食和作为宠物贩卖都对倭黑猩猩的生存构成了威胁。

    Chimpanzees and their bonobo cousins are known to hunt and eat other mammals , including monkeys .

  15. 《当代生物学》杂志中的一项研究表明宽松的成长环境让倭黑猩猩拥有一颗童心。

    And a study in the journal Current Biology suggests that their laid-back development keeps bonobos forever young .

  16. 在斯瓦希里语中,肯兹这个名字意为“深藏不漏的珍宝”——这正是这只倭黑猩猩具有的特质。

    In Swahili , Kanzi means ' buried treasure " - a quality this creature has in buckets .

  17. 在51项测试中,大对数倭黑猩猩都款待了其他猩猩,不过他们会先款待陌生的猩猩。

    In 51 trials , most bonobos shared the feast , but they let the stranger in first .

  18. 即使当它们从妈妈的嘴里直接偷走食物!倭黑猩猩母亲几乎从不管教她们的幼仔。

    Bonobo mothers almost never discipline their young even when they steal food right out of mom 's mouth !

  19. 人们也观察到倭黑猩猩把小溪的水猛拍出来,吃水中的小无脊椎动物或者鱼。

    Bonobos also have been observed to slap water up from a stream and eat either invertebrates or fish .

  20. 另一种猩猩&倭黑猩猩它们喜欢无拘无束的欢闹的进入成年阶段。

    Now bonobos , the other chimp species , or Pan paniscus , enjoy horsing around well into adulthood .

  21. 在另一项试验中,科学家们发现倭黑猩猩只有在参与社会互动时才会这么做。

    In another experiment , the scientists found bonobos only shared when doing so led to a social interaction .

  22. 倭黑猩猩影片是她一系列与其相关的实验的其中一个环节,这些实验她从早几年就已开始着手进行了。

    The bonobo film was part of a series of related experiments she has carried out over the past several years .

  23. 另一些人用火器或在丛林中放置有毒的肉,一次可以悄悄地杀死多达20只倭黑猩猩。

    Others use firearms or leave poisoned meat in the forest , silently killing packs of up to20 bonobos at a time .

  24. 搜索这只雄倭黑猩猩可能看起来像是一只占据统治地位的雄性,但他不过是大妈妈的小男孩而已。

    This male bonobo chimpanzee may look like a dominant male , but he 's really just a big mama 's boy .

  25. 所以,从倭黑猩猩这一主题来看,一个只有女人的星球似乎要比男人主宰的星球更加和平。

    So , if we use " The Bonobo Thesis ", it seems likely that a female-only planet would be more peaceful than our masculine-led one .

  26. 德国莱比锡普朗克演化人类学研究所研究人员丹尼尔·焕和同事们分别对猩猩、大猩猩、倭黑猩猩、黑猩猩和人类进行了研究。

    Researcher Daniel Haun at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , Germany and his colleagues investigated orangutans , gorillas , bonobos , chimpanzees and humans .

  27. 由于倭黑猩猩与人的体形相似,有些人类学家认为倭黑猩猩是人类共同祖先的最好的活原形。

    Because of the similar morphological traits between bonobos and humans , some anthropologists consider the bonobo to be the best living prototype for the common ancestor of humans .

  28. 10.灵长类动物也会亲吻。黑猩猩会张开嘴亲吻(不用舌头),灵长类动物里最聪明的倭黑猩猩用舌头来亲吻。

    10 ) Even primates do it & Chimps kiss with open mouths ( no tongue ), and bonobos , the smartest of the primates , kiss with their tongues .

  29. 为了验证这种可能性,亚特兰大埃默里大学的爱米·波利克和弗朗斯·德瓦尔对一些黑猩猩和他们的近亲倭黑猩猩的手势和表情进行了研究。

    To examine that possibility Amy Pollick and Frans de Waal , of Emory University in Atlanta , Georgia , have looked at gestures and expressions in chimpanzees and their cousins , bonobos .

  30. 在此实验中,将倭黑猩猩关在放有食物的笼子里,他们可以识别其他小组成员是熟人,还是陌生人。

    In the primary experiment , bonobos were placed in a cage with food , and they could choose to admit either a known member of their group , a stranger , or both .