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  • West Point Military Academy
  1. 我和我的研究团队前往西点军校展开调研。

    My research team and I went to West Point Military Academy .

  2. 在高中时,体育是他的强项,之后进入西点军校学习。

    He excelled in sports in high school , and received an appointment to the West Point Military Academy .

  3. 西点军校的同学们曾挖苦地戏称他为“美人”。

    Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty .

  4. 他毕业于西点军校(WestPoint),曾在美国陆军服役六年,担任游骑兵,1988年开始从事药物销售。

    A West Point grad , he spent six years in the U.S. Army , serving as an Army Ranger .

  5. 但他在西点军校(WestPoint)的演讲丝毫没有打消一种怀疑:奥巴马的优先事项是受美国政治决定,而并非取决于现实条件。

    But his West Point speech has done little to dispel the suspicion that priorities are shaped more by US politics than facts on the ground .

  6. 麦肯锡在学报文章中概述的另一种选择则是仿效西点军校(WestPoint)等美国军事院校的方式建设法学院。

    Another alternative , he outlines in his journal article , would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point .

  7. 其中一个是关于教育家JohnDewey,另外一个是关于美国西点军校。

    One is about educator John Dewey . Another is about the United States Military Academy at West Point .

  8. 我们觉得这种热情一定会进一步促进北大国际MBA和西点军校之间的关系。

    We feel that this type of hospitality will be very instrumental in the furtherance of BiMBA-West Point relations .

  9. 员和政策制定者都对美国的新国际关系原则感到兴奋,那是美国总统乔治·W·布什在西点军校的毕业典礼讲话中披露的。

    In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U.S.doctrine , unveiled by President George W.Bush in a commencement address at West Point .

  10. 他们解释说:“我们想让儿子知道他没来西点军校错过了什么。”n.闲逛;

    They explained , " We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point . "

  11. 这条锁链是由PeterTownsend在Sterling钢铁厂建立起来的,在西点军校西南部25英里的地方。

    The chain was constructed by Peter Townsend in the Sterling Iron Works , 25 mile southwest of West Point .

  12. 考尔迪奇曾经担任过西点军校(WestPoint)行为科学教研室主任,任职时间长达12年,约翰逊说,他在如何确认组织内领导者这类“软技能”方面拥有丰富的专业知识。

    But a growing market for talks on emotional intelligence has fueled demand for the former soldier , who served as head of behavioral sciences at West Point for 12 years and has specialized knowledge in " soft skills " such as identifying leaders within organizations , Johnson says .

  13. 但我会在G7峰会期间离开——我一直期待着这个峰会——我还将前往西点军校、海军军官学校和空军军官学校。

    but I will be away at the G7 - and I look forward to that - and will be at West Point , Annapolis , and the Air Force Academy .

  14. 我被邀请为西点军校做毕业演讲,

    I was invited to make the commencement address at West Point ,

  15. 对西点军校学生培训系统的建模分析

    Modeling Analysis of the Students Training System of West Point

  16. 1802年的今天,美国军事学院西点军校建立。

    1802-The United States Military Academy West Point is established .

  17. 被迫与他的老朋友,西点军校的同学交战。

    Forced to fight against his old friends and West Point classmates .

  18. 西点军校核心价值观塑造的特点及启示

    The features and inspiration of core values shaping mode in the U.S.Military Academy

  19. 西点军校教你学做领导人

    West Point teaches you how to be a leader

  20. 这是他在西点军校的指环。

    And here 's his ring from West point .

  21. 她的男朋友是西点军校的一名军校生。

    Her boyfriend is a cadet of West Point .

  22. 下周,我们将谈谈西点军校――美国的另一个军事院校。

    Next week learn about the United States military academy at West Point .

  23. 在周六军校对西点军校新生的讲话中,

    Speaking Saturday to cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point ,

  24. 听说你是从西点军校被驱逐的,巴特勒先生。

    I hear you were turned out of West Point Mr. Rhett Butler .

  25. 查尔斯:听说你是从西点军校被驱逐的,巴特勒先生。

    CHARLES : I hear you were turned out of West Point Mr. Rhett Butler .

  26. 他是从西点军校开除出来的。

    He was expelled from West point .

  27. 为什么不能让中国候补军官在西点军校与越南和印度学生共同学习?

    Why not have Chinese cadets at West Point alongside Vietnamese cadets and Indian cadets ?

  28. 美国西点军校体育发展计划管窥

    Sports development program of West Point

  29. 他还成立了美国弗吉尼亚大学和西点军校。

    He also established the University of Virginia and the US Military Academy at West Point .

  30. 西点军校位于纽约,是培养未来的陆军军官的四年制高校。

    West point is a four-year school in New York State that educates future army offices .