
ɡuó jiā zhōnɡ yī yào ɡuǎn lǐ jú
  • State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  1. 临床疗效采用国家中医药管理局《中医病症诊断疗效标准》制定的疗效标准进行评定,疼痛程度采用视觉模拟尺(VAS)进行量化评定。

    The effect was evaluated by " diagnostic efficacy standards for diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine " of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  2. 其他的部门还包括国家中医药管理局、中央军事委员会后勤保障部等。

    Other departments include the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Logistic Support Department of the Central Military Commission .

  3. 我国中医医院管理工作的新阶段&国家中医药管理局诸国本副局长在全国中医医院分级管理工作会议上的讲话

    New Stage of the Managerial Work of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals in Our Country

  4. 肾复康胶囊的一期临床研究及实验研究已取得可喜成果,作为国家中医药管理局科研课题,达到了预期的目标。

    Phase I clinical trial and experimental trial of Shen fu Kang capsule have obtained gratifying result .

  5. 由中国卫生部和中国国家中医药管理局共同主办这次活动。

    The Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Medicine of China are co-sponsoring the event .

  6. 国家中医药管理局副局长吴刚在会上致辞。

    Wu Gang , vice director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the PRC , addressed the forum .

  7. 从2004年起,卫生部和国家中医药管理局开始在五个省实施中医药治疗艾滋病试点项目。

    The program was jointly initiated by the Ministry of Health ( MOH ) and the administration in five provinces in2004 .

  8. 项目市场前景本项目是国家中医药管理局新药开发专项基金项目。

    Project market prospects this project is sponsored by special fund project for new drugs development by State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine .

  9. 最近,国家中医药管理局制订了新的中医文献发展规划,为中医文献学的发展指明了方向。

    The developing plan for TCM literature recently formulated by Chinese TCM Administration Bureau has pointed the way of the development of TIM literature research .

  10. 财政部、审计署等部门对国家中医药管理局强化预算执行、加强预算管理等方面提出了新的要求。

    The Ministry of Finance , National Audit Office and other departments of the China forward the new requirements to strengthen the implementation and management of the budget .

  11. 2008年被国家中医药管理局授予全国第四批名老中医药专家学术经验继承指导老师。

    He was awarded as the fourth old academic experience of experts and inherit the instructor in the whole nation by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  12. 据了解,江西省是国家中医药管理局2004年确定的中医药治疗艾滋病试点项目省之一。

    It is understood that in Jiangxi Province in the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in2004 identified Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS , one of the provincial pilot projects .

  13. 中医临床诊疗指南是标准化进程中重要的一部分,目前由国家中医药管理局组织起草,进入评价修订阶段,儿童肾病综合征也纳入其中。

    TCM clinical treatment guidelines is an important part of the standardization process , organized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine drafted into the evaluation of the amendment stage .

  14. 中国国家中医药管理局国际合作司司长王笑频表示,中医药对世界医疗发展有着深远的影响。

    Wang Xiaopin , an official with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China , says the country 's holistic medical practice has had a far reaching influence on global medical development .

  15. 自卫生部和国家中医药管理局在各级各类医院开展以病人为中心,以提高医疗服务质量为主题的医院管理年活动以来,医患关系一直是社会各界探讨的热点话题。

    Since the campaign " Year of Hospital Administration " was launched by Ministry of Health and State Ministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine , the doctor-patient relationship has become a hot topic in the entire society .

  16. 在疗效标准方面,7项研究采用国家中医药管理局颁布的《中医病症诊断疗效标准》,另有两项研究采用眩晕症状与功能评估量表,其余均为自拟标准。

    Promulgated by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese medicine disease diagnosis and efficacy standards in terms of efficacy standards , seven studies , two other studies with vertigo symptoms and functional assessment scale , the rest are self .

  17. 目的:本研究根据国家中医药管理局十一五重点专科针刺治疗中风病方案临床验证对缺血性脑卒中恢复期阴虚风动型患者采用针刺治疗。

    Objective : According to the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine " eleven five " key specialty of acupuncture treatment on stroke clinical validation on ischemic stroke recovery period of yin deficiency type treated with acupuncture treatment of pneumatic .

  18. 王琦教授是国家人事部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局遴选的全国五百名著名老中医之一,北京中医药大学教授,中医基础理论专业博士生导师。

    Being the professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and doctoral supervisor in Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Wang Qi is one of the 500 famous veteran doctors in TCM selected by Ministry of Personnel , Ministry of Health and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  19. 该行动由科技部、国家食品与药品监督管理局以及国家中医药管理局共同发起。

    The programme is backed by the Ministry of Science and Technology , the State Food and Drug Administration and the State Administration of TCM .

  20. 被国家人事部、教育部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局评定为全国名老中医药专家学术继承工作第三、四批指导老师。

    He is rated as one of the instructors to the third and fourth academic inheritors of famous TCM experts by the State Ministry of Personnel , Ministry of Education , Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .