
  • 网络Upper Canada
  1. 之后,1791年《加拿娃哈哈》把加拿大分为上加拿大和下加拿大,前者是英国人的定居地,后者是法国人的居住点。

    The Canada Act of 1791 divided Canada into Upper Canada where the British had settled , and Lower Canada populated by the French .

  2. 还有网络上加拿大马尼托巴省只有2间教室的学校。

    We are also online in a two-room school house in Manitoba , Canada .

  3. 在贸易依赖度或对全球金融体系的融入程度方面,很少有国家能比得上加拿大。

    Few countries are as dependent on trade or as integrated into the global financial system as Canada .

  4. 在这一点上加拿大的雇员多缴了税,但别忘了加拿大的失业补助要比美国好得多,其中还包括更长的产假和给予家庭成员的福利。

    When comparing the extra tax on employees in Canada , you must also consider the fact that Canada has more robust unemployment benefits , including lengthy maternity and family benefits .

  5. 然而这倒霉的邮轮并没能完成它的旅程。1912年4月14日晚上11点40分,邮轮撞上加拿大纽芬兰以南400航里处的冰山。

    However , the ill-fated liner never completed her journey , as she collided with an iceberg 400 nautical miles south of Newfoundland , Canada , on 14th April 1912 at 11.40pm .

  6. 作为在工学结合领域工作了近20年的人,我的建议是:考虑上加拿大哪所大学时,询问一下它们有什么样的工学结合活动。

    As someone who 's worked in the field of WIL for almost 20 years , here 's my advice . When considering a university , ask about what kinds of WIL they offer .

  7. 如果帕拉迪此举是在表明现在不欢迎来自国家控股公司的投资,那么他实际上就是在关上加拿大的大门,把中国、俄罗斯和中东的全球能源业新兴大国挡在门外。

    If Mr Paradis is saying that investment from state-controlled companies is now unwelcome , he is shutting Canada off from the rising powers in global energy , from China , Russia , and the Middle East .

  8. 历史上加拿大的移民政策着重于吸引欧洲移民,特别是大不列颠和法国的人力前往加拿大,文化和语言上的亲近使这类移民很容易融合到加拿大的社会和生产中。

    In the past , Canadian immigration policies preferred the European immigrants , especially those from Great Britain and France , because with similar languages and cultures these people were more easily identified with Canadian society and put into economic production .

  9. 事实上,加拿大北极群岛就像是诱发船难的“draintrap”,豪威尔如是说。

    In fact , the Canadian Arctic archipelago acts as a " drain trap " for ship-wrecking multiyear ice , Howell says .

  10. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦(DavidCameron)迫切希望在移民上追赶加拿大,后者每年吸引约3000位富有移民。

    David Cameron , the prime minister , is keen to catch up with Canada , which is attracting about 3,000 wealthy individuals each year .

  11. 我告诉大家他在上届奥运会上代表加拿大队参赛。

    I told everybody that he played basketball for Canada in the last Olympics .

  12. 在泛美运动会周四的跳水锦标赛上,加拿大赢得了两枚跳水金牌。

    Canada won two gold medals in Thursday 's diving tournament at the Pan American Games .

  13. 麦克纳米指出,有一个班在数学课上用加拿大货币学习汇率。另一个班在科学课上讨论气候变化对芬兰有什么影响。

    One class learned about exchange rates using Canadian currency in math , and another-in science class-discussed how climate change is affecting Finland .

  14. 然而,在加拿大制造的货物,如在商标上印有加拿大制造商的贸易名称就是合法的。

    However , for goods made in canada , the business name of a Canadian manufacturer on the label will satisfy the legal requirement .

  15. 事实上,加拿大的纽芬兰–拉布拉多省就把紫色的猪笼草作为本省唯一的省花。

    In fact , the New Foundland and Labrador province in Canada has the Purple pitcher plant as its one and only floral emblem .

  16. 事实上,加拿大邮局的多伦多部分那天还在工作,因此,如果其他一切正常的话,那些表应该已经到了“死而必死”的投资部。

    Actually , Canada Post kept on working in Toronto , so the forms should have arrived at CIBC InvestorsEdge if everything else was normal .

  17. 事实上,加拿大的油砂仍将通过公路和铁路到达美国,也仍将向中国和其他市场出口。

    In reality , Canadian oil sands will still arrive in the US by road and rail , and be exported to China and other markets .

  18. 在参观完省议会大厦之后,剑桥公爵和公爵夫人坐上由加拿大骑警引领的四轮马车。

    After visiting Province House , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge rode on a landau carriage led by Canadian mounted police , known as mounties .

  19. 历史上,加拿大曾是法国、英国的殖民地,加拿大的社会政策可以追溯到殖民地时期。

    Historically , Canada was a colony of France and the United Kingdom . Canadian social welfare policy can be traced back to the colonial period .

  20. 上周末加拿大一辆旅游大巴在新泽西州际公路出口翻车,至今还有三人在医院接受治疗。

    Three people are still in the hospital after the Canadian tour bus they were riding and overturned on a New Jersey interstate exit ramp this weekend .

  21. 上周末于加拿大举行的20国集团(g20)峰会,是朝着合作还是朝着不合迈进了一步?

    Was the summit of the group of 20 leading economies in Canada over the weekend a step forward towards co-operation or a step backwards towards disagreement ?

  22. 从成本上看,加拿大的这个例子清楚地表明,用点对点集成架构建立一个大规模HIN是完全不可行的。

    This Canadian example clearly shows that establishing a HIN of scale using point-to-point integration architectures is not viable from a cost standpoint .

  23. 中国石油抚顺石化公司在8万t/a线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)装置上,采用加拿大DuPont溶液法聚合工艺,在注塑料PE2911的基础上,开发出了流动性更好的工业产品PE2912。

    High fluidity polyethylene ( PE ) 2912 was developed on the basis of injection grade PE 2911 by Canada DuPont solution polymerization process in the 80 kt / a linear density polyethylene ( LLDPE ) unit .

  24. Fane对邮递员的决定表示认可。他在推特上艾特了加拿大邮政:“有道理。没把包裹放在门口的理由很好。”

    Fane was impressed with the postal carrier 's justification , writing on Twitter : ' Ok , fair enough @ canadapostcorp that 's a decent reason to not drop the package off at my door . '

  25. audla先生希望想成为作为一个政府间合作组织的北极理事会观察员的国家在北极熊的贸易问题上不投加拿大、挪威和丹麦的反对票。

    Mr audla hopes that countries which want to become observers at the Arctic Council , an intergovernmental body , will be reluctant to vote against Canada , Norway and Denmark on the issue .

  26. 特里踏上了跨越加拿大的特殊旅途。

    Terry went on a special trip across Canada .

  27. 她还因为同样的原因错过了上周末在加拿大多伦多举行的罗杰斯杯女子网球赛。

    She skipped last weekend 's Rogers Cup in Toronto because of the same injury .

  28. 在沙滩排球赛场上,每当加拿大队发球的时候,球迷就会吹口哨、嘲笑他们。

    At the beach volleyball court , fans whistled and jeered when a Canadian team served .

  29. 国际冰联大奖赛决赛上周末在加拿大安大略省的基琴娜举行。

    The ISU Grand Prix final is held in Kitchener , Ontario , the past weekend .

  30. 为此,他参与诸多国际事务,在国际上积极塑造加拿大的中等强国形象。

    So he participated in world affairs and actively shaped the image of Canada as a middle power .