
  • 网络State Post Bureau;China Post;national post office
  1. 国家邮政局于4月份正式启动为期一年的过度包装专项治理,推动快递包装绿色环保。今年3月施行的《邮件快件包装管理办法》规定:

    The State Post Bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping .

  2. 为国家邮政局提供决策情报的检索策略和服务经验

    Decision Information Search Strategy & Retrieval Service for the State Post Bureau

  3. 国家邮政局发展研究中心近日发布《中国邮政快递业绿色发展报告(2019-2020年)》。报告称,2019年我国在快递包装绿色治理方面取得显著成效,行业正加速构建绿色发展体系。

    China made remarkable progress on the green governance of express packaging in 2019 , with a more environment-friendly development framework taking shape , according to a recent report on the green development of China 's post and express industry .

  4. 该公司最早将于本周向中国监管机构国家邮政局(statepostbureau)递交国内牌照申请。

    As early as this week ups will submit an application for a domestic licence to the State Post Bureau , the local regulator .

  5. 面对着信息化带来的机遇与挑战,原国家邮政局早在1998年就提出了发展电子邮政的总体构想,将邮政电子商务(E一post)作为发展现代化邮政的切入点。

    Information in the face of opportunities and challenges brought about by China Post as early as 1998 on the proposed development of the overall concept of e-mail , postal e-commerce ( E-post ) as the development of a modern point of entry postal affairs .

  6. 办理国家邮政局交办的其他事项。

    To undertake other tasks assigned by State Post Bureau .

  7. 同时,国家邮政局的组建工作也已圆满完成。

    Meanwhile , the work for establishment of the State Postal Bureau came to a successful conclusion .

  8. 国家邮政局主管全国邮政行业并管理全国邮政企业。

    The State Post Bureau was endowed with function of managing both national postal sectors and postal enterprises as well .

  9. 为纪念青藏铁路开工,国家邮政局特发行纪念邮票一枚。

    In order to memorize the starting of Qing-Zang Railway , the National Postal Bureau specially issued a piece of commemorative stamp .

  10. 国家邮政局官方数据显示,中国的快递业已经为全球快递业发展贡献了40%增幅。

    Official stats from the State Postal Bureau show business volumes in the delivery sector in China have 40 percent the growth of the global delivery industry .

  11. 中国国家邮政局在周一宣布将在全国范围内启动快递寄件人实名制登记以打击违法犯罪活动。

    China 's State post bureau announced on Monday that it will start a nationwide campaign to crack down on illegal activities by enforcing real-name registration for senders .

  12. 根据中国国家邮政局公布的数据,去年快递行业共递送了630亿件包裹,同比增长24%。

    According to China 's State Post Bureau , the sector delivered a total of 63 billion parcels in the past year , up 24 percent year on year .

  13. 主要职能:拟订人事、教育、培训、劳动工资管理制度并组织实施,承办国家邮政局系统机构、人员编制和干部管理工作;

    Main functions : To formulate management rules with respect to personnel , education , training , and salary , organize their implementation , and manage personnel set-up and cadres of the Bureau ;

  14. 重组后的国家邮政局和中国邮政集团公司于2006年底分别挂牌。

    After reorganization , The National Post Bureau and China Post Company were established at the end of 2006 , which contributes to the separation of supervision and business running in China post sector .

  15. “国家邮政局方”是指在资产处置过程中,对拟处置资产具有所有权(包括股权等权利)的国家邮政局下属单位(包括分支机构)。

    D. " CSPB Group " means the CSPB affiliated entities ( including the branches ) with the ownership ( including the shareholding and other rights ) of the Assets to be disposed during the disposal process .

  16. 国家邮政局副局长刘俊表示,今年1月到7月,全国邮递超过2000万个包裹,与去年同期相比增长30%。

    Liu Jun , deputy chief of the State Postal Bureau , notes over 20 billion parcels have been delivered from January to July this year , a 30 percent increase from the same period last year .

  17. 从周一开始,这项制度由国家邮政局发起,中国邮政和私营快递公司共同实施,这次整顿将把新规则的检查和实施持续到2016年3月。

    Starting Monday , the campaign launched by the State Post Bureau of China ( SPB ) , which manages both post offices and private delivery companies , will conduct inspections and implement new rules , in a crackdown that will run until March 2016 .

  18. 邮政电子化支局系统的业务需求和技术要求遵循国家邮政局统一编制的标准,各省根据本省网络和信息化建设现状,业务发展总体规划进行具体的电子化支局系统的设计、设备选型和实施等。

    The service requirement and technique specification of the system meet the unified standards formulated by the Postal Bureau . Each province can based on its current information network infrastructure and future development plan to determine its own system design , equipment selection and implementation and so on .

  19. 华盛顿罗纳德里根机场肯尼迪机场盖特威克机场希思罗机场Londer滑铁卢机场卢顿机场斯坦斯特机场伦敦城市机场悉尼班克斯镇机场悉尼水利局机场金斯福德史密斯机场悉尼西机场棕榈滩国家邮政局机场詹达科特机场珀斯国际机场莱斯特皮尔逊多伦多国际机场Buttonvill

    Washington D.C Ronald Reagan National Airport New York John F Kennedy International Airport London : Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Stansted Airport London City Airport Sydney : Sydney Bankstown Airport Sydney Water Airport Kingsford Smith Airport Sydney West Airport Palm Beach SPB Airport Toronto : Downsview Airport Metropolitan Area Airport

  20. 2005年12月9日,银监会批复了国家邮政局邮政储汇局开办邮政储蓄定期存单质押业务的申请,这是邮储机构拓宽资金运作渠道、开展信贷业务的起点。

    On December 9th , 2005 , the Banking Regulatory Commission gave a written reply to the application of State Postal Savings & Remittance Bureau to do the regular deposit receipt pledge business , which was a new starting point to broaden fund operating channel and carry out credit business .

  21. 第三部分通过论述大清国家邮政同民信局、客邮及驿站三大通信系统的扭曲竞争,以探讨官邮在取得统一过程中存在的一些值得深思的问题。

    Thirdly , it discusses the distorted competition between the National Post System and three large systems of communications such as the Private Post office , the Foreign Postal Offices and the Customs Post .

  22. 1998年3月,为了打破电信业的垄断经营,基于邮政、电信本身不同的技术基础和网络设置,国家决定对邮电体制进行改革,成立了信息产业部和国家邮政局。

    The decision of organization reform made by the state in March 1998 , broke up the monopolized operation of China post and set up the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Post Bureau based on different technological foundation and network post and telecommunication share .