
ɡuó mín ɡé mìnɡ jūn
  • the National Revolutionary Army
  1. 1945年国民革命军的整编

    The reorganization of the National Revolutionary Army in 1945

  2. 在安徽战场的各个阶段,国民革命军都做好了充分准备,不仅制订了正确的战略战术,并且各路部队也配合默契、执行有力。

    At every stage of the Anhui war , the National Revolutionary Army is ready , not only made the correct strategy and tactics , and various forces also cooperate tacit understanding , powerful execution .

  3. 北伐战争前国民革命军的编组

    Organization of the Nationalist Army before the Northern Expedition War

  4. 钱存训加入了国民革命军,这支军队在1928年打败了军阀,统一了中国。

    Mr. Tsien joined the Nationalist Army , which in 1928 helped defeat the warlords , unifying China .

  5. 国民革命军陆军第十三军抗战阵亡将士纪念碑碑文考释

    Notes on " Monument to the War Death in the Thirteenth Army of the National Revolutionary Army in the Anti-Japanese War "

  6. 在本部分的叙述中,还会附带提到北平市民对奉军和国民革命军的态度。

    During narration of this part , the author also mention other attitudes from the Publics for the armed forces and national revolutionary army .

  7. 国民革命军新编第四军抗战有功,驰名中外。

    The New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army has won fame both at home and abroad by its distinguished service in the War of Resistance .

  8. 1939年,南昌战役,一个凶猛的战斗两国国民革命军和日本的日本皇军在第二抗日战争发生。

    In1939 , the Battle of Nanchang , a ferocious battle between the ChineseNational Revolutionary Army and the Japanese Imperial Japanese Army inthe Second Sino-Japanese War took place .

  9. 以四·一二事变为分界线,大致把国民革命军占领安徽的进程分为两个阶段。

    In the " Four · One Two " incident as a dividing line , roughly the National Revolutionary Army occupied Anhui process is divided into two stages .

  10. 在安徽战场上,国民革命军的主要对手是安国军,但安国军内部矛盾重重,无力阻止国民革命军占领安徽。

    In the field of Anhui , the main opponent of the National Revolutionary Army is an army , but the An Guo Army internal contradictions , powerless to stop the National Revolutionary Army occupied Anhui .

  11. 然而红军改名为国民革命军第八路军的命令,已在平津失守约一个月之后颁布了。

    However , about a month after the fall of Peiping and Tientsin an order was issued to the effect that the Red Army was to be redesignated as the Eighth Route Army of the national revolutionary army .

  12. 创办黄埔军校,加强政治教育,树立以党领军的典范,成立党军,鼓励军人入党,强化了党对军队的直接领导,改旧军为国民革命军,初步建立起政工制度。

    A model of party leader and the establishment of party-military were formed . To encourage soldiers to join the party , the direct leadership of the party was strengthened . The old army was named as the National Revolutionary Army .

  13. 当时的国内外形势对国民革命军十分有利,国内,国民革命军的气势震荡全国,形势一片大好;国外,欧美列强不敢公开干涉战事。

    The situation both at home and abroad is very favorable , the National Revolutionary Army of the National Revolutionary Army , the momentum of the shock , the situation is excellent , the Western powers to intervene , dare not openly .

  14. 经过与安国军的反复争夺,激烈作战,国民革命军驱逐了安国军在安徽的势力,完全占领了安徽,取得了安徽战场的胜利。

    With the repeated contention and the fierce battle to the An Guo Army , the National Revolutionary Army expelled the forces of the An Guo Army in Anhui , occupied fully Anhui , obtain the victory of the Battle of Anhui .

  15. 新四军的发展壮大,除了其自身合法的国民革命军身份、广大官兵的浴血奋战和人民群众的鼎力支持外,文化建设也是其发展壮大的因素之一。

    Besides its legal identity of national revolutionary army , officials'and soldiers ' fight in bloody battles plus folks ' powerful support , cultural construction is one of the key factors which lead to the development and expansion of New Fourth Army .

  16. 在整个北伐战争中,安徽并不是主战场,但是,到了北伐后期,它的重要性却日益突出,因为它成为安国军和国民革命军争夺的重点地区之一。

    During the Northern Expedition War , Anhui is not the main battlefield , but , to the Northern Expedition War period , its importance has become increasingly prominent , because it has become one of the An Guo Army and the National Revolutionary Army focus area .

  17. 面对日本帝国主义的侵略,驻上海的国民革命第十九军奋起抵抗,淞沪抗战就此拉开。

    Facing Japanese imperialist aggression , the 19th National Revolutionary Army stationed in Shanghai rose in revolt , " Battle of Shanghai " began .