
  • 网络Xiqing District
  1. 对天津市西青区杨柳青镇供水管网信息系统的设计方案进行了介绍,对系统设计中采用的核心模块进行了详细描述,并完成GPS在供水管网领域测量所需的控制网布设工作。

    The establishment of drinking water distribution system of Yangliuqing , in Xiqing District , Tianjin is introduced , especially , the core module is described in detail . Besides that , the work about the measure and layout of key pipe network is completed .

  2. 天津市西青区是天津近郊的新四区之一。

    Xiqing District is one of the Four New Districts of Tianjin outskirts .

  3. 对天津市西青区某国家级蔬菜基地的土壤进行采样,用原子吸收光谱法和石墨炉法分析土壤中Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Hg、Se七种元素的含量。

    The soil was sampled in a vegetable planting base near suburbs of Tianjin City . The levels of Cd , Cr , Cu , Pb , Zn , Hg and Se in soil sample were determined by atomic adsorption spectral photometry .

  4. 文章结尾部分说明了西青区今后的发展方向及目标。

    At last , it indicates the development direction and objective of Xiqing .

  5. 2006&2007年天津市西青区麻疹发病情况与控制措施分析

    Analysis of Measles Infections and Control Measures in Xiqing District of Tianjin City during 2006-2007

  6. 兹以招标方式在天津市西青区兴建一个假日旅店,欢迎参加投标。

    We invite tenderers to take part in the tender for the construction of a Holiday Inn in Xiqing District , Tianjin .

  7. 天津开发区、武清区和西青区已经形成汽车产业聚集区。

    The industry aggregative zone of the auto industry has been established in TEDA , Wuqing District , Xiqing Districe of Tianjin .

  8. 滨海新区开发开放背景下西青区经济发展比较研究

    The Relative Study of Economic Development of Xiqing District in the Background of Promoting the Development and Opening-up of the New Coastal District

  9. 项目简介西青区政府所在地杨柳青镇是天津市重要卫星城,也是汽车工业基地,目前,全镇生活和工业污水没有得到处理,造成全区地面河道严重污染。

    The Yangliuqiu Town , the seat of the government of the Xiqing District , is an important satellite town of the Tianjin Municipality and also a base of auto industry .

  10. 天津广播电视卫星地球站始建于1998年,站址选择在西青区杨柳青中波发射台,天津广播电视卫星地球站无论是在技术特点和技术创新上都有一定的突破,得到了业界的认可。

    The Tianjin radio & television satellite earth station was founded in 1998 , located in the medium wave transmitter of Yangliuqing town , Xiqing district . It is well approved by fraternity due to its major breakthrough in Technical characteristics and innovations .

  11. 2004年6月1日至7月20日对天津市西青区李七庄乡程村的养殖池塘浮游动物的种类组成及数量变动进行了研究。

    Studies were carried out on species and quantity of zooplankton in fish ponds of Cheng village ( Liqizhuang , Xiqing district , Tianjin ), from June 1st to July 20th , 2004 . The results show that there are 16 species in the fish pond No.

  12. 我公司是一家独资企业,位于西青开发区东侧。

    Our company is a wholly-owned company , located east of West Green Zone .