
  • 网络the Chosen People;people of god
  1. 摩押王巴勒命令巴兰诅咒上帝的子民。

    Balak the king of Moab summons Balaam to curse the people of God .

  2. 他们是上帝的子民,犹豫不决地站在应许之地的边缘。

    They were the people of God who stood poised on the edge of the Promised Land .

  3. 教会的聚集截然不同,因为她是上帝的子民在祂自己面前(inhisverypresence)的聚集。

    The church is different because it is an assembly of God 's people in his very presence .

  4. 有一个善良的人,一个上帝的子民,惨遭杀害。

    One good man a man of god was killed .

  5. 只要是上帝的子民都是一样要流血赛场的。

    All of god 's children bleed the same .

  6. 他们也是上帝的子民。

    These too are children of god .

  7. 因为我相信所有肤色的人都是上帝的子民。

    That 's because I believe that all god 's people come in many colors .

  8. 在英军将领看来,他们是上帝的子民,有自己的信仰。

    In the British general opinion , they are the people of God , have their own beliefs .

  9. 作为上帝的子民,将这种爱传递到每个人,尤其是“那些最卑微的人。

    And to seeing in everyone , especially " the least of these , as a child of God .

  10. 圣经告诉我们,当上帝的子民团结一致,那情景将是妙不可言的。

    The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God 's people live together in unity .

  11. 在大的图景面前,上帝的子民重新安排他们的优先次序,定睛于天上。

    In view of the big picture , God 's people reorder their priorities and keep an eye to the sky .

  12. 本章探索旧约经训,显示经拜乃是上帝的子民在祂面前的聚集;

    The Old Testament evidence is presented to demonstrate that worship is an assembly of God 's people in his very presence .

  13. 这是一个外在的标记,显明当上帝的子民聚集敬拜祂时,祂特别与他们同在。

    This was a visible manifestation that the omnipresent God was present in a special way as his people assembled for worship .

  14. 拿撒勒的耶稣被洗礼了,并在他的洗礼仪式上接到了救世主的召唤:从撒旦的力量下解放上帝的子民。

    Jesus of Nazareth was baptized and received at his baptism his messianic calling to deliver God 's people from the power of Satan .

  15. 作为上帝的子民,妇人不能让自己赶走老乞丐,于是便邀请他进屋共进午餐。

    Being a woman of God , she could not turn the beggar away , so she invited him in to partake of her table .

  16. 别人的工作或许比你更伟大,但你有你的职责,在上帝的子民中,没有人能比你做得更好!

    Others may do a greater work , but you have your part to do ; and no one in all God 's heritage can do it so well as you .

  17. 我已拜见了圣地罗马教堂的领袖人物,并且很高兴的看到,他们在照看上帝的子民这件事上所作出的共同努力。

    I have met the leaders of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land , and I rejoice to see the way that they work together in caring for the Lord 's flock .

  18. 我们将自由女神的光明传递到世界各地,我们将我们的关怀扩大到所有上帝的子民,他们值得我们去同情、关爱。而这也正是我们成为这个星球上最伟大的国家的原因。

    and widen our circle of concern to say that all God 's children are worthy of our compassion and care . That 's part of what makes this the greatest country on Earth .

  19. 换言之,保罗再一次引用犹太经文加强他的信仰,到末日时,外邦人将成为上帝的子民,这在犹太天启观念中很普遍。

    In other words , again Paul 's quoting Jewish scripture to enforce his belief that at the end of time Gentiles would become people of God and this was common in Jewish apocalyptic idea .

  20. 它们真正的意义在于上帝与祂的子民深远的立约关系。这正是礼仪所要表达出来的。

    Their true meaning lies in the profound covenant relationship between God and his people that they bring to expression .

  21. 诺顿一定非常同意清教徒的传统观念,只要检查每个人的银行账户,就知道谁是上帝最眷顾的子民。

    Norton must have subscribed to the old Puritan notion that the best way to figure out which folks God favours is by checking their bank accounts .

  22. 我们都是上帝门下受苦的子民。

    We 're all members of the suffering body of christ .

  23. 明天,我家将和全世界所有基督徒一起感谢上帝给予的救赎他的子民的恩惠和复活节早晨的奇迹这些无与伦比的礼物。

    And tomorrow , my family will join Christians around the world as we thank God for the all-important gift of grace through the resurrection of His son , and experience the wonder of Easter morning .

  24. 他们提醒我们要牢记对上帝的责任,以及作为上帝的子民对他人的责任。

    They remind us of our responsibilities to God and , as God 's children , our responsibilities to one another .

  25. 他们把自己当作上帝的使者,奉创造奇迹的神之命,替上帝的子民安置家园。

    They regarded themselves as God 's agents , sent under his wonder-working providence to make homes for his chosen .