
  • 网络National recognition;recognition of State;recognition of a state
  1. 这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。

    The country acknowledged his claim to the throne .

  2. 他几乎是迫使着其他欧洲国家承认了那些新兴的“独立”国家。

    He more or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognising the new ' independent ' states

  3. 它会发送链接国家承认(LSA)中的数据包。

    It does this by sending link-state acknowledgment ( LSA ) packets .

  4. 毕竟,“我已经成为一个人的金钱与国家承认的其他慈善家,”范伯格在一次杂志采访时打趣说与ABA的。

    After all ," I 've become a nationally recognized philanthropist with other people 's money ," Feinberg quipped during an interview with the ABA Journal .

  5. 实验中,A柱(100%粘土)和C柱(10%沸石+90%粘土)防渗系统的渗透系数均达到了大多数国家承认的10-7cm/s数量级的最低标准。

    In the experiment , the compacted clay liner systems in Columns A , ( 100 % clay ) Column C ( 10 % zeolite + 90 % clay ), achieved hydraulic conductivity values of the order 10-7 cm / s which is the maximum limit permitted by most countries .

  6. 这方面您可以向国家承认的防爆认证机构,比如刚刚提到的CQST(国家防爆)进行咨询。

    Concerning this part , you can ask for help from the authority of China , such as CQST for consultant .

  7. 北约的28个会员国中,已经有12个国家承认利比亚反政府组织。

    Twelve of NATO's28 members officially recognize the Libyan opposition group .

  8. 中国一直在努力游说西方国家承认其市场经济地位。

    China has been lobbying hard for market economy status .

  9. 本质上国家承认爱尔兰语作为官方第一语言。

    Irish is constitutionally recognised as the first official language of the State .

  10. 根据欧盟官员的说法,大多数国家承认这些方案有推动力。

    As Eurocrats tell it , most countries accept the thrust of these ideas .

  11. 许多国家承认了新政府。

    Many countries recognized the new government .

  12. 科索沃是在两年前脱离塞尔维亚,它现在被70个国家承认为一个独立的国家。

    Kosovo seceded two years ago and is recognized by70 nations as an independent country .

  13. 关于国家承认理论的发展

    On State - Recognition Theory Development

  14. 发达国家承认,它们有责任带头对抗气候变化。

    Developed countries acknowledge that they have a responsibility to lead action to combat climate change .

  15. 我国的高中会考是国家承认的省级普通高中文化课毕业成绩考试。

    High School Graduate Test in our country is a provincial test admitted by the country .

  16. 承认(权威、地位)这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。

    acknowledge sb / sth ( as sth ) The country acknowledged his claim to the throne .

  17. 尽管有越来越多的国家承认同性结合和同性婚姻,但大多数国家对此却仍不认可。

    Although the number of states that recognise same-sex unions and marriages is growing , most still do not .

  18. 这一过程也是阿拉伯国家承认以色列、与以色列和解的过程。

    It is also the course that Arab countries recognize Israel and conciliatory course with Israel at the same time .

  19. 目前已有69个国家承认科索沃的国家地位,包括美国和欧盟大部分国家。

    Kosovo 's statehood has been recognized by 69 countries , including the United States and most European Union nations .

  20. 宗教:没有一个国家承认的宗教,宗教信仰是个人的选择,是法律保护。

    Religions : No state recognized religion , religious affiliation is an individual choice , and is protected by law .

  21. 然而堪培拉政府认为法律起诉是无效的,因为这保护区不被其他国家承认。

    The government in canberra , however , thinks__10__will be futile , as the sanctuary is not recognized by other nations .

  22. 那些婚姻不被国家承认,国家要求女孩必须达到16岁而且在结婚前需得到父母同意。

    Those marriages are not recognized by the state , which requires girls to be16 and have parental consent before they can marry .

  23. 荷兰国家承认如果他失去利物浦的首发位置的话,他一月份要求离开利物浦。

    The Dutch international admitted that he could leave Liverpool in January if he fails to win a regular place in the starting XI .

  24. 在我们彼此深爱时结婚,并得到主权国家承认的婚书。

    Get married with me when we love each other deeply , and get a marriage registration which will be admitted by a nation .

  25. 从世界来看,越来越多的国家承认了在例外情况下的精神损害赔偿请求。

    The spirit compensation for damages that judging from the world , the more and more country has admitted under exception condition is asked .

  26. 富裕国家承认,中国、印度和其它新兴经济体不会同意中期减排的绝对值。

    Rich countries accept that China , India and other emerging economies will not agree to absolute cuts in their emissions in the medium term .

  27. 脚手架的设计和技术要求必须至少符合其安装地所在国的国家承认和批准的标准。

    Scaffold design and specification shall as a minimum follows the nationally recognized and approved standards of the country in which the scaffold is erected .

  28. 1950年约旦吞并了巴勒斯坦地区,但只有英国和巴基斯坦两个国家承认。

    In1950 , Jordan annexed the Palestinian territory that it occupied , but the only other countries that recognized this acquisition were the United Kingdom and Pakistan .

  29. 第二章宗族法成为乡村社会的控制工具,着重论述国家承认宗族法、民众支持宗族法这两大因素。

    Chapter two " clan law becomes control tool of rural society " focuses on two major factors that country acknowledges clan law and people support it .

  30. 虽然澳大利亚仍是南太平洋地区的最大捐赠者,并具有最大的政治影响力,但在这个仍有数个国家承认台湾的地区,中国的存在近年来快速增长。

    Although Australia is still the biggest donor and outside political actor in the South Pacific , Chinese presence has grown quickly in a region where several countries still recognise Taiwan .